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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Diggs does this a bit. Sometimes it’s real sometimes it’s not. He gets off on being a troll on occasion.
  2. Diggs is a weird dude. I can support that. Good for him. But when it starts to make him a wonky teammate or cause a ruckus among the fans is where I have started drawing the line. You can't repeatedly undress your QB, HC, and/or OC on the sidelines. You can't bail on your team after a tough loss because you are such a "competitor", and you can't feed into the rumor mill about the security of the franchise that you play for. Part of my frustration and credence to some of the smoke is that these rumors aren't secret. A lot of people are talking about not just on Bills forums. Diggs has the opportunity to put all of this to bed and refuses. Wildly frustrating.
  3. Vikings must be getting pretty excited.
  4. And even with Brees/Peyton suck half of the time. The Saints are a good example on how if you think the cap doesn’t matter, you can sign a bunch of players, have a HoF coach and QB combo, and still be a .500 team about as often as you have a winning record.
  5. Everything is just a little bit of this, and a little bit of that. There is nothing gigantically huge about anything. But I don't like that we keep getting needled by it. I don't like that whispers keep coming from his family (brother). And I don't like that Diggs has not spoken up about anything. I don't doubt Diggs would prefer to leave and that his contract is the hold up at this point. I doubt he does, it is an unaffordable contract to get rid of. I hope he can find a way to be a good soldier in the locker room.
  6. Leaving aside each position group, better QB play likely wins the Jets both NE games, the first second Buffalo game, and the last Miami game. Flipping 4 division games changes a lot of things. There is a strong argument that a better QB also flips MIN and DET. But I am not sure I am willing to give them 6 more wins at this point.
  7. I feel like Pat is a good dude, and I want to like him. …..but everybody he surrounds him with sucks. So what do I know….
  8. I know a couple Olympic dietitians. It can be 2x that for revenue generating sports. But I totally agree with you. Especially given the size of an NFL team.
  9. Ah. I was thinking he was ‘17 for some reason.
  10. Wait, are you saying that you think McD runs the all the drafts and Beane takes a back seat? Or are you confusing the 2017 class that was Whaley/McD with the 2018 McBeane draft where they took Allen?
  11. If your GM doesn’t draft enough quality player to re-sign. Or doesn’t re-sign the quality players that they drafted, is it really “throwing the GM under the bus”?
  12. We’re going to have one player on the roster from Beane’s 2018 draft in the roster to start 2023. I am not sure that’s “throwing under the bus”.
  13. They aren’t cheap, but they’re not wild either. The two current versions are $70 and $125 for the NFL version. I would be shocked if leagues, schools, etc. couldn’t get a portion of that back through reduced insurance.
  14. I find Brittany Mahomes wildly annoying and so contentious. So much worse than Rachel Bush. I seem to really like Mahomes. But the people he surrounds himself with drive me nuts. I don’t like Rachel Bush. But it has nothing to do with her comments on Poyer’s deal. I don’t mind them at all. She cheated on JP which sucks on its own. But add to it that it was with Antonio Brown of all people. I have no patience for any of it. And definitely not AB. Then when they were separated (because of the AB issue) Poyer slept with a UB coed and Rachel Bush put her on blast on twitter. Kudos to the young woman. She responded like 2x the adult that Bush was. Basically said that she didn’t catch feelings. And had no intent to ever date Poyer. He seemed like a really great guy, father, etc.
  15. I have little issue with the number of DL we have I do have an issues with the fact that under Beane the Buffalo Bills have been one of the three most expensive lines in the NFL in 2019, 2020, 2021, and will be again in 2023. All on top of also investing 2x firsts, 2x seconds, and a third round pick. The value has been horrendous. If we were a top 3 line we would have no issue. But instead we just won’t sign anybody from the 2018 draft because we don’t have the money.
  16. It should start by being mandated by municipal leagues and pop warner teams. Also local school districts. Also college ball. At that point you’ll have a whole generation of kids who don’t know different. If it makes parents feel better about the game there’s likely a case (selling point) to be made that they can absorb the cost by increased membership dues.
  17. A great season for a Buffalo QB. But Allen was bested by Brady and Mahomes. And is well outside of the top 50 in all time single season stats. He’s 73rd. Great year. Zero criticisms. SEVERELY outclassed by multiple Hasek and OJ seasons. Thurman and Bruce were also better compared to their peers.
  18. Hull and Madano are all time great goal scorers. We what Peca and Satan? Swap Eddie and Hasek and that series is over in 4. Maaaaaybe 5. Maybe.
  19. Not to pile on, but Dane Jackson played well in ‘21 when he came in for Tre. I thought be was much better than Wallace. The for the first half of this year he was lights out. If I remember correctly he was allowing something like 48% completion percentage, minimal YAC. He was playing like a legit starting corner. Then somehow the wheels just fell off. It was weird. I was really high on Jackson, and now he’s just a head scratcher. The entire team just started to come apart at the seems just after the bye. He played really well in the 4 games after Hyde went down. And Von didn’t go out until Thanksgiving. I just don’t get it.
  20. A quick google of the S2 cognition test is that it’s a private test developed by a private company. They market themselves as being able to help HS students get recruited and college athletes to increase their draft status. They may very well be helpful. (They might not be either). But I’d be hesitant to put much water in any of their results as some sort of comparable metric. Purdy may or may not be good. But I don’t think this company has anything to do with anything. They basically got a bunch of good QB’s and were like “look, we have a special test. Good QB’s do well on our special test.” There’s likely a mix of actual results and sponsored article. Their website gives me a little pause. It’s basically full of “Give us money and we’ll make you great!” There isn’t much substance. https://www.s2cognition.com/next-gen-recruiting Edit: Further review of their socials and things. It’s weird they don’t have one single google or yelp review. They’re not a whole lot different than any other “performance house”. We can fix your baseball swing, change your slap shot, etc. kind of high end athletic facility. I think they likely paid for the Athletic article. No different than brands paying for reviews on big time tech websites etc.
  21. Elam is fine. I’m not down on the guy. But the Bills have gotten strong production out of young DB’s since well before McD. It’s hard for me to be “Elam is awesome” excited about his rookie year by comparison.
  22. I believe that Poyer comes up to Buffalo alone for the season. His wife and kid stay in Miami full time. He has been a consummate professional and one of my favorite Bills at all time. That’s a major sacrifice. I can’t blame the guy for wanting to play in the city his family lives in. Miami is on the up swing as well. I wouldn’t be shocked (or blame him) if he chose Miami if they were the cheaper offer but still able to be in the same ball park based on family alone.
  23. Like I said, when teams get really really good, burn super hot, and fall short, sometimes the decision to move on makes itself. It’s why tenured like Tomlin and Harbaugh are remarkable. My frustration and criticism of Beane are partially based on not going down that road.
  24. I get why you would “allow it”. Although a lot of times you just don’t have a choice. When you get so close to a championship and the bar gets raised so high, emotions run hot. Everybody in an org is red lining I. Every way to make it happen. When you fall short it can be debilitating. We saw it happen with the Sabres and Ruff. Any franchise would be lucky to have the run we had under Lindy and Darcy. It is why guys like Harbaugh and Tomlin are so impressive. It takes a remarkably talented leader to not lose a locker room over that period of time. Sometimes great coaches run their course in an organization. That said, I always come back to the Pegula owned Sabres and how bad the Bills are capable of being under them. I am super frustrated with McBeane at the moment. Highly critical of the FO in particular. But I’m not sure I have the testicular fortitude to call for their head.
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