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Everything posted by mikemac2001

  1. about 7 Carrie’s and 5 Recs I could see that. id rather keep him fresh he is a weapon that will make this offense extremely difficult to cover - don’t cover the flats he will chew up 7 a pop
  2. Att sold it - they are not apart of it anymore
  3. I like the stack approach by the time he is up for his contract you will know if TRE is on a decline.
  4. I was like is he high or depressed with the pick
  5. Ya came out in a white t shirt Looked like a fool
  6. he thought terry was the coach terry is gold lol
  7. Who has video of this Dallas war room - I wanna see there reaction
  8. My buddy who is a huge dolphins and Florida fan is pissed about the pick says if Florida had any talent around him he would have been a top 15 pick -
  9. He put up 1k yards in that offense and I think he can explode in Arizona with that speed
  10. But he’s not Aaron Donald 😫😭😢
  11. Makes no sense - McDaniels uses TEs and why give up one that’s a great threat
  12. Weird didn’t mean to copy but thought same thing
  13. Bring him in as a FB
  14. We can still do that and get a couple of extra quality guys for when we get picked apart in FA let’s say picks 20-60 grade out similar I would rather have 4 in that range then 2
  15. If we did something like this fine but please trade some of our lower picks and get back into 2nd or 3rd we don’t have to many holes so getting more picks in late Rd’s could be a waste
  16. Great day! I was there but wasn’t sure what QB to take I just wanted them to pick the right one and they did.
  17. does anywhere say this happened in CA he was living in Denver at the time Idk how each state and situation handles it. what if he was in Denver but photos we’re sent to someone in NY which area could they file the lawsuit/charges
  18. Didn’t they pay like 1.4 bill for Yankees stadium im sure we can get a 3rd of that
  19. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cb2_o_TJcO-/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  20. You listed like half the positions and team an entire oline te tv wr
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