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Everything posted by Mango

  1. She is still on my IG, and my GF's. @Arkady Renko definitely got themselves blocked. How embarrassing.
  2. Or....hear me out..... Their investment in WR are for one of two reasons. 1. Entice Lamar to sign the tag to play with a real WR corp. 2. This is where we all put on our tinfoil hats....They are prepping for life after Lamar, and know they need weapons to support a young QB. Lamar may sign his tender, but Baltimore may not extend, or they could even tag, extend, and trade. Flip those picks into QB, OL, and defense.
  3. Winters in Buffalo aren’t the problem. We have the worst spring. Everything is gross, brown, and wet. Garbage is still being uncovered from bushes and snow piles. It sucks.
  4. Not if Nick Cannon has anything to say about it.
  5. None of us really know how the universe works. Some of us turn to traditional faiths, some paganisms, or other myths. But at the end of the day none of us really have any answers. We’re significantly closer to knowing nothing than we are to knowing something. ***takes another bong hit*** Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
  6. I didn’t rehash every event in his life. In fact I didn’t list a single instance whatsoever. I just said Kelly was a dick to people well after college, and certainly after marriage. Finding Jesus isn’t a fix all. It was something like 4-5 total sentences. Much like this post. Praise be, or whatever…
  7. Not talking about Thurman and Patti specifically rather open relationships and polyamory. I have a few polyamorous friends in with long term significant others. Over the years I have also found myself in an "entanglement" or two with other women who are in the similar types of relationships. My polyamorous "partners" and friends generally have some of the most healthy lines of communication between them and their partners. It is really amazing and impressive. That level of openness, honesty, and vulnerability is something that I have tried to bring into my monogamous relationships.
  8. OK....and I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would like to sell you. I wish the man no ill will, but your assertion that the conversations around Kelly's treatment of people (women in particular) is relegated to his time at Miami, and that he just met Jill, straightened out, and found God is silly. Brett Favre loves Jesus too. Or does finding god only absolve some peoples behaviors?
  9. I do. Kelly is also enshrined through the city and some people ignore that part of him and waive their hand at it so I am never sure. When you say settle down, he was certainly running around town with women while he was married. I have stories of him teeing off on people/kids in public all the way to about 2010. I feel bad for Jim’s health, but I am no Jim Kelly fan as a person.
  10. I don’t know if you’re joking. Or maybe I’m missing the joke? Jim Kelly was (is?) a douche. Jim aside. It seems like there’s been enough confirmations that 1. They broke up and 2. Josh messed up. What nobody has been able to confirm is whether or not there is a child. But there seems to be enough smoke to suggest Josh screwed up, and we’ll likely never “know” the rest. Just like we never “knew” anything about any other players, celebrities, etc.
  11. If she continues to go on extravagant vacations there’s a high likelihood that she isn’t “getting any money” and already “got money” to keep her mouth shut. The Bills really did find their next Jim Kelly. Way to go Josh….
  12. I feel like I’d just look up at Brick Bar and be like “oh hey Andrew Peters” Granted I am older now and worked in restaurants for a very long time. My social schedule was much more rowdy then. Also restaurant workers are basically like the John Wick communication network, hospitality knows all.
  13. I used to bump in to players all the time down there. Like I’ve caught Brian Campbell doing coke twice at Soho. Spent my 21st at Colter Bay with Thurman Thomas chatting and having drinks. Unfortunately did a few rounds of shots with Boyd Tinsley at Brinks. Plus a handful of other smaller encounters. I left 4 years ago, unfortunately I’m older now, and also the pandemic. But I feel like that is less common than it used to be.
  14. I have two friends who slept with Ryan Miller…on the same night. One of them also slept with JP Losman.
  15. Devon Levi is my current swoon!
  16. Between time at the facility and the fact that he admits to eating 40 wings in a sitting, it’s got to be a bartender at Bar Bill.
  17. I feel like Nick Cannon was on kids 8 and 9 before we found out he had any after Mariah.
  18. Going off off of @Draconator and his post about the church building a subdivision. In 2023, anytime a church physically builds a residence/community around it in an affluent area of town, while skimming off of the top, we should all be skeptical of all of their events.
  19. I’ve heard over and over that we are ultra cautious, and player first when it comes to injuries. But that’s just a thing we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better. Outside of the total mismanagement of Tua, I don’t think we make many different decisions than any other coaching staff in the league. That isn’t to say we have a great training staff. I think we do.
  20. This is also you… Most of us on this board are quick to jump on somebody else’s QB, it suddenly the shoe might be on the other foot and it’s “as long as it doesn’t affect football.” And “respect his privacy”. You're certainly not the only one. I don’t mean to call you out specifically. But it feels like this thread is trending in that direction. Between Araiza, injury management, and maybe this, I’m over the who “Process” thing. We don’t have any sort of secret sauce or moral compass. These guys aren’t special. Our team isn’t above anything any other team is. We’re an NFL team with NFL players, who operate by and large the same as every other team in the league.
  21. I agree. Also, much like politicians, if this story is real there’s a decent chance this isn’t a “there is a child involved” and it is a “there was a child involved” situation. Which would be part of this never seeing the light of day.
  22. There’s a lot of speculation involved, and given the powers that be and money involved there’s a likelihood this never really sees the light of day other than local talk. From the perspective of @Process, if he knows people in the organization as he says, and Allen impregnated somebody while in a committed relationship, he deserves the criticism about his character and I can understand calling him a moron. In fact moron would be going quite light.
  23. Nobody was complaining that Josh’s throws were off target. The criticism was always decision making.
  24. I think Poyers thing was a few seasons ago. A friend heard it from Efe Obada at a wedding. This one has some teeth.
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