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Posts posted by Mango

  1. So why cant Ralph leave the team to her? I always heard his fam didn't want the team when he died?


    PS I still think Ralph should move to the Caymans (no capitol gains taxes) and sell the team to someone, or at least die there (no death tax). If this lady moved there and inherited the team, she would pay no inheritance taxes. Makes way too much sense to me. Live in the Caribbean for 6 months, transfer ownership of the team, move back - simple as that.


    so what youre saying is a lockout would be best

  2. i isolate/watch the DT's at all home games....he needs to work on his LEG strength AND technique.


    #1- he is weak and gets very little push. in fact, he gets knocked back often.


    #2- technique wise he does the strangest thing i've ever seen. in an effort to gain leverage by getting low....he bends his right leg and turns his knee down and inwards.....thus putting most of his weight and pushing strength ALL on his left leg....it's not working.



    yea yea...i know, he's young.......hope they can coach him up.





    so your in shape....."round" is a shape....lol



    WTF! Going light on upper and lower to focus on core training, F'ing retarded. the only core training he should be doing is seeing how many steaks and potatoes he can stuff in there to get his weight back up. People forget that core training also includes the back and he (and everyone else) should be hitting Squats and Deadlifts and pushing the sled. World renown strength Coach Charles Poliquin says the only core training one needs is squats and deadlifts and I couldn't agree more. When I quit ab training it had zero effect on my performance and my squat and dead have gone from 545 to 645 over time.


    We will really need to draft a real nose after this. I have been hoping that Troupe would have seen his shortcomings( no leg drive, can't handle double teams) and worked on this. It seems now that he is trying to be more fit like his dad instead of focusing on becoming an elite NT. :doh:


    god...good thing none of you guys are the s&c coaches. core is maybe the most important part of the body when it comes to athletics, stabilization, coordination, and maximum physical output are all linked to core strength. also alot of injuries can be traced back to core issues. it actually shows pretty good insight into the body and strength, id be willing to bet that if more athletes took a page from troupe you would see less injury at 1 bills drive

  3. Just a thought...Looking at maybe the best recent model of QB progression in the NFL, Aaron Rogers sat behind Favre for 3-4 years. So parlay that to the Bills if they where to draft Newton. Assuming the team continues to get better under Fitzy, the young line is meshing, we help shore up the D, and our young recievers keep improving, one would assume the job would be Fitzy's to lose.


    Question is, how does Cam react to being the back up for 3-4 years? Trouble, demand trades?


    I am not saying definetly, but with the media hype this kid is getting and his college successes he may whine a bit

  4. The kid scares me at 3. too many questions, he could be a flop. I watched only a few of his games, and didnt see an NFL QB in him. I saw a guy who sits in shotgun, gets time, and still can't make a decision its either pass immediately run immediately. I saw him misfire in multiple occasions when recievers had the defenders beat, and saw him run in situations that where recievers where open in NFL standards. The kid didnt seem to put the ball "on the money" too often either.


    Those things scare the sh*t out of me. With that his physical ability intrigues me, and even though I am not comfortable with him as of yet, I DO NOT want him in the division given his upside.

  5. i will say the salary is getting a little out of control league wide, especialy for rookies. at the same time the league and owners need to do a better job with taking care of retired or older players. I would propose, taking a page from the NBA. Contracts are binding. If owners have to pay the remaining contracts of players they cut, you will see a decrease in contract value. At the same time players will be garunteed money. Also you would most likely see more incentive based contracts, thus upping play. With that there should be a greater investment in players of old. Garunteed health care for tenured NFL vets post playing days.


    Also some retiree's are getting as little as 15k per year post NFL. pay respects to the people that paved the way. In terms of protecting players, I would say Richardson has a good point(poor delivery). What does Manning know about player safety, QB's are treated like porcelain. With that I would say that other positions are left by the wayside. Why not make those concussion helmets mandatory, Aaron Rogers had 2 concussions in 1 season, Christ! The fact is with everyteam seeming to run some sort of spread offense, and the NFL becoming a pass happy league, you are going to see a high rate of injury. QB play needs to be less proficient to run, leading recievers into bad situations, as well as giving defenders a larger run at the reciever. Hell QB's dropping back 40-50 times a game sometimes, you are going to see them go down.


