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Everything posted by Mango

  1. This is it. And it was the problem in the Ralph era as well. Be involved, give input, learn as an owner. But ultimately let the professionals do their job
  2. I do not disagree with you, in getting outside help to hire a GM. I also don't think we need to fire a GM who doesn't get to pick the HC. We don't have an idea of how good or bad our GM is, because he doesn't have full control. Christ our GM hasn't hired either of the two HC's he has had. Also, this is directly correlated to the QB position. If your GM does not have full football control, don't be surprised when your roster isn't what you would like. Give your GM the keys to the car, rather than have him read off directions from the GPS, because that is what this organization has been for nearly 20 years now.
  3. The biggest thing wrong with the organization in the drought is not letting football people make football decisions. Post Donahoe. The same thing is happening now. Let your GM control football. That is it. Done deal. We do not do that in the least. When you come out of a coaching interview, and your marketing guy is even present. Then has the freedom to say, "don't let this guy leave without a contract", and he is not your GM's first choice. Then you give him 5 years. That is what is wrong with the organization. Whaley has been slightly better than average overall as a GM. That encompasses the draft, resigning, trades, and FA. That might be his ceiling. He may also be trying to do his job a bit hamstrung. We won't know until internally that structure changes. If you need a consultant to come in, or a czar, just hire a new effing GM.
  4. If you're going to do it for TT, make sure you add Dak, Newton, Rogers, Dalton, Smith,Bree's, Flacco, and Mariotta. About half of those are already ahead of TT. You can't add to one and not the group.
  5. Not defending Rex here, but for somebody who spent a lot of years at the Oly Training center, with physiologists from all over the country and world, I am torn. 1. Being really strong, dynamic, and explosive make you predisposed to being very tight. It's actually what makes them strong, dynamic, and explosive. I used to work with a stretching specialist, who worked as a private "stretcher" for a lot of MLB pitchers. He would talk a lot about how being very personal with all of them, made it easier, but only carried a few clients, because treatment is so personal. He would rarely do much work on the pitching arm because that tightness is what created their velocity. He focused a lot on making sure the rest of the body stayed balanced, otherwise it would fail the throwing shoulder. 2. That said, many of these things are somewhat preventable. Long warm ups and pre-stretching actually reduce max power output, increase aerobic output, and help prevent injury. I think these guys are predisposed to this stuff, but given coming from big programs, natural physiology, and then NFL funding, they take whatever time they get with the trainer as gospel. As a guy who worked in a non-funded sport for a long time, you realize it's about personal accountability and finding your right prescription.<<<<this is basically the reason Tom Brady is better than everybody else.
  6. Also in plays of note you list in order 1. Unforced 2.unforced 3. Unforced 4. Coverage sack 5. Excellent play by TT 6. OT blew it 7. OT blew it 8. OL false start 9. TT excellent 10. OL beat 11. OL beat 12. Unforced 13. Bad route In a game where your numbers show the line held up about 83% of the time, your notable plays list them at double the rate. Actually 7 of the 13 notable plays are listed as somebody else's failure other than the QB, when your data is showing they are right in line with their more successful games as a unit. Meanwhile your number of times TT blew it are about a 1/3. Plus one good play. It just doesn't make sense. The numbers above show that these number should be flipped around.
  7. Not to nitpick. And yes, I am the occasional poster. .... But how are you providing stats on unforced errors, forced errors, no separation, and QB errors, while at the same time saying things like, "many times there was nobody open." If you are collecting data,that isn't a true response to data collection. Also note the only video analysis offered was Corday Glenn. If you're watching every play, taking notes, and making references. It doesn't seem just to identify a single player only. Not only that, he wasn't the worst player on the lin le by your grades. Just asking to stick to your measurements and data is all. Be she this ain't that. All the criticism above said. I know this is message board. Thanks for your time and effort in posting. It's much appreciated. Regardless of criticism.
  8. I'm I the only one who saw that INT, and thought that Woods sat down in a soft spot in the zone. It was a good play by the WR, and close your eyes and chuck it by the QB. The pre snap read on the defense was way off there. Especially against a team that plays a lot of 3 deep zone. Woods found the perfect spot to sit down in against coverage, TT chucked it right at the coverage. Poor pre and post snap read from the QB.
