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  1. Omg what will Dylan Raiola do?
  2. Always fumbles vs bills
  3. Ya don’t attack him dude is trying to get paid he probably has this one big chance why wouldn’t he go for it
  4. Will always be the correct answer
  5. So big upgrade or worried about him or did he do a good job but did he struggle ? a lot of mixed feelings in that post 😆
  6. maybe it saves lives so your uncomfortable feelings don’t really matter in that scenario
  7. Wasn’t it like 34-0 before worthy or mahomes did anything? Not sure why worthy keeps coming up. Looking at it the game was over because KC and that explosive weapon worthy didnt do anything.
  8. Those backup safeties were in and looked like they were half way trying it was 40-6 he stat padded to not look like ***** I didn’t watch the game just looked at stats and turned it on at the end and saw that bs
  9. I know I was making fun of his spelling
  10. Hide isn’t going to play
  11. Also teams have a script knowing how the D is going to play so they use there best plays and typically ends in a score drive broncos probably had a scoring play and wanted to use it then bc they knew it would work instead of saving it for our adjustments
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