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Everything posted by Mango

  1. the only thing stopping the jets from winning this sunday and in february is mark sanchez. ive said it before. witch the qbs this sunday and it is a blowout. god i hope they lose but realistically if sanchez can make a few plays and take care of the football there is no reason for them to lose
  2. this is dumb. lets say for arguments sake that the bills go 10-6 and miss the playoffs. it has happend before and given the strength of our division and conference totally possible. so if this happends he should turn over our coaching and gm staff in only their second year after such improvement. amazing AGREED! yeah happends all the time at 1 bills drive. over a decade playoff drought and how many head coaches. christ its like you have never paid attention to this team or the league. those turnovers only exist when good teams have bad years. over a decade(half a generation) of bade football doesnt count as a bad year yes but realistically in sport you look at a goal, then how to get there. the goal isnt to make the playoffs, playoffs are the first step. taking that step isnt a goal necassarily, it is just something you do, and you continue to track progress as you strive for the end goal, super bowl. as soon as a franchise sees a consistant lack of progress then you think about turning over staff
  3. triple teaming ralph???...air tight??? nice to see age isnt keeping him down
  4. winner
  5. you should be a glass half full type of guy. maybe it is our own government testing the concentration of the poison we are going to be using on them. hope that helps you sleep better and put the voices to rest
  6. first, tebow was not the best most talked about player in football. he plays for the rams, and yes once it was clear the rams had the first pick, and bradford declared, tebow became the talk. however very few thought he would go high. the reason tebow had/has upside is not necassarily his athleticism but his tenacity to make changes and become a student of the game. while Cam has done nothing to prove he doesnt want to be, i found him sluggish in reads and finding recievers. i have seen him make very very few nfl throws or reads, even when he takes every snap in shotgun. yes does his upside intrigue me, but no do i take a number 3 overall on him. maybe in the 2nd, but not our 2nd, to early. so luck is out, or he would be the talk, and cam is being talked because of the questions not necassarily the ability. if he had more answers everybody would have him as a lock for the top 5 picks or so but they dont. nice pick on hardy. i would love to hear your reasoning on that one ne was boring playing the jets and they are out pitt likes to grind it out, gets boring indy- it is so much fun to watch peyton manning keep that team a float while other teams run the ball 40 times a game. they are out gb-fair enough no- drew breese gets the ball to everybody...they are out philly- when has the michael vick show ever been boring...they are out nyj- they love running the ball, and dont even have a qb that can consitently take hold of a game. they get boring.
  7. the guy is 30, he will be slowing down any day now. the fact that he is updating himself on twitter everyday is only going to draw more attention to that. if i where him he needs a new contract asap. him needind a big new contract now is something to be decided at a different time
  8. Normally i would root for the steelers, they are everything buffalo football should be(minus the rape). As of late I can't bring myself to root for Big Ben. GO PACKERS!!
  9. i was rooting for suicide
  10. brady looked scared and pissed all night. seemed like he was trying to do too much. i have no idea what the stat line is, but watching i was thinking about them needing more rythm in the run game. instead it seemed like they where intent on having brady win the game, and the jets didnt care about anything other than dryving him as far into the ground as they could. while brady can be calm cool and collected in the pocket. he seemed a bit rattled and taken off of his game. either of these two teams winning is just more proof that the terrorists have already won!
  11. thinking the same thing. hasnt corner played pretty well also?
  12. 1. because it was a black man talking smack to a white guy 2. becuae a black man is talking smack to tom brady 3. because people need to be more understanding of the plite of tom brady
  13. i agree on giving him more time. i am still holding out hope for the kid. i think he still may pan out. do i think he can be a feature, every carry back? my take so far is no, i dont even see glimpses of that. do i think he can be a force in the league at a very real level? absolutely. the only comments on this thread(atleast from me) are on his ability to pass block, which as of right now he is currently poor.
  14. The fact that spiller cant pass block has been one of the most glaring weakneses for me all season. You would think that Freddy would be in on either big 3rd down plays or big passing downs. Actually it is the opposite, Spiller is in there, and I never have any idea why. It has become a pattern and everytime i see him whiff his block. I have been so confused by this all season
  15. basically we lost a 1st and marshawn(his stats you mentioned) for spiller who has 283 yards and 0 tds in 14 games and easley(who may have upside still) who has 0 cathes for 0 yards and 0 td. the trade of lynch was more for his happiness, the rebirth of the team, and to appease the fans. he would have been an asset to the team had we kept him. he has a lot more carries in him, and no matter what people say freddy isnt getting any younger, another good season or 2 tops. spiller may be a threat (although i never get that excited feeling that other posters get when they see him with the ball) he clearly isnt an every down back. so to recap, we gave all that up and in 2 years have to spend another pick on an rb to replace our aging starter because the 1st we used doesnt make up for the loss still. i trust this new front office, hopefully i am proved wrong, but to say the trade was anything better than washing our hands clean of lynch is insane
  16. it is clear you have zero concept of athletics or injury/being hurt. while an xray may reveal nothing, an xray rarely ever shows a stress fracture or any sort of tendon or ligament damage. i am not claiming that there was actual pain, or even excusing cam. just saying you take a negative xray of a foot, a limping cam, and the fact that you where a back up qb for ken-west, and all of a sudden you are doogey howser with ww2 medals re-living the big game against ken east. i will say what i saw on the field was a really good athlete. he didnt make any nfl throws, no nfl reads, and dropped the ball(not literally) in a few key situations. i havent watched him play at all before tonight, so i am not sure what his normal game looks like. i know his numbers are decieving, especially with the amount of dump offs. i really wanted him to light it up. all he showed was he is athletic and deserves a shot in the nfl, just not with the 3rd pick.
  17. stress fractures generally dont show up on an xray and can be super painful. i am still recoverying from mine on my rib. hurt to breath, sleep, cough, dont even bring up sneezing. it has kept me out of sport for a few months now(running into complications). even with steroids and and other pain meds it still hurt for me to compete. so yes it is possible that he is injured, or even has a break that has severe pain. whether that is what happend to him, who knows
  18. havent watched much of cam newton all year. what i saw tonight was a great athlete run the spread offense and make some plays on his own. his throws werent great, i noticed alot of checking down or dumping off, and when he did go deep he consistantly misfired. most big plays where made by the wr after the catch. i did notice that he always seemed calm and collected in the pocket or even when scrambling. i wanted so bad for him to light it up, and own the ducks, the bills find there franchise guy. he played well, not a no 3 pick. somebody will grab him in the 1st but not the bills. he just didnt make the throws. in chans quick decision offense i am not sure he would perform well. i would have liked to see him make some throws behind center, some 3-5 step drops and release 10 yards over the middle. he could be good, but i was in no way blown away or overly impressed with all the height. he could however be the answer for stud te the bills need. i have mentioned it before. after seeing how strong and athletic the kid is. maybe you just toss him the ball and let him make plays rather than win the game? he is big fast and powerful. hell antonio gates played basketball at ucla
  19. you realize that is hearsay. gb apparently was interested too. under what circumstances would any franchise pass up an offer. is it possible that that is the partial story. maybe no wanted more than marshawn for the 3rd (player/pick) maybe not this years 3rd. also is it possible that lynch prefered to be closer to home in seattle rather than in no, bills did him a favor. if this is true why is it coming out in a little blub comment 11 weeks later? maybe i am wrong about all of this, but it is only speculation, just like that half-assed reporting during the game.
  20. wait that makes no sense. the rules on here are that you can only compare him to other black people. thats why he is vince young, david garrard, jamarcus russel, and warren moon all rolled into one. i was actually thinking the same thing about elway. the only thing cam newton has in common with those other black qbs is that he is black
  21. you IS right, they IS one. We should so something. ARE there a solution? I ARE very upset. They is screwing the fan base. We IS fed up with it. teach me more about business please. i am eager to learn...
  22. because of newtons size, say he doesnt work out as a qb. i would be willing to bet that he would be a great te. at 6'6 250 and speed, how could he not, especially with his ability to sense what a qb would be thinking. it is not uncommon for qbs to be drafted as wr. hell if tebow was at one time thought of as a hb, why not. also just a thought, running the wildcat with a guy that big and physical makes him a legitimate recieving threat, not just show like when trent lined up outside. i am not advoacting any of this, but because of his build, and athleticism, he is a utilitarian player. i am betting he could make just about any roster at a different position
  23. denver!?! what about cinci. they have problems everywhere there, but palmer has been there forever, adn since his acl he has been mediocre. id bite on luck on in a second if i where them
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