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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Boy, we are really in the meat of a drought eh? Finding a GM is hard or there are other factors that we don't know about that might be at play...The reality is that just about all professional sports teams owners don't have the qualifications to be making roster decisions, which is why most will use their leagues resources to help find somebody who does.
  2. I don't think anybody told him he "doesn't belong". He has a ton of physiological gifts, comes from a well adjusted middle class family, with a blue collar work ethic. I think the consensus is that he wasn't refined enough. I am sure every coach from his days in HS all the way to the NFL and Jordan Palmer have told him that. This is not some new premonition where he is like "woah, my mechanics can be messy and it is really effing with my ability to be consistent". Chances are he has been doing what he thought was enough vs. what was actually enough to make those changes. He has sort of been the classic case of being a gifted athlete in a pool of mediocre athletes and relied on his physiology. It doesn't mean these things can't or won't change. They can and hopefully will, but will probably be a windy road to get there. Inversely, look at a guy like Lamar Jackson, who went to Petrino with the sole purpose of learning to be a better passer. Who thought "if I want to be the player I think I can be, I have to be better in the pocket and under center." Which is a bit different than "so you don't think I am good enough"
  3. Its never been that they don’t care. It’s that they haven’t let their sports people do sports work and get out of the way. Whaley can’t hire a coach. Ted Black isn’t in charge. Terry needs to find his hockey McBeane. Until then he will continue to be the Lenny Smalls of NHL ownership.
  4. This is weird to me. There is nothing more dangerous than a guy who is playing for his and his families livelihood. Where if this doesn’t work out, others will fail. Allen has no more edge than any kid who busts his a$$ in grade school because the only way he sees to get him and his family out of poverty and danger is making it to the NFL. Josh grew up blue collar. He’s tough as nails. He’s built like and ox, and his family worked him like one. But let’s not make his story to be some wild rags to riches. He’s tough, he’s driven, and he’s competitive, just like thousands of other players who’ve come and gone in the NFL.
  5. Yeah. I’m not adding any additional hardware and guesstimating based on basically a single use case/environment. On top of that assuming they run on NFL servers which should already outfitted properly. Those GOV contracts are huge. I actually used to work with RSA quite a bit on them. I’m just sort of rounding numbers from a few years ago from RSA’s Archer and I am actually doing a bunch of work replacing zoom for telehealth clients. There isn’t a need here to consistently update and communicate constantly changing sensitive information between 100’s or 1000’s employees on a minute by minute basis.
  6. Zoom is a stupid product with really great marketing. There is a reason they have a Zoom Government that is NOT AVAILABLE to corporate users. Because they only produce a single secure product and don't have the bandwith to do that at an enterprise level. Microsoft TEAMS seems to be doing an OK job with security. Vidyo does a great job with security and is one of the only HIPPA compliant products out there. This is not rocket surgery and people are expecting it to be oddly expensive to protect your data at an enterprise level. A company the size of United Health Group probably spends a couple million per year on securing their servers, telecommunications, etc. But they have some extra hoops due to HIPPA compliance as well. That might sound like a huge number, but they do $14B in revenue and have 300,000 employees. Each franchise needs what, 30-50 people with a secure connection on draft night? Most likely it is a user count license done through the NFL not each franchise. If they secured through the teeth, it will cost MAYBE $150k for the draft and that is total, for all 32 franchises to be on the same system, and they will all be licensed through the entire year.
  7. My post above this reply insinuates something similar. Pegula doesn't actually want anybody in charge. Before McD he was letting Russ run the product like an absolute idiot and putting If it weren't for Terry loving McD the BIlls would be a disaster right now as well.
  8. I think this is the problem with the Sabres. He needs to get his hands off of the team. Obviously he has earned (bought) the right to do what he wants when he wants. But it is to the detriment to the success of his investment. Lets not forget when he extended Regier he said things like "nobody has a monopoly on hockey brains" in the organization. He spoke to Regier more than anybody else in the organization, and referee to their conversations as "scheming", and Ted Black called the management structure flat, not top down. He has been a terrible owner of that team. And until Russ diddled some interns (or something like that) he was doing the same thing with the Bills. Russ was his Darcy. Then there are great owners like Steve Bisciotti: "There is a difference between being involved and being in charge," Bisciotti said. "I want to be very involved. I just don't want to be in charge. You can't hire talented people and overrule them with less talents ... like myself."
  9. not to beat a dead horse but his fumble rate is 1.2%. For reference Emmitt Smith fumble rate is 1.3%. Not that Yeldon is Emmitt, but he’s not fumbling all that much. He’s also never fumbled more than twice in a season. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/Y/YeldT.00.htm
  10. The league has been quite about it but I have to imagine they have contingency plans for 12, 10, 8, 6 week etc seasons planned. Imagine a 6 week season, divisional games only.
  11. The are Billion dollar organizationsz I assume they have at least 10-12 IT people on staff who will be constantly monitoring the servers. Remoting in is super easy anyways for the IT guys. Not to mention, I would put money on these being treated almost like a webinar. “Rooms” will already be set up. Invites sent out. Open your outlook calendar and click the links needed for each conference. All most likely handled by either team IT directors and/or the NFL. This isn’t Sue in accounting trying to see if she can skype the sales team at once to see if she can get an update on past due invoices. Most of these coaches and scouts are doing some work from home or on the road. They’ll need a VPN to get access to any film or material. Then there is probably a 75% chance that there is some multi factor authentification involved. This is most definitely the most “complicated” part of the entire thing, and it’s literally just typing in a number, or hitting confirm on an app on your phone.
