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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Thank you for this. I needed this sort of grounding of good people. I have family who moved to CA 20 years ago and basically haven’t been back since that have been casually mentioning over and over again how silly it is the Sabres have postponed a second game because the Bills made it in…or something stooopid. I have a doctor friend who was stuck in the hospital for 5 days. I had friends who lost power for days, so they eventually put up their camping tent in their kitchen and heated it with boiling pots of water for 3 days. My grandfather has been waiting to get released from the hospital for 3 days now but can’t because of the driving ban and lack of ambulances. This one hit me hard from afar. It’s good to see there are still some good people who understand the gravity of the city from afar. Some people are the worst.
  2. I am generally not in favor of trying to adjust a seasons worth of QB stats because of weather. I think that is silly. Just about every QB has a couple bad weather games that they have to deal with. Mostly my issues with Allen as of late have not been weather related. It is stuff like leaving us in 3rd and long because he took low percentage shots when the all-22 shows much better options. The amount of times I have seen Allen look at an open check down only to try for a much lower percentage throw deep on 2nd and 10 has really been bothering me as the season progresses. Now that I got that off my back.... To your point about Mahomes and the weather, the amount of good weather games he has played this year is remarkable. Like Holy Schitts Creek. I assumed he would have gotten at least a couple. KC is a town that gets some weather. http://www.nflweather.com/team/Chiefs
  3. Didn't we draft and trade for two pass catch RB's? YAC is 1 part WR, 1 part QB, 1 part coaching. There is some blame for all 3. Allen sucks at selling the screen, he stares it down. (The long wind up on the hand off is weird too. Bad enough for me at home to know whether if it is play action or legit run). He also seems to almost refuse to look at the underneath throw in space in favor of the low percentage down field throw that splits defenders. He does it because he can with more regularity than most, but it comes at a certain cost if you miss. That means more passes to "bigger" and more covered outside WR's rather than shiftier players in space. I don't think Diggs is a real threat with the ball in his hands. Diggs threat is breaking your ankles and beating you on a route. Not making you miss with the ball in his hands. It seems like a real struggle to get the screen and underneath game going. We have devoted resources to guys with speed and quickness but rarely commit to getting them involved. I don't buy the "trust" issue. Figure it out and make the plays when needed. Not throwing to the open guy or giving a guy a chance because, trust or whatever is dumb. Get Cook and Hines involved to do what you brought them into do. Letting Hodgins hit waivers was stupid on a WR deficient team. Both are on the staff.
  4. Neither has Josh Allen.... Unless you call any weather terrible weather. I would consider terrible weather to be the first Miami game or the Chicago game. But definitely not the second Miami game or anything with light rain.
  5. Best case scenario, Denver is set up to be a place where you provide some stability and then you get fired for somebody to make them competitive. Like you said, success as a head coach is the goal. There is no success for a 63 DC in that role. He will not compete for a Super Bowl there. Job interviews are two way interviews. You don't have to take or even want every job you are offered. If coaching was still my profession I would run far far away from the Broncos right now. To sweeten the pot, the HC and GM will role up to different people.
  6. Couple things. 1. Josh does have a diet in season. With a dietician, and a target weight. He’s mentioned it himself. He has also said he doesn’t follow them strictly and is heavier than they ask him to be. He doesn’t have one in the off-season and eats what he wants. 2. This last offseason he said he didn’t do much of anything but rest his body saying it felt good to rest and feel fresh for camp. Some posters have noted that his footwork and mechanics have gotten sloppier through out the year. Do with that what you will. 3. If he wants to keep playing for a long time, he’ll have to stop doing 1 and 2.
  7. I am not sure if this is sarcastic or not. We’ve been hearing whispers of what a douche Russ is in Seattle for a bit now. Now he’s calling Seattle plays at the Denver line of scrimmage. The Denver job seems like a giant mess. I would stay far far away if I was serious about being a HC. I agree with you. Also, how much does he actually need to be a HC at this point in his career? Why? To be in charge? Win a Super Bowl? Money? He’s 63 and the DC of a consistently top flight defense and in the mix for the SB the last few years. I don’t get what Denver offers somebody like Frazier. It seems like a miserable position for anybody well established in the league.
  8. I think Carr has gotten a bad rap most of his career. He’s been pretty good, but not great, in a terribly unstable organization and has been extremely loyal to it. I don’t know what he has in the tank anymore, but I do know that McDaniels sucks as a HC. At some point the org has to move on from both. Careers always end. But if I’m a QB needy team like the Jets I would have zero issues taking a flyer on the guy. I hope McDaniels gets stuck with Carson Wentz.
  9. I don’t think this will be like some of the KC/Bills battles we’ve seen. I think one team will either figure out the others offense/defense. Winner is decided by 10+ points.
  10. Frazier gets one more shot at a HC gig. Outside of the 3 gigs open, there are another 20 or so teams that would fire their current coach and hire Payton if he told them he wanted to be there. Why on earth either of those two guys would take the Denver job is beyond me. That has to be just as bad as the last few Houston openings.
