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Everything posted by Mango

  1. ipso facto lee evans is better than larry fitzgerald sarcasm. valid point
  2. aaron williams is a pretty physical db, an option for welker. a rookie getting his first start v the pats and maning up on welker could be pretty tough
  3. as long as he can get on the field he should be fine. he doesnt need to catch any balls, he just needs to line up. he makes boldin boldin. without lee nobody ever would have heard of anquan
  4. sign danny boy, find out what you can from him and say good bye
  5. im glad he isn't with nfl.com, maybe now we can stop considering him knowledgeable about whats happening with bills football. granted it would have been nice to see him stay local, but he'll have fun with dj in cleveland. hey it's hard to get a job as a journalist in the nfl
  6. the secondary is questionable at this point. you cant shut down that pats offense without a pass rush and decent coverage. we need really good play from our lb corps to be able to rush without blowing any assignments. if the 3 guys up front can do their jobs, a great game for the lbs and above average play from our cb's we can win as long as we are clean with the football. we need merriman to be merriman
  7. i thought so a little during the offseason, just a little. but when you have TO he commands attention from the D, great, but he also demands attention in the offense. I just think this group of WR is really geling together and becoming a unit. they like being the no names, let them they have been doing ok. keep spreading the ball to everybody rather than trying to get it to reciever a, b, or c. I like TO i liked him when he was here, he is quite and I don't think he creates conflict anymore, the issues TO brings to the team at this point for the Bills is just the fact that he is a sure fire future HOFer, and commands the offense to be a focused on TO. I do think TO would have been (before his knee injury) a significantly better signing than Chad Ocho Cinco. TO still has some game yet, and TO at his age is still better than Ocho is now, any day all day.. With that I will say I am glad that the Patsies didn't go that route, now we don't have to deal with it twice a year as a replacement for parrish, i say no way (see above). now if we lost stevie long term with some injury, groin or otherwise? i say pick up the phone. I am not sure I am ok with our wr corps with aiken and naaman as our replacement for parrish johnson
  8. i think his contract negotiations will level out after a few games against pats, jets, giants, and dolphin defenses. he has been playing well and deserves an extension, im projecting 7.5 per year for 4 or 5 years
  9. im terrified the wheels are going to fall off. it seems like we are a different team, but over a decade of this terrifies me.
  10. easy for the first 5 weeks. brad smith....pryor is suspended. then the next 11 still goes to smith
  11. i have an edge app and a wgr app on my android.
  12. im as pumped about the 9/11 game as anybody. and tempering my excitement can be difficult...but let's let chandler string together a few games before we anoint him. as excited as i am about this 1st win i know in the back of my head anything can happen the next 16 weeks, even only another 2 tds for chandler all season. not to mention the fact that we where destined to win on sunday. we are ny's only real team, we are red white and blue playing on 9-11. i know the chiefs are the color of firemen but america+site of 9-11 > a team that looks like firemen. in okc people keep saying the jets where destined to win v. the cowboys, but really the jets are the devil. no team with an airplane name should ever win a game in remembrance of a terrorist attack involving airplanes. sorry for the tangent, but this logic is infallible
  13. yupp bet this was recorded this week. not possible it was done in the offseason/ during the lockout. also possible he is just doing this in his spare time. this looks like it was filmed in a basement as well, most likely didn't leave his own home in the buffalo area. come on man, pro athletes spend a lot of time working out and studying, they also have free time, to do other things, relax, and escape from athletics. it is very stressful. most people here don't have a realistic grasp on the day to day of a pro/elite athlete. all day studying and working out will ruin you. not to mention is this more harmful then some of these guys flying coast to coast to do stupid ad campaigns. having an outlet outside of sports will be extremely beneficial. this idea of 12 hours a day 7 days a week of nothing but football is totally out of touch with reality, especially the idea that only those who win super bowls are privy to extra curricular's disclaimer: i do believe that pro football needs more than just a few week cram session for the season, ie training camp. i think players should be required to do more offseason activity.
  14. one thing that this makes a note of a little bit is that dareus does almost nothing at the de position in anything resembling a 4-3. i noticed in pre season that whenever we lined 4 down linemen up dareus was almost always the de. i dont know how, but he to me he was exponentially less effective as a 4-3 de as he was in the 3-4. i noticed he was almost never a 4-3 end against kc, he was always lining up next williams inside. just something i picked up on, possibly a bit of trickery for preseason, or seeing how he faired ont eh outside unsure, but this article notes he is no longer lining up outside.
  15. no youre not. u didnt win your division or make the playoffs last year
  16. i knew what it was from working in restaurants. worked at a place that when it got slow we would have a contest to see who could sell the most. restaurants are dirty dirty places
  17. poor marcia. imagine the look on the rts face on a missed block and he realizes what he has just released on marcia. just one, please god just one. dareus doesn't even need to hurt him, after a hit like that he will be thinking about it everytime he steps behind center
  18. collinsworth picked us as his upset special last week v kc
  19. i am more worried about the bills ability to stop brady and co in the first 3 quarters. i will worry about the 4th when we get there. actaully i am worried about a number of things heading into that game, none of which are specific to the 4th as of yet.
  20. so youre saying we will be good? 8-8 after 4-12 is pretty solid. we actually double our win percentage. so....2012....16-0. i like where your head is at
  21. i cant wait to see this kids rookie year
  22. Mangini was the worst today, all over espn. mike and mike and 1st take where miserable with him. sad really. couldnt even stand to hear him speak
  23. i actually thought that mckelvin looked solid today. he put up some pretty solid coverage, defended a few good passes, and jumped a few routes (timing was off a bit, i assume that will get better as the season goes on. he did mis-time the ball for the pick on the kc td, but all in all i thought he was solid today
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