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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Terrible. The Bengals are getting pretty good and their ownership lacks free cash flow compared to the rest of the league. Perfect timing for a (well deserved) public shaming Jesus. That’s bonkers. I’m legitimately shocked the NFLPA doesn’t have a comprehensive plan in place of state funded workers comp. Shame on the league. I know care for retired players has been tough to come by. But I didn’t realize it was this tough.
  2. This feels like much ado about nothing. I worked for an employer that changed our ability go in the red on PTO by 2 days instead of 5. Normally not the biggest deal. But we could not roll time over and our PTO reset on our start date. So if you started in October, November, December you basically could never take off for the holidays. Anyways HR always said “blame Cuomo for changing state law”. When they’d bring it up in company meetings I would always ask “does the state prevent you from providing more than the bare minimum, or is that a choice you’ve made?”. Anyways, I have to imagine the CBA has its own language around workers comp right? RIGHT?!
  3. If Diggs forces a trade I hope to god it is to the Jordan Love lead Green Bay Packers.
  4. Important to note that “masters” championships are retired athletes. Quality sprinters from 25-29 years old are competing in the real national championships. I know college and former national teamers in my sport who raced in open championships into their 40’s rather than race in the masters circuits. Worth noting, in some sports there is no progression for masters championships. So if you race 6 lanes across every heat gets medals. 1/6 entrants are masters national championships.
  5. I think you’re partially right. But Beane has also tried to enter the draft with little to no glaring holes in order to let his draft come to him. But when you do that for years you fill your roster with vets that cost more money. It’s all well and good. But when you can’t afford to re-sign your own you run into problems. Sprinkle on top AJE, Basham, Rousseau, the cost of Miller, plus Cook, Singletary, Moss, Hines, and you have the 2023 Buffalo Bills.
  6. Rodgers seems like a guy that would get off on getting teams to hire Nathaniel Hackett only to never show up. Then just laugh alone at home.
  7. Kriby my guy, you are one of my favorite posters here. But I think there is some major middle ground between your “the cap doesn’t matter” and people who think the NFL is a hard cap. I actually think NO is a prime example of the cap mattering. They had a first ballot HoF coach and QB combo, pushed the limits of what was possible with the salary cap. And at the end of the day they were over .500 almost as much as they were at/under it. And they continued to pay that bill through losing seasons to try and right their cap situation. I understand the “one before I die”, but long term I have zero interest in being the New Orleans Saints. Woof. I was actually hoping we’d reset a bit last year so that we could keep Edmunds and Poyer this offseason to not create any additional holes as we try and fill voids at OL and WR depth while also trying to get some replacements in house to take over for aging vets.
  8. In a perfect setting I wouldn’t have signed Von to begin with. It was a risk to win in 2022 at the expense of the longevity of the roster. At some point we have to reset the roster, put ourselves in a place to re-sign our own, and draft better. Miller’s contract to me, post ACL was off limits. Extend Daquan Jones, restructure Allen, Dawkins, and maybe Milano. Sometimes you have to live with the roster you build for a year or two and hit the ground running with a little bit of a reset. I don’t think restructuring Miller gets us a SB this year. And I think it makes it more difficult for us to win one 2,3,4 years down the line.
  9. That’s what I thought. But I wasn’t sure. IMHO restructuring 34 year old Von after a second ACL injury to keep him on the books for 5 years is wildly short sighted. Our roster is in the middle of a mild reset with money tight against the cap for 2 years. Von is a contract you want to get off the books at the right time. Not a contract you want to use to borrow from the future. I get that part. That’s easy. At the time of signing Miller at his value part of the upside was the cheap get out after year 3. Which is why I’m looking for confirmation on what happens with a restructure. I thought it would significantly increase rhe $7M buy out and possibly keep Miller on the books for 5 years. Somebody smarter than me seems to also think that is the case. Which seems wildly irresponsible.
  10. I can get that far. Where I get lost is the $7M out after the 2024 season and the Bills no longer having Von on the roster or the books at all after that. Does restructuring ensure Von is on the books for 5 more years? Or does it just up the buy out cost?
