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Everything posted by mikemac2001

  1. Ya I can of skimmed that and was like that's not how every device works Who knows what setup he has Who knows what apps he was using or if it was via the cellular network. Instead of a data message
  2. Who !@#$ing cares We know what happened Let's play football I'd rather see bills best Brady but I'll take an early season game with garappolo as well
  3. Some times people panic and destroy hardware but they forget there is software that can retrieve it in other ways There is no point to destroy it but if you are in a mental stay of panic you might believe there is a point to destroy it because it will get rid of information But any mentally sane person knows that doesn't matter in the situation there is no point
  4. none of this matters he will show up and I think if he deserves a roster spot he will make it I don't see why this late spring early summer garbage even matters
  5. Business never stops $$$$$
  6. It's interesting but could just be him spitting garbage out
  7. @stephenasmith: Im hearing that Bradys 4-gm suspension will likely be upheld by the NFL.
  8. I don't mind the idea of a preseason game there once every few years But other then that it's pointless
  9. My phone vibrated its a touchdown or a turnover
  10. Did anyone get caught just watching Watkins
  11. Ya it's gonna be a mixed group which is what this offense is designed to do. Mismatches and multiple lineups formations with the same personnel
  12. What's crazy is I loved him when he played didn't think he was that bad of a guy but after I have been like wtf was I thinking
  13. At the start of this I thought it was dumb It's still dumb But after the report was released and I saw the info I believed they had to give him atleast two games Bring the pump I'm gonna turn them into watermelons or rugby balls comments like that made this seem like it was happening for awhile Brady not giving up text messages The money and gear comments idk you have to be dumb to this he didn't know This convo Tom sucks...I'm going to make them balloons Talked to him last night he brought u up and said its a lot of stress getting them done Now I understand this could be prepping the balls but with all the other messages and the balls going missing before the game Don't bull **** a bullshiter Tom is guilty
  14. I've streamed ESPN and nhl on Xbox no problems
  15. No it's a reminder we won
  16. Good post didn't think of this but makes sense
  17. Whey couldn't he just have hit some a hole pat fans But was there any update on the condition heard they should be okay after it happened
  18. Pats have been able to run on teams for years while giving Brady a huge pocket with any pressure he drops But idk I guess if u know the d ahead of time it's easier to block or throw a dump off
  19. I agree but this pats fan was like bragging about it And I was like they have done it for like 30 years and the guy shut up It's lame now and was lame then But tradition baby
  20. I do believe some of this idk if you are being sarcastic I believe it could have created some negative demons and no it's not an excuse but could have led him down that path. He hated how he was treated with the pats but I think he really did love buffalo I always hated him as a pat and thought his Hernandez comments were dumb But I wanted him back as a bill Now it just is unfortunate
  21. Make sure to pour some out for the homies (no disrespect)
  22. It's really hard to gauge the offense when they are going against a top 5 defense I think as long as Ej looks average and is consistent we will be okay and he will win the job
  23. No matter what he is the main suspect Even if it's my buddy or family He will likely be the one blamed or punished.
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