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Everything posted by mikemac2001

  1. Thank you I didn’t know if I was just losing it but it kept happening and they always seem to get a good running play and was pissing me off
  2. It seemed like one of the guards was always going before the snap (not by much) idk if it was because the silent count was going on but I saw it multiple plays they seemed to always have a jump on our dline
  3. ARTICLE 3. INJURY TIMEOUTS PRIOR TO TWO-MINUTE WARNING OF EITHER HALF When an injury timeout is called, the injured player must leave the game for the completion of one down. The player will be permitted to remain in the game if: either team calls a charged team timeout; the injury is the result of a foul by an opponent; or the period ends or the two-minute warning occurs before the next snap. https://operations.nfl.com/the-rules/nfl-rulebook/#
  4. That’s what I thought watching live he was injured went to two minute warning (timeout) then returned. I just assumed the 2 minute was considered a timeout and allows them to return He got an ankle injury and it looked serious
  5. Does that factor in time left? I think knowing dolphins would only have one shot and tua not having a huge arm factored in the decision as well
  6. Yep good point falls in similar situation but different rules based on the scenario I remember the redskins game was a 15 yarder
  7. it also happened this year for the ravens I believe when we played. they did like a challenge or injury timeout then another normal timeout which works as back to back timeouts as well it’s a delay of game penalty
  8. It was bull shite and dolphins were holding all day in the first half then they called those. I was thinking before that drive the refs were just letting them play and calling it both ways then that back to back bs
  9. It’s also a call refs rarely reverse unless it’s clear. Watching the play real time he did look short with the shin hitting but replay was clear the spot was perfect it was a turning point play if it gets overturned so I see the risk reward but i think it’s still a bad challenge
  10. Well a little to late for that you have called two and caused a penalty just saying don’t recommend something that is a penalty know the rules before telling people what to do
  11. Well you don’t know the rules calling back to back timeouts is a penalty so I’m sure they won’t take your coaching tips going forward
  12. You leave Miami with a longer kick i think the play before was designed to take time off the clock and would allow Kincaid to get out of bounds or leave it up to bass should they punted to go to OT is that what your asking ?
  13. Best post pre game winner
  14. Give him a break AR is not a good qb im not pro Mitchell either just saying I bet he does better Joe
  15. He’s great
  16. Yep was excited to see him calling the game
  17. No that’s gold dust
  18. Tua is very accurate and has good timing but once that timing is thrown off he breaks down he is a perfect fit for that offense the problem is when they get down or play a decent defense he tends to fold I think it was dumb they paid him but they went all in and really had no choice same reason they extended McDaniel
  19. I watched week 2 with Tua at home vs the bills
  20. So the bills were not sleepless in Seattle?
  21. He kind of just spoke and didn’t try to take it over and be bigger then it. the amount of flags and the bills controlling the game maybe caused it but way better then some announcers but he does kid his boy lip to lip
  22. Looked like he collided with defender and grabbed his arm but seemed fine was out there playing after. Maybe we were up and after the INT they just didn’t want to push it anymore.
  23. I believe the max is a 5th round comp pick for him due to the years played after a quick google search found this If an NFL player is a CFA and has 10 or more credited seasons, there is a cap on their round in which they are designated. Unless the player is a quarterback, any player with more than 10 years experience cannot be ranked higher than a fifth-round compensatory pick.
  24. The problem is clear and obvious to who this is a very good example of how they can affect an outcome they typically don’t let it happen like this though
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