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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Why is Gettleman putting on a mast alone in his office?
  2. I mean, the kind of had 1,2, and 3. The first overall pick rose the bench for 2 years and transferred. ?
  3. I was just listening to the lead up, saying Cincy is looking forward to their historical moment and drafting Joe Burrow. I was kinda hoping they trade the pick and everybody cries.
  4. Yeah. Normally I have had cable so I would switch around a bit, especially during commercials, but I cut the chord the past year (thanks for your cable log in family members) obviously swapping apps is different than changing the channel.
  5. What network is everybody watching on?
  6. The wild part is, it is happening with guys that have