  12. The honest answer is actually that Microsoft has more money to spend. They most definitely have the most extensive team in the channel to execute a major product roll out at an enterprise level overnight. Teams was making a huge splash In terms of market share well before the draft. My biggest surprise here is actually that he doesn’t have a docking station with a big 40+” curved monitor or 3 to 4 monitors. I have 4 monitors for work, and I work from home. I’m not nearly as important as an NFL executive.
  13. Belichick has been doing this for years. As defenses got bigger he beat them over the top with Moss and carved them up with a shifty Welker. As defenses have gotten quicker to account for gaudy passing numbers he has been pounding them with the run. He has been just ahead of the curve for 20 years now. It is all about timing your system with the league properly. The Bills were much too late to react in years past. In the last playoffs: 4/12 teams were in the top 12 in passing yards 8/12 teams were in the top 12 in rushing yards Interestingly though 8/12 teams in the playoffs are in the top 12 for PTD 7/12 teams in the playoffs are in the top 12 for RTD Obviously a 1000 foot view, but even with huge passing yardages in the NFL, teams are becoming much more reliant on the run to find success. But they are doing a large percentage of their scoring through the air, regardless of how they rack up yardage.
  14. I get what they tried to do with putting the state inside the “C”, but it looks like a normal “C” that he a stroke.
  15. I could have gotten behind this post if it was only the bolded.
  16. This happens all the time in sports. I know HC at high level NCAA programs who couldn't even begin to explain the nuances of what made them successful. One was actually names an olympic coach but was promptly fired after a very poor quadrennial. Generally athletes who lack the physiological gifts become better coaches, because they didn't just "do" they had to "learn" if that makes sense. A good example is probably Dan Marino. He was never accused of being the most cerebral guy out there, but was a hell of a passer. I wouldn't really want to be coached by him (There is value for camps and lower end athletes, etc). I would much rather take a guy like Brady, Manning, Romo who really internalized the entire game. I am sure a guy like Chad Pennington would be a great mentor because was able to maintain a career after he tore his shoulder apart. Reich and Leftwich come to mind as well. That said, none of this means Palmer is any sort of QB whisperer.
  17. We could basically merge this with the thread talking about using "moneyball" at the QB positon. I guess we are looking at that case study now. Ha!
  18. I don't really get this. Newton was league MVP, set half a dozen rookie records (including passing and scoring), has the most rushing TD's by a QB. His playing style was always going to shorten his career because of his size and speed. Part of his skill set is that he can take on LB's. Josh is doing the same thing. Eventually injury will shorten his (JA) if he does not become a more proficient passer. Both can be streaky and inconsistent when it comes to being a passer. But Newton is much better with the big play, proof being his gaudy passing numbers. He was a quality starter for the Panthers for a decade. I don't think anybody in Caroline is regretting that pick. Cam's worst season (outside of 2019) still outclasses Josh's best year. Newtons best seasons are years away from anything Josh has ever done in college or the NFL. I think just about every franchise would be happy if they had a QB with Cams production for 10 years. Everybody cannot be Brady, Rodgers, Manning, Wilson, etc.
  19. I think you always pay a future HOF player. Brees' first contract was not bad with the Saint. 10M per year. He didn't start to push the scale until he was franchised a few years later. At that point he had grown into a stud already. I think the overarching theme is, you don't pay a Dak or Goff salary for their production, when you could pick up a Bridgewater, Foles, Brissett number. As we see more performances like the Eagles, Rams, etc, and the data in this case study gets larger, I suspect you see less over valued second contracts. I would prefer a situation where we are able to keep Tre, Edmunds, Milano, Dawkins, add an elite pass rusher, and keep a 1a/1b receiving corp. with a tandem of Diggs (who will ask for a new contract) and Brown, and pair with a Teddy Bridgewater-esque player. I think you add a 30/35M QB contract we are looking at a receiving corp that is pretty similar to last years (or Diggs and lesser depth), and we can't resign everybody on the defensive side of the ball.
  20. Quality additions to the conversation per usual...
  21. So don’t be surprised if we don’t see any growth? Because Mahomes went from a historical to elite year? Or don’t be surprised if we don’t any gains because growth is not linear? I am just traveling down the path you are taking me on...
  22. Wait what? Our second round pick is going to boot 3 different individuals players off the roster? In 3 different roles? Even if he moves up to WR 4, you know we would still carry more receivers than that right?
  23. Your big rebuttal (without actually addressing the question) is that Mahomes had an MVP like year after only starting 14 games, was top 10 in every metric, won SB MVP, and that was such a decline from having an MVP year and being top 5 in every metric, with no super bowl....that we shouldn’t try and get an idea of what our young QB’s individual growth/expectations are (outside of added talent) as he tries to establish himself in the NFL? This is the hill you are going to die on? Rather than just say, I would expect XYZ after another year of development if all things remain equal?
  24. You are dodging the question and shifting the goal posts. But I think you already know that. To answer your question, his stat line dropped from historically great to MVP conversation. Again, we should try to get an idea of Josh’s improvements outside of his supporting cast. That isn’t an argument against him actually improving, because he did. It’s not a hard line, and is a worthy point/conversation. Maybe the better question is, what’s the increased offensive production with the addition of Diggs, and we get the same Josh Allen? Points, yards, etc? I can get behind most of this. He definitely improved and there were some issues with supporting cast. I was more just responding to the blanket statement that seemed to come off as, “you’re with Josh or you’re against him”. The offense needs a large leap from a few positions to be mentioned in the conversation of consistantly above average. QB is one of those positions.
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