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Posts posted by artmalibu

  1. They have tried to get a franchise QB, They traded up for JP Losman, drafted Edwards in the 3rd, traded for Drew Bledsoe and Rob Johnson, went outside the Box and signed Doug Flutie from the CFL, etc.


    They have tried going in all the directions that you suggest above and none of them have worked out, because its not so easy to get a franchise QB


    Everyone thought Brees was done after his injury, and almost all the teams passed on him except NO

    More then half the league also passed on Flacco

    Cutler is on his second team and would have cost us the only guy to perform well on Sunday (and for the next few weeks our starting RB) and our starting LG

    Palmer has been up and down, and the Bengals were even willing to take a risk on a rookie QB over him, another guy who after his injury teams were hesitant

    Dalton was passed on by the entire league and if palmer didn't hold out would have been the backup in Cinncy right now

    Schaub, kolb, and Cassell were all guys that were risky moves because they had limited starting experience and so far, only he has really been successful

    Vick put up worse numbers then Fitz this week and has been injured alot, along with the bad feelings against him due to his criminal past

    Aaron Rodgers was also passed on by almost the entire league, and was given a few years to sit behind and learn from Favre

    Locker, Gabbert, Ponder, Wilson, Cousins, and McCoy have all achieved nothing as starting Qbs in the league and a couple are not even starters

    Mallet has never even started an NFL game yet and currently gets to sit behind Brady and come in for Mop up duty

    Tebow is basically being used as a trick play/WildCat QB player and not a QB

    Brandon Weedon had a QB rating of 5.0 this week (And hes the guy that the Browns started over McCoy)

    Matt Hasselback couldn't win the starting job in Tenn and is a backup to Locker right now


    Aside from Rodgers and Brees, how many of those guys can you honestly say are "Franchise/Elite QBs"?


    very well said!!!!


    but if we are going to talk about the woulda, coulda, shouldas Kurt warner was avalible a couple times!!!!

  2. You're entitled. I don't see how assuming Thigpen's roster spot would otherwise belong to one of the WR now on PS applies, which was the point I was addressing. I think GMs and coaches take a more gestalt approach, but maybe that's just me.




    All the stuff I've read has said "an" (singular) late-round pick or "a 5th or 6th round pick" or "an undisclosed pick". I haven't seen anything about 2 picks - source?


    Your right its a 7th that could become a 6th if he plays. So, the deal is better than I thought.




    *chuckle* OK you have a point that Smith is not really a QB. But if we grant that, then it follows he wasn't a QB last year and de facto, last year we had 2.

    The fact is, we have 1 more QB on our roster than we did last year (3 or 4, depending on how you count Smith). What's the "normal amount of QBs? Many teams have 2.


    If they did not have enough time to involve Smith as a wildcat last year was he really a QB option, How much QB has he played in preseason this year and last year. He is not there to play QB, I would bet it the roster rules didnt change they would not have picked him up. Back in the day either Thurman Thomas or Andra Reed was listed as the emergency QB so I guess they were real QBs too. If he is a ligit QB option they would not have kept TT to get TJ ready.


    We have kept coverage specialists. We didn't keep a WR for it (Martin), but if I'm not mistaken both Corey Mac and Chris White excelled as gunners for us last year.


    Martin was the best gunner on the team in my opinion.


    You're quite correct, Sanders is a 5th round pick. Me bad. And yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, he's not hurt or hurt seriously. When a guy's injury has never been mentioned in the press and is listed as "undisclosed", it's pretty questionable IMO when he shows up on season-ending IR.


    What should they do with him 4 tackles are on the team now and I dont think he can beat any of them out. So, 5 tackles are needed? Just because they didnt tell you how he is hurt does not mean he is not. Even if he could be healthy later in the season is a second rate rookie without any real experience going to help?




    As for the rest, I think I give up. Maybe y'all are right and despite what I saw, White outplayed McKillop and Carder at LB. Not so, from what I saw, but coaches have more to look at.

    I think these were roster limitation decisions - I'm quite certain they would rather have Saunders or Asper available to them than David Snow (pitch me with a fork!) - but maybe Kelly the Dog is right and I'm wrong.


    How many LBs should they keep??? They have 7 and now with a 4/3 defense, I think 4 back-ups is enough.


    Maybe I drank too much coolaid or you know more than the coaches.

    Either way I bet we agree that we are excited for the season to start. Go BILLS

  3. Well, I can try. Not sure I can do any better than I already did. I'll try to line it out.


    The Bills made a decision to cut Vince Young and trade for Tarvaris Jackson. Net impact: -1 draft pick

    Tarvaris Jackson had zip time to learn our system. That means Thiggy stays. Net impact: -1 roster spot

    Bills decided to keep kickoff return specialist Net impact: -1 roster spot

    Bills decided to keep 2 injured DBs on the roster, one past 4Sep deadline Net impact: -2 roster spots

    In order to free up a roster spot, Bills keep only 4 WR (will prob. pull 1 back when the IR Brooks): Net impact: +1 roster spot


    So the Bills need to free up 3 roster spots.

    Place 4th round pick Zebrie Sanders (?what's hurt Zebrie?) on IR, rendering him unavailable to Bills and unable to practice for season: Net impact +1 roster spot

    Cut 5th and 6th round picks Net impact: +2 roster spots

    5th and 6th round picks promising enough to get signed off waivers. Net impact: -2 draft picks


    So overall, by making the roster decisions that were made (late QB trade, keeping 4 QB on roster, keeping kickoff specialist, keeping injured DBs), cost the Bills 3 draft picks (2012 5th and 6th plus whatever they gave for TJax) as well as access to a 2012 4th round pick for the season and his ability to practice with the team and improve.


    And, Thigpen's salary, since it's a sucker bet he'll be on the opening day roster.


    All of these may be the best decisions for the Bills right now and for this season. It depends on what you think the potential of the draft picks that were sacrificed really was. Maybe it was low and they gave up really little. Maybe they gave up a good player. The way Nix stockpiles picks, I'm sure he didn't do it lightly.


    Ok, since this is a TT takes a pay cut thread I dont see how 90% of your post applies...


    I believe the TJ trade was for 2 picks next year not one, but a QB like TJ is well worth 2 late round picks anyway, so good deal

    Smith is not a QB just listed that way to play roster games. He is a WR. So we still only have the normal amount of QBs

    Kept a kick off specialist not a return guy. Still a break even because if they cut the kicker they would have needed to keep a coverage specialist, who yes you have been a WR but not a good one. Plus side we could have the BEST kickoff guy in the league our kicker of the future, and a long field goal guy.

    The DBs that are hurt, yea so that happens in the league and these guys should not be cut.

    Who care about Sanders he was not 1 of the top 4 OT anyway he can try again next year. Are you saying he is not hurt? does not make sense. BTW he was a 5 round pick

    5th and 6th round picks didnt make the team. They kept all the OL and LBs that was expected. The coaches feel that thay have better players at those positions, so what should they do with them?

  4. Be fair, it's not that simple. Roster decisions are made as a whole. Because we need to carry more DBs due to injury and the new IR rule, and because we chose to carry 4 QB and a kickoff specialist, we wound up making some decisions that might not work to the long term good of the team - such as cutting our 5th and 6th round draft picks and IR'ing one of our 4th (quick: what body part did he injure?), as well as paring our WR corps to the bone. I'm sure the coaches and staff thought long and hard before making their choices. Essentially the QB and other roster decisions cost them 3 draft picks (this year's 5th and 6th, plus whatever they gave for Tarvaris) in addition to Thigpen's salary and season-long access to our 4th round pick.


    Could you explain?

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