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Everything posted by Mango

  1. This makes some sense. Especially for the top 3. It sounds like the league is prepped to let the 7 seed figure itself out without the result from that game. I could be wrong, but it felt that way to me. Here is my idea. We roll a 12 sided dice for KC for each conference game. Whatever number it rolls on is the corresponding game they played against a conference opponent. If it’s a win, they drop that game from their record. If it’s a loss they lose that. But if they roll the H2H match up with either CIN or BUF they get leap frogged by that team. Automatically.
  2. The only reason this is wonky is because KC played the Bengals and Bills losing to both. As unique as this situation is, this is even more rare because of the teams it affects right now. My first choice is to take the L and move on. In any other scenario I don’t understand why KC gets the one seed after losing to both CIN and BUF.
  3. That isn’t true. The league doesn’t owe any teams anything. No team is shorted. Nothing has changed for those teams there are in the same spot they were in 36 hours ago. Every team is in the same exact spot in the standing they were before kick off of a game that wasn’t played. Their standing last week was fair. Nobody is messing with their standings. I find this argument so weak. Nearly everybody in Buffalo has offered up the L. Nobody cares.
  4. This wasn’t the Bills problem at kick off. And it’s not the Bills problem now. This keeps getting mentioned like the Bills owe it to other teams to make the game up. They don’t.
  5. It’s been a minute for me, but not thaaaat long. AED’s have always been at all of my events. I think they have to be within something like 300m.
  6. I am still shook by this. Not that I shouldn’t be. But I have a serious pit. My partner asked me today “will you be happy again?” Clearly I will. Life goes on. But there is a heaviness to our home today.
  7. So this is something that needs to be talked about more. Or at least framed properly. Hamlin didn’t almost die. He died on national television, and all his friends, family, and teammates watched. It’s a little bit of a pain point for me when I hear the “what ifs” in terms of scheduling. “Well we have to see how he does”. Why? All of his best friends watched him die, and saw him laying dead for 9 minutes. He may well recover, but none of that changes the above.
  8. Sorry, I didn't go far enough back in the exchange. I thought you were talking about the Bengals. I think the Bills play the Pats. But I wouldn't be shocked if they didn't.
  9. I don’t know think Hamlin’s status matter in regards to scheduling. Hi literally died in front of his entire team and the country. He was brought back to life after 9 minutes. I am very concerned with Hamlin as a person. But he already died on national TV. There’s zero reason to play this game.
  10. They all get their stock from the same place. So NFL shop, Fanatics, Buffalo Bills shop, they are all pulling from the same inventory.
  11. I’ll add, anybody iffy giving money to the foundation, NFL players get 2/3 of their jersey sales through licensed retailers. We grabbed two and donated as well.
  12. I have said 100 times the last 18 hours, I don't care about win, loss, or tie. Move on. Playing this game doesn't make sense. Take the L, or tie, or don't count it, whatever. I will say that SoS makes no sense for the 1 seed where we stand now. The only difference is this one game due to extreme circumstance where a guy died and was brought back to life. Those two teams hold the head to heads over KC. I think you likely hold 1. Buffalo 2. KC 3. Cincinnati assuming all three win next week There is no positives or negatives given to any team. If Buffalo loses, go ahead and move them to the 3 seed. If KC loses, CIN moves to the 2. It is that simple.
  13. The initial rumors and reports were that the league wanted the game to continue. The league said that was crazy. ESPN said, that's not crazy, we literally just reported what you told us. We communicated in real time. You tried to play the football game The league sucks.
  14. I stuck around to hear about Hamlin. But it became clear very quickly that there was no way football was going to be played. Kudo's to McD, Zac Brown, and ESPN for not backing down to the behemoth that is the NFL.
  15. The NFL is ESPN's golden goose. I think it is a big deal for them to not fall in line behind Goodell and the Shield. Good for them.
  16. Doctoring, and diagnostics specifically is as much an art as it is a science. I have seen plenty of bad doctors. I consider myself fortunate and lucky to have found a good team that works for me.
  17. They were tremendous last night. SVP and Clark could not have done a better job by the Hamlin and the players involved.
  18. This is where I am. I told myself if they restart the game I’ll turn it off. I work for a company based outside of the region, I retold the story in my weekly call. I’m still very shook by it. I choked back some tears. Hamlin was dead on the field for minutes on end. It’s been a really hard couple of months for Buffalo. Tops. A snow storm. Then a real storm that killed 37. Then this.
  19. I think Tre hangs them up after this year. He was shook by covid and lost family. His presser coming back from injury about how he spent so much time getting to know himself outside of football. Tre looked as rattled as anybody out there. No judgement. I love Tre. He is my favorite Bill. I hope life treats him well in whatever he decides.
  20. The league should just ask the org. If the Bills are given the option and are willing to take a loss, then let them. As a fan, I don’t care. Just do it and move on.
  21. If the Bills take an L, I think they’re basically locked into the 3 seed. The Pats game is meaningless.
  22. I have no interest in making this game up. They could not show up for the Pats, I don’t care honestly.
  23. I did a quick Google and it said players get a cut if all general sales, but 2/3 of stuff with their name or picture.
  24. KC lost to BUF and CIN. I am happy to take an L if I’m Buffalo and call this a forfeit. No questions asked. But if you are going to not give an L, head to head seems more than fair in all honesty.
  25. Players get a cut of their own jersey sale. I’ve read as high as 2/3.
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