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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I’ve been saying for a while the Bills have been kicking the van down the road for too long. Every year they keep doing this they set themselves up for a bigger reset year. We’re one of the oldest and most expensive teams in the league. Those two things don’t often pair well together.
  2. The worst part of the contract is the restructure after the ACL tear. On March 13, 2023 we restructured a huge contract on an old pass rusher just after ACL surgery without seeing him practice. Without that restructure the Bills could have saved money by moving on after the season.
  3. Rodgers renegotiating his own contract is way different. As far as I know there is no contract in league history that was every voided based on any morality or behavior clauses. Like I said early Hernandez, Ruggs, AP, Vick, all carried cap hits for their teams. My best guess is Von retires and negotiates some sort of settlement. But the idea that Von signed a contract up front that would void his entire deal based on off field behavior is a pipe dream. It’s never happened…ever.
  4. The recording is noted in the body of most of the early articles. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/sports/von-millers-pregnant-girlfriend-accuses-him-of-pushing-her-putting-his-hands-on-her-neck/3400461/?amp=1 She texted a local news station a day later to say this was a nothing burger. https://www.wfaa.com/amp/article/news/local/buffalo-bills-nfl-von-miller-faces-arrest-in-dallas-texas-domestic-violence-case/287-2904617b-5d0d-4252-a321-28d8f61807f0 Is there a source on this? Vick, Ruggs, Hernandez all came with cap hits. If Von’s contract gets voided it would be an NFL first.
  5. There isn’t a whole lot of history of NFL contracts being voided or having relief based on off field behavior. People keep saying this like it’s common place and it’s not. Teams eat contracts and cap dollars all the time when players turn out to be total POS. Best bet for cap relief is for Von to retire, take a cap friendly buyout, and disappear silently.
  6. I’ll post it again: Dak is 6-1 in his last 7 starts with 25:3 total TD to TO ratio. That’s about as good as it gets. If he goes 25:12, better than 2:1, like some are suggesting is OK, those 9 additional TO’s likely cost them a few games. More turnovers are always bad and always cost games.
  7. It is so odd to me that this is being debated. More turn overs are always worse than less. Yes, scoring more points makes it easier to overcome if you score more points, but it doesn't change the equation that turnovers=bad and more turnovers=more bad. I actually don't love Dak, but he is 6-1 in the last 7 weeks with 23:2 TD to INT's. That is about as good as it gets. 23:6 will always be a worse result than 23:2, and like changes the Cowboys from 6-1 in those games to 5-2, 4-3, or 3-4 depending on where those additional 4 INT's come.
  8. Don't forget the part where it was recorded and that recording was given to the police. I would be curious what league officials, Von's attorney, and agent were doing at the time the text message to the news was sent.
  9. A few things: - The post I was responding to was charging the GF with filing a falsified police report. That will not happen. - I think in most cases where a victim recants you are correct. But there is a recording of the incident. You don't need a compelling witness if the altercation has video/audio evidence. - If charges do go away I would first be pointing the finger at an intervention from Von's team/the league. Again, because the fight was recorded and not because the witness would not cooperate.
  10. I would not be shocked if Miller and the league pay to keep this thing quiet and the recording to somehow get buried and sealed under an infinite tag of "ongoing investigation". In exchange, Von retires in very short order (before the season ends).
  11. He wasn't just arrested based on a police report. The woman recorded the altercation and that was a part of why an arrest warrant was issued. (In addition to bruising, bleeding and missing hair) Von's team is working diligently to make this one go away.
  12. She recorded the altercation and gave it to the police. This is stated in most articles. It was part of the reason they issued an arrest warrant for Miller. There is no recanting. Texas is also a "No Drop" state. Meaning that the woman cannot drop the charges, only the prosecutor/DA can. The DA had a recording and an arrest warrant was issued. There is absolutely zero, none, zilch, maybe even a negative infinity chance this woman gets charged with a false police report.... The league will have to pull some strings and Von will likely have to let some serious money go to make this one go away. It is unfortunate for domestic abuse victims everywhere, but that is my expectations (unfortunately).
  13. She recorded the interaction and gave it to the police when they showed up. There is no alibi to be had. Certainly not an excuse but I wouldn’t be shocked if he was coked up and maybe that’s why he waited to turn himself in. That’s pure speculations
  14. Just to make sure people know as they play catch up to all this, she recorded the altercation and provided it to the police and then they issued an arrest warrant.
  15. It is up to the prosecutor. The person of influence changes but it can be dropped.
  16. They do. It was mentioned in either that article or another I read. The league is capable of making most things go away. I am hoping Texas stands strong on this one.
  17. She recorded a video. The police saw it, have it, and have bruising. This is most certainly because Von/the league has spoken to her.
  18. I was in the Caribbean the other day. On the way to the airport a guy pulls up next to my cab after I get in and asks to open the door. He looks at me and my Bills hat and says Go Eagles then drove away.
  19. We have one of the oldest rosters in the league with little supporting cast around Allen and no space to do it. It makes some sense to let this regime get through that lull and give somebody else the keys with some more room to operate.
  20. It’s not so much the contract that’s killing us with Von. It’s his restructure. We should have an out this year and we don’t because of it. For all the talk of our record with “this roster”, we have one of the oldest teams in the league. We’ve been screaming towards this cliff for some time.
  21. Cutting Taron would be dumb. He’ll get an extension to help alleviate his cap number.
  22. I don’t think he’s failing miserably as a DC. The defense has played well with a bit of a skeleton crew in the back 7. He has certainly sucked with his 4th quarter and late game calls. The 5-6 man rushes and off coverage is killing us. I would think given how disjointed this season has been, that going back to being CEO rather than “Director of (insert business unit) is low hanging fruit for any leader of an org whose paying attention to its performance. I am not advocating for or against firing McD with the above. You asked a pointed question “would he hire a DC” and the answer is a resounding “of course he would”
  23. I mean he had a DC for 6 of 7 years. But if you ignore that, sure, maybe McD is totally opposed to the idea.
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