    As far as lengthening the season, I am unsure, I understand the importance of the preseason for guys at the bottom of the roster from a coaching standpoint, but also understand the wear and tear of a longer season. I am fine with it the way it is, of course I would like to see more games, but its not a make or break. If they go longer, they need to increase roster size.


    Extra One: I would like to see coaching staff included in a salary cap.

  6. From Rotoworld:


    Bills GM Buddy Nix likes Auburn QB Cam Newton "a great deal," according to NFL.com's Vic Carucci.


    "The Bills might very well be inclined to take him in the No. 3 slot," adds Carucci. "I think QB will be prominently on the Bills' radar." Coach Chan Gailey has publicly supported Ryan Fitzpatrick as the 2011 starter, but he's more of a bridge to the future than a legit solution. ESPN's Trent Dilfer predicted Thursday that Newton wouldn't last past the third pick in the draft.


    Original NFL Source


    that means it wont happen. carucci is consistently wrong about all things buffalo. when he says left the bills go right.


    no to cam at 3!

  7. This is exactly why people who think NCAA athletes should be paid are wrong. They are treated like royalty, get to curtail so many college norms, and still make money from boosters.


    Anyone here ever go on a recruitment tour of a college?


    Yup i went to a couple of big schools(granted not for football)for official visits. I went to one school that put together a womens team for the sole purpose of using it to recruit their mens program. Hell I live and train at an Olympic Training Center and have pretty nice facilities, alot of the same stuff, just not nearly that much space, or amount of it.

  8. I'd take Marino over Fitzpatrick.


    Also, Marino plus the 90's Bills would have done just as well as Kelly in regards to team success. Put Marino on 90's Cowboys, probably would have won a few rings there. A QB can't carry any entire team, imho.


    COMPLETELY DISAGREE. Marino was all about Marino, never would have given the ball to Emmet or Thurman. Superbowl 26(I think), Jimbo did the same thing, determined to win the game all by himself. The guy tossed the ball something like 50 times and 4 ints. Would have been worse with that whore Marino back there

  9. The National Anthem should be part of our social fabric in every thing we do. The love of country is passed on many ways, one of which is see others in our communities sing it together.


    I am going to get blown up on here for this, but eff it. Well the pledge of allegiance worked well on you. I am sure at 8 the purpose of you saying the pledge in class was because you felt so compelled to give your gratification to a country you couldnt even understand yet. Singing the National Anthem before sporting events, adn the Pledge in 3rd grade are all attempts at creating a blinding nationalism from a very young age. While I agree there should be times when we show pride, support, and allegiance towards our country, lets get off of our high horse and take into account the origin behind its ritual.


    While I didnt think the anthem was particularly great, I would never go out to say that she did anything to pay a purposeful disrespect to the country. We are a nation founded because of who we are and because we have our own personal beliefs. We forget that alot. Me, Aguilara, or yourself can take the country and the song and the pledge and turn it into what ever it means to us. This love it or leave it seems so mideival to me. Infact it seems far less patriotic, being that our individualaity and freedom is what this country is founded on.


    EXTRA ONE: To who ever made the Idol comment. I know ivy league educated profesionals and doctors at the highest level of their fields who watch American Idol for entertainment. It must be hard work being so serious and patriotic all the time.



  10. Looking at the league trend. bad teams seem to be grasping at straws. bills offering guys 10mil for gm/coaching rolls(shanahan). finding coaches with some success and giving them the keys to the castle(holmgren/marv)as gm's. these teams seem to be worse than they started. i dont get it. the bills may or may not have made the right actual hires with nix and gailey, but not handing the team to shanahan was maybe the best move.


    side point, it seems that teams who bring in ex-superstars seem to flounder as well. i believe elway is meddling in denver and marino tried in the early 2000's and they collapsed.


    maybe keep jimbo atleast arms length away?