  11. A good portion of the answer will depend on how we make cap space and who we re-sign. We need starters at IOL and depth basically everywhere with 20+ UFA this offseason. Some notables are Poyer, Edmunds, Singletary, Philips, Lawson, Dane Jackson, J.Johnson, Keenum, and Ike. They aren’t all starters but their roles have to be replaced.
  12. Your point about Basham has been my chief complaint for this FO. Missing on top picks then having to re-draft them again has been a problem.
  13. I don’t get the hate here? Why be so upset at being ranked 3rd in the power rankings? Mahomes has been more consistent thjs season and has a better resume/track record than Allen when it comes to AFCCG’s and SB’s. Philly has more wins and less losses. I won’t die on a hill to make Buffalo no. 1 and I wouldn’t die on a hill to remove them from no. 1
  14. He likely gets a ton of vitrol from Bills fans that he doesn't get elsewhere. It helps with clicks and I assume he also finds it entertaining to get a reaction out of the fanbase.
  15. I don't know man, it is a reasonable discussion point. Part of the fun of fandom is the banter between games and seasons about a plethora of subject lines. This being one of them. If you don't feel Josh Allen's overall play since the KC is worth of discussion you too are welcome to not enter the thread... I agree. Every sports show is this way. So is every fan. We scream about all the offensive holding calls, but nobody is watching our OL close enough to scream at the refs about how much they suck. Fandom is fun. The competitiveness on and off the field is a blast, and message boards, twitter, reddit, etc. is our field. Just take it for what it is.
  16. We have been SB favorites for quite some time . The Buffalo Bills SB status and odds have been part of every nationally syndicated sports shows schedule for months. All of these talking head shows need conflict. Nick Wright has taken the role of the WWF heel for Bills fans and it plays off other talking heads. Skip Bayless loves the Cowboys and Brady, I don't think Shannon Sharp hates either. But somebody has to take the opposite side. I don't know what the expectation is, every show to unanimously anoint the Bills? I find Nick Wright annoying, but I don't think he is far off here. QB play has not met the standard that JA17 set at the end of last regular/post season and early this season. I don't particularly care if he is fellating Josh and I don't get the sense that the Bills have not been given enough respect by sports journalism at scale.
  17. Eh, maybe. I don't exactly know how to qualify that but I will say....Josh Allen set the bar for himself at the end of last season and in the playoffs. For better or worse that is his measuring stick now. He hasn't played to that standard in some time.
  18. It is clear that part of his role is to be the heel to Bills fans, "life choices that lead me to be a Bills fan..." But that doesn't mean he is wrong. Allen has been out of sync for a good portion of the season. It just feels like he is either taking home run shots over and over again that put us in third and long, refusing to look at anybody other than Diggs, or he is forcing this unnatural and jerky short game and the offense is not in rhythm. There was a throw that was called back on a penalty anyways where Allen throws the ball into double coverage instead of looking to his right where Shakir could have hopscotched to the end zone. That just seems to encapsulate our offense the last 2 months. I do think involving Knox and the RB's the last few weeks have been good for him and the team.
  19. Nobody is doubting Allen's abilities. He leads the league in turnovers because he tries to do too much at times. It has also taken time to get the defense healthy and firing on all cylinders. Get those things figured out and the host is ranking the Bills higher. Seems pretty fair and respectful to me.... The Bengals have the hot hand in the AFC (hoping that changes Monday) and Philly has proven that the QB position isn't that important for them. They can score a million against a meaningful divisional game with their back up. It is what it is at the moment.
  20. Totally a theory. But Hyde has been featured a lot on the Bills social media the last week or two. I think he stands a decent shot at coming back actually. Beasley can only be called up one more time before the playoffs before he has to go on the 53. I thought he’d sit the Bears game, but imagine he sits via NE. Playoffs reset the 3 game limit. Curious if that has anything to do with Crowder? Might be over thinking that one.
  21. They’ll get Carson Wentz and they’ll like it.
  22. Clearly that’s the case. And the Tua situation is obviously serious. But our staff isn’t any more careful than the other 30 teams (excluding Miami) in the league when it comes to injury management. It’s just a homer thing we keep saying because of Tre in the wake of Tua. I would like to believe this specific situation doesn’t happen in Buffalo. But from a general injury perspective our coaching staff isn’t special. EDIT: I’m not comparing apples to grapefruits. I highlighted a post that said our coaching staff was cautious regarding injury. A statement I keep seeing posted, which is a knee jerk to how long it took Tre to come back. But at scale really isn’t true.
  23. This isn’t true at all. I think it largely comes from Tre taking 12 months to come back, so the fan base has turned it into some noble venture. Allen is playing with an injury to his throwing arm. Poyer played a game where he wasn’t healthy enough to get on an airplane. Cole Beasley played on a broken leg. Mitch Morse will likely be cleared to play at some point after his 6th NFL concussion. Not counting juniors or college. Tommy Doyle played a game with a torn ACL and McD praised his toughness for doing it in the post game. None of those instances are player for at precautions. The Tua thing is a disaster for the NFL, the Dolphins, and McDaniels. But the Bills aren’t some holier than thou franchise when it comes to injuries.
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