  9. The first time or two was polite. And I was still threatened, after the first time of asking nicely. A guy walking in the other direction even interjected "dude is being pretty nice, just stop being an ass"/ But yes I was more vulgar and stern than the post may imply after the pushing continued. But no, no name calling, no questioning of parenting. This was also after threatening me to punch me, after being nice. Just sticking up for myself after being threatened. I've instigated a number of situations in my early 20's. I can ensure you this isn't one of them. And I wasn't drunk. I'm a tall, skinny, jovial guy. Again, I don't have anything to prove anymore. I've won 12 national championships, of good size. I don't have to prove my "worth" to anybody at a bills game I am Willing to take a lot on the chin but not an absurd amount. Especially that which starts to question my own integrity.
  10. Fully agree. I met a woman I am seeing. Had she been with me and/or getting pushed I would have ended up in Bills jail. I'm a tall guy with a good athletic prowess. At this point in my life I have nothing to prove on my own. But even if I saw you purposefully spit on a female, stranger or not, I don't think I could control myself, nor should I. I am sorry that happened. Wit wiz all day!!! I agree, no wiz, and I deserve more than a punch in the face
  11. I would have been pissed but laughed pretty hard about it later. I like your style. A real Mother Theresa.
  12. I don't fully disagree. But at some point people are just sh*tty. Thy needs to resolved. We can ban whatever we want. But people can suck. I agree with an earlier post, the drinking culture is getting out of hand. I enjoy craft beer. Used to manage a brewery (in OKC), enjoy good wine. But he'll. My poor drunk behavior at 20 didn't compare to the nonsense of that incident today.
  13. There was no impeding. I was shoulder to shoulder with everybody around me, and offered the right of way. I don't understand the rationalization for the incident by you or him. You wouldn't carry 2 8" trays through your own house?
  14. I don't disagree about the fans....or the planning for food and drink. But it's not like I was leaving 8' of space between me and the person infront of me. We were all sardines. All the others around me were joking about all the stuff I had. So yes he fan base was supportive. My 15 years is my adult experience. My grandparents had seasons growing up and I started going to games at 6ish. Never have I experienced this. I'm barely over 30 now. But this was absurd. In all honesty, I haven't always been the model fan at games, especially in my youth, though never violent or aggressive like this. This was unprovoked and rediculous. I don't care if I was carrying a couch through the causeway, this isn't how adults react.
  15. I really don't mind the ribbing, vulgarities, and roasting of other (visiting) fans. (Typo in OP) BUT you can't get physical, you can't make people feel unsafe. This was a single dude (me) trying to walk to his seat with 4 people's worth of food and drink, asking not to be pushed from behind, and even offered the go ahead. God forbid I stick up for myself without being assaulted. This was totally uncalled for. I truly am embarrassed by the product at the stadium, both on and off the field. I know the plural of anecdote is not data, but still.....
  16. Bills fan here. Just wanted to share a story. I drew the short straw at half time to grab my friends and I food and drinks. I was walking back to my seats in a crowded causeway in the lower bowl, carrying 2 trays with 3 cheese steaks 2 coffees and 2 beers. The guy behind me kept shoving me. I turned around and asked him to stop, there was nowhere for me to go. Something I never do, but this was actual pushing/shoving. Not sure why he was doing this. Just a guy alone. He says, "talk to me again and I'll punch you" I turn around keep walking. He keeps pushing me. Again I say, "dude there is no where for me to go". He tells me he has a baby. I offer to let him go Infront if it's an emergency. He tells me no and I need to not be a kitty. Again if I turn around he'll punch me in the face. Finally we exchange words that I am doing the best I can but I am going to drop everything if he continues. His GF/Wife walks up to me and literally punches me in the face. My hands are full, I just go to my seat. A bunch of men and women step in to tell him he was out of line and so was his lady. I continue on my way to not be involved in any altercation. I don't have seasons but go to 4-6 games per year. I generally have overlooked people's complaints about game day experiences because I think a football game is sometimes a vulgar experience. In my life tailgating and going to games for the last 15 years, I've never experienced anything like this at the Ralph/New Era. It was absurd and unwarranted. I feel bad for this fan base on all sorts of levels. But this is what we've become. Might as well be the raiders with nonsense like this. Roasting and vulgarities at opposing fans. Getting physical with your own fan base, and even instigating it is poor character for us. I'm debating whether or not even going to the game is worth it at this point. I was offended, and disgusted. If there was security near by I would have absolutely reported it and had him ejected. Poor look for a new father. Note: I had a ton to do today. I didn't tailgate. I parked and met friends at the gate. I wasn't drinking. But it's really a sad day to see bills fans react this was especially with kids. And by kids I mean his baby was about 6 months old on a 50 degree rainy day.
