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Posts posted by artmalibu

  1. If Sheppard improves--which he should, the Defense could be elite.


    Our DB's are good enough, and will only get better with the improved D line play.


    The big question is the Linebacker play. Sheppard should only get better, Barnett and Morrison provide solid experiences and depth, Merriman is a wild card--X Factor, Scott is an under-rated asset, and I strongly suspect the BIlls may draft a LB in the 10 spot or sign a capable Free Agent to add depth.


    The only disappointment has been that the younger guys Nix drafted (Moats, Batton, White, etc) have not really panned out--but maybe with another year and a better line, just maybe, we'll see real improvement this year. Anyhow, if the LBs improves, yes, it could be an elite defense, in my opinion!



    Moats, Batton, White all 6th round picks what do you expect.

  2. Because the Eagles realize the true value of a competent LT, and are willing got pay to get it. Not sure the Bills get that yet?


    Don't forget that the Eagles didn't get Peters for free. We got a 1st that turned into Wood and two other picks, so I would say that we didn't loose the thing there. Now to pay bell the 7 mill that the eagles did would mean we wouldn't be able to add the second pass rusher or re-up Jackson. Thats a no brainer, Bell didnt look much/any better than Hairston. Now consider that Bell was a 4 year veteran and Hairston was a rookie with out a full off-season due to the lockout. To OVERPAY an unproven guy makes no cents at all regardless of the position they play.

  3. No dude. Nobody is saying Bell is the answer at LT. But right now we have Hairston at LT and who else? NOBODY DUDE. We NEED Bell at this point not WANT. The guy knows our system and the whole nine. If he doesn't come back to Buffalo, like I said in a earlier post, "F" him is what I say and we move on. But the fact that we need him shouldn't slip your mind. Pretty much everybody knows we're going to draft at least 1 LT prospect in the draft. What he will turn out to be in the future nobody knows. Buddy wants Bell also which is why they offered him the chance to re-sign. It's in Bell's hands at this point. If the Eagles offer him the world then I don't blame the dude for going there. He got a family he has to think of and he'll have a chance to start there. I believe it's down to Buffalo and the Eagles in the race for Bell. Those are the only places he can start and get significant playing time and be able to showcase himself.


    Buddy is definitely not asleep at the wheel (I've always said I love my country boys Nix and Chan) and we can definitely not say Ralph is cheap (nor have I ever).


    So, you also think the Bills should OVERPAY Bell to get him to sign, when you know he is not the answer or really any better than Hairston??? Its simple if Bell wont sign at a fair value draft a potential star tackle at #10.


    Yes, I would love to see Bell sign the contract that he was offered. But at this point Bell thinks he is worth more so he has not signed. OVERPAYING to get Bell signed makes no sense. We should be more concerned about Reinhart and Urbik resigning their offer sheets, without them we only have 1 guy in the middle of the line that is healthy and has starting experience.

  4. No he didn't but if we had Bell AND Hairston on the same team it wouldn't make sense to have one start and the other back up. Put one on one side and the other on the other.




    You mean just like how YOU'RE talking like you know everything about football? Do we agree that Hairston is better than Pears? I would hope so. So if we have Bell AND Hairston, the logical thing to do is put Bell at LT and Hairston at RT and still draft a LT project in the draft to back Bell up and if Bell goes down with injury, Hairston mans the left, Pears at right, and the project still stays at backup. All of this is pointless talk though cuz Bell could be as good as gone.


    Also Pears played "good" not great. He isn't pro bowl caliber. Eric Wood and Levitre are. Those two guys are 2 solid players we have which is why if for some reason Buddy wants to draft O-line with the #10 pick I say go with DeCastro who looks like a day one contributor. I wouldn't touch Martin, Reiff or Adams with the 1st pick at #10. Pears's position still can be upgraded. Though it would be hard to replace a Eric Wood or a Andy Levitre. Get it?


    side note - I'm really glad we got Rhinehart. We're good from guard to guard. We just need to upgrade both Tackle positions.



    No I surly dont, and I dont think I know more than Buddy and ALL the other teams in the NFL who are NOT jumping to sign Bell. But, you must know something about Bell they dont. Or, I guess Buddy is asleep at the wheel and Ralf is cheep.

  5. The whole Bell talk may be getting old to you but you'll be talking different once the season starts and you wonder why the offense keeps going three and out. Having Bell and putting Hairston at RT only makes us better than we are today...



    Thats why when bell was healthy at the end of the year he sat on the bench while Hairston started. When a rookie can come in without a true off-season and look as good as the 3 year pro why should the bills OVERPAY for a guy who cant count on staying healthy.


    Now you want to take Pears off the field!!! His play was good all year long.


    Like Marve always said if you listen to the people in the stands it won't be long and you'll be sitting with them. But, then again a lot of people around here think they know more about football and football players than Chan and Buddy.

  6. I am ok with Bell, BUT THIS BELL TALK IS GETTING OLD The bills offered him a contract for what they thought he is worth!!!! What do you want Buddy to do OVERPAY a guy who didnt look much better than his backup??


    If he is that good other teams would not hesitate to get him signed!!

  7. In all but a few rare instances pass rusher talent in college is nearly impossible to project at the pro level. Thats why I favor acquiring in FA like they've been doing recently.


    The problem with the proven FAs you pay through the nose for them. But, when buddy and the gang found Rinehart, Urbik, Pears, and Chandler FAs looked like the best deal in town...

  8. Since its going to be a 4-3 we should keep 2 more DL and 2 less LBs. So how many dl we be on the roster?



    Mark Anderson

    Chris Kelsay

    Shawne Marriman

    Mario Williams

    Alex Carrington



    Marcell Dareus

    Dwan Edwards

    Torell Troup

    Kyle Williams


    But I dont see Spencer Johnson getting cut because he can play both positions. Is Dwan Edwards tradeable?

  9. Just a hot flash about fitz


    10 in the league in TD passes

    9 in the league in completion %

    11 in the league in total yards


    and he didnt get to play on a good team(yet).


    I know that Fitz is not a hall of fame guy but he has proven to be above average in the league. So taking a chance on a back-up who has not been a starter or an injured twilight years starter doesn't make much sense to me. Especially when the Bills have many greater needs that could be filled with the resources.


    Oh yea lets be like Denver and trade BACK into the 1st round to draft Tebow. And now they will trade him away for less than a first rounder.


    I think some of you guys like being Bills fans just so you can complain about them.

  10. And like Bell or not he would be stupid not to try to get a good contract, blind side protection is highly valued. If I were him I would be prepared to wait till some one got hurt in preseason creating a dire need.


    Its also nice to have Pears and Hairston locked up. I think that Hairston with a year of experience and an off season that he didnt get last year , he will be much improved.

  11. Not fair to cast judgement on Ralfs decision to bring buddy and Chan in yet. When they came in the there was not too much talent on the roster!! And I would argue that the roster is better now than it was before them. That said, in year 3 I think its fair to expect WINS...

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