  11. Can one of the local cap gurus help me out. I was under the impression that restructuring Von would meaning extending what was essentially a 3 year deal and a bunch of team options. Because of that I thought the Von contract was untouchable. Or at least irresponsible to restructure for a 34 year old after a second ACL tear.
  12. I can’t understand why it’s consistently common place for this board to refer to Davis is a WR3. WR3 is almost always referred to as the slot. Gabe Davis isn’t a slot receiver and is never going to be a slot receiver. He is not a WR3. If he isn’t starting on the outside he is WR4 at best. People saying Davis is a “perfect or better fit WR3” don’t make any sense. To the point of the thread. At some point we either need to start drafting a lot more players worth a second contract or signing our guys to second contracts. Not keeping/re-signing Davis will feel like I am bleeding out by 10000 paper cuts.
  13. Welcome to TBD where your take is just as meaningless as mine.
  14. Total conjecture, but I dislike this part. Could be total silly season and slow news. But I read this as, I am giving everything I have so I know I am not the problem. I will die on that hill. On one hand, thanks for the effort. On the other hand, I don't like it when anybody ever implies that they are not part of the team getting better. I read it as "I will die on the hill that I am not part of the problem". What a stupid hill to choose to die on.
  15. Right, it is the building events, not a single moment. A couple of loud games. Turns into Cinci. That turns into storming out of the facility. Escalating to not coming back for locker clean out. That evolves to "this is a toxic work environment".
  16. I don’t disagree with all of Diggs frustrations. I am disagreeing with the way he is managing them.
  17. DaVante Adams and Derek Carr also make up “20%” of the leagues best throw and catches.
  18. A few months ago I was in the “WR be WR” camp around Diggs and a couple of the sideline moments he had. Where I think we diverge here is his actions post game. I cannot separate his sideline moments from his bailing on his teammates. Then blaming it on “his competitiveness” which implies others failed him. Then not showing back up. Diggs knows the rumors around him and this team and has months to quiet them. Instead he chooses to troll. Which is much more in line with him being a wiener than it is him acting as some motivational speaker. I want Diggs here. But more than that I want him to want to be here. And I right now I don’t see that.
  19. I’m not sure if you actually believe that Diggs yelling at Allen on the sideline in that Bengals game was words of encouragement like “we got these mother effers” or if you’re just willfully lying. Either way I have concerns.
  20. The whole “he’s competitive” is such trash. Michael Phelps is the most decorated athlete of all time, does he scream at the relay team on the deck of the pool at the Olympics? Serena at Venus in a doubles match? Tiger his caddy? There are dozens, scratch that, hundreds and hundreds of people who have won multiple world championships in individual and team sports who don’t treat people like crap because “they are so so competitive”. Maybe win anything of any notoriety just once. Maybe twice. Before you start talking about how the on my option is to be a loser or an arse hat. It’s literal gaslighting.
  21. He is definitely trolling here. I am pretty sure he is just talking about Edmunds/Poyer. But I am also confident he purposefully put that tweet out that way to stir everything up as well.
  22. I will be keeping a very close eye on this thread to see if I can figure out which one of you is actually Eric Wood. Interesting that @Figster created his account just a year before Wood retired....hmmmm. @MrEpsYtown Also created a new account on December 29, 2017. 9 days before Eric Woods last game.
  23. Did you play at UB? If you did you might have punched me in the face. My freshman year we came home from the bars at like 5am and outside of the dorms were a couple of guys asking if we wanted to play football. We were a pretty big athletic bunch, so were like “sure”. Then one little guy starts mouthing off that they played for UB and would kick our ass. I laugh because UB was like 1-11 the year before. They silently follow us to our down. Go get a bunch of other guys from the team, break in, and it turns into a total brawl. What a drunk mess. 18 year old drunk me didn’t realize that anybody asking to play football at 5am wasn’t actually asking to play football, and that maybe I should keep my smart ass shut. If it was you, I forgive you. But I am a little salty that you got away without even a slap on the wrist and we got community service.
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