  17. I think they have saturated everything with football. There is so much of it on now, it is like trying to schedule a date on a Thursday, but the Sabres play. I always go on the date because there are a ton of other chances to watch hockey. I would drop the Thursday nights. Part of football's draw was that it only happened on basically 1 day per week, with a special Monday night. Now there are 3 (4 if you add in London) games Sunday, and sometimes 2 on Thursday and Monday. Missing football has now become easy because there is always more on. Add to that, that the game is so stop and start, it makes it easy to leave the game and watch something else. Watching on TV needs to be more fluid, and they need to reduce the amount of days they play per week. Also move Monday's and Thursdays off of ESPN/NFLN. Same thought as above. If I am a chord cutter (which there are a ton now), you miss both of those. It is easy to miss Sunday when you already missed the other two days.
  18. I saw him bail on not getting hit no less than 3 times on Sunday. Agreed about Manning and Rivers to a certain extent. Where those two will throw the ball away, Tyron can take a 3rd and 20 and convert. Love that about him and that's not coachable. It is his athletic skill. What I am saying is, he bails on delivering the ball to an open receiver to save the contact. I understand it is not totally his nature or skip to pick apart defenses. What I am asking is to take the QB knock down and deliver the ball. What I see is a QB who senses or sees some pressure, and takes off, when there is absolutely an opportunity to complete a pass is all.
  19. I am mad he doesn't do it, when the play is available, and he scrambles out of bounds, or scrambles for drastically less yards that the completition would be. I don't think he should always stay in the pocket. I am mad that he doesn't deliver the ball when the receiver is open, because he doesn't take a hit. There are times he buys more time with his legs, and there isn't a throw to be made. There are times, he bails on available throws instead of throwing the football. "I am not asking him to be a pure pocket passer". Because of his ability with his legs, he has has a skill set to be an opportunistic QB. If he has the opportunity to throw to an open receiver, and it means he takes a hit, he needs to do that as an NFL QB. If there is space to go, he needs to go. There are a lot of times, he uses his legs, when there isn't an opportunity for gains, and there is if he would throw the ball, regardless of what category he falls under as a "passer".
  20. I mentioned this in another thread. Tyrod refuses to stand tall in the pocket and deliver the ball AND take a hit. I noticed it a ton yesterday at the SF game. There were throws that could have been made yesterday, to receivers he saw, if he would just be willing to take a hit here or there. It is not so much he is skittish, or quick to run, or phantom pressure. He is affraid of the contact in the pocket, or at least refuses to take it. I am not asking him to stand in a take a beating, But on a 20 yard post, you have to sometimes take a lick for that play. Granted maybe he gets hurt, and a healthy Tyrod is easily better than no TT at all.
  21. My first game of the season to attend. The thing I noticed most about Tyrod today, isn't the lack of going through progressions, or accuracy. I think his biggest downfall is being willing to plant his feet, deliver the ball, and take a hit on the defender. There were some opportunities, where he was looking at an open receiver, but bailed out on it. If he can stand in the pocket here and there, take the hit, and throw the ball, we will see more out of the offense.
  22. They should adopt IOC/WADA/USADA rules. So you can smoke all the pot you want. Hell, I know athletes who had USADA knock on their door days after smoking. You can test positive out of competition all you want. Take the test with a joint in your hand. No big deal. But you absolutely cannot test positive for weed in competition. So smoke all you want, but gotta test clean at the World Champs or Olympics. I also like the idea of mandatory testing if you win your event/championship, with random testing through the season. So you win the superbowl, great!!! Nobody leaves the facility without being tested on the roster. Positive test and you're disqualified. It is how most sports testing is done.
  23. Agreed to an extent. I was in the wait and see crowd, but these 2 games have been brutal. His strengths are barely his strengths currently. His weaknesses are worse than they have been in the past. He just has yet to show that he can use the whole field, and move the ball methodically. If he were a rookie I would give him more time. But the fact is, he has been in the league, behind a Pro Bowler and Super Bowl Champ for 6 years. This is not like his "year two" but year 6 either. He should be playing at a much higher level. Like a 3-4 year starter, and he is not.
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