  11. this is dumb. lets say for arguments sake that the bills go 10-6 and miss the playoffs. it has happend before and given the strength of our division and conference totally possible. so if this happends he should turn over our coaching and gm staff in only their second year after such improvement. amazing



    The goal should be World Championship. Anything less is unacceptable. It's permissable to take 3 years to approach that goal, 5 years to achieve it, if a plan is in place and consistent improvement by whatever metrics are agreed to is seen. If we don't see the playoffs in 3 years something's wrong.


    I would rather not see the playoffs next year (esp. given how strong our division is) but see solid improvement in attitude and competitiveness and RUN DEFENSE (excuse me while I exercise my peeve) and winning, than be a team like the Seahawks in the playoffs b'cuz they play in a weak division and get blown off the field once they take a step into the dance.


    But our goal should not be "make the playoffs". Our goal should be World Championship.




    Keeping in mind the current "win now" attitude that has swept the NFL in recent years, isn't the Win/Loss record indicative as to whether the "plan" is working or not? And if not, why not clean house? How many quick turnarounds have we seen in the last 5 or 7 years? It can happen...& should happen, when GM's & coaches have the proper plan.


    yeah happends all the time at 1 bills drive. over a decade playoff drought and how many head coaches. christ its like you have never paid attention to this team or the league. those turnovers only exist when good teams have bad years. over a decade(half a generation) of bade football doesnt count as a bad year



    You are correct, but I think most head coaches have a 5-tiered goal (1) Make the playoffs, (2) Win the division, (3) Acquire home-field advantage thoughout the playoffs, (4) Win the conference championship game & play in the SB, & (5)Win the SB. I think it would be a little unrealistic for Ralph to say, "Win the Superbowl, or heads will roll."



    Maybe 'cause he hasn't left the ultimatum beforehand. Also, I'm not with you on your percentage. I think it's at least 0.00000002%


    yes but realistically in sport you look at a goal, then how to get there. the goal isnt to make the playoffs, playoffs are the first step. taking that step isnt a goal necassarily, it is just something you do, and you continue to track progress as you strive for the end goal, super bowl. as soon as a franchise sees a consistant lack of progress then you think about turning over staff

  12. The redneck side of me believes that the mass killings of fish, birds and now 200 cows in Wisconsin is the work of Islamic terrorists testing the dosage and concentration of their water delivered poison. The rational side of me thinks that the poison would have shown up in a toxicology report for the birds and fish and that there is some other reason or reasons not yet found. Also, no evidence for a relationship among the events.


    you should be a glass half full type of guy. maybe it is our own government testing the concentration of the poison we are going to be using on them.


    hope that helps you sleep better and put the voices to rest

  13. first, tebow was not the best most talked about player in football. he plays for the rams, and yes once it was clear the rams had the first pick, and bradford declared, tebow became the talk. however very few thought he would go high. the reason tebow had/has upside is not necassarily his athleticism but his tenacity to make changes and become a student of the game. while Cam has done nothing to prove he doesnt want to be, i found him sluggish in reads and finding recievers. i have seen him make very very few nfl throws or reads, even when he takes every snap in shotgun. yes does his upside intrigue me, but no do i take a number 3 overall on him. maybe in the 2nd, but not our 2nd, to early.


    so luck is out, or he would be the talk, and cam is being talked because of the questions not necassarily the ability. if he had more answers everybody would have him as a lock for the top 5 picks or so but they dont.


    nice pick on hardy. i would love to hear your reasoning on that one


    I see your logic and raise you


    NE - Not boring

    PITT - Not boring

    Indy - Not boring

    GB - Not boring

    NO - Not boring

    Philly - Def not boring

    NYJ - Not boring


    All playoff teams brutha...and all very exciting teams. We dont have to be boring to make the playoffs. Atleast I would prefer not to be.


    ne was boring playing the jets and they are out

    pitt likes to grind it out, gets boring

    indy- it is so much fun to watch peyton manning keep that team a float while other teams run the ball 40 times a game. they are out

    gb-fair enough

    no- drew breese gets the ball to everybody...they are out

    philly- when has the michael vick show ever been boring...they are out

    nyj- they love running the ball, and dont even have a qb that can consitently take hold of a game. they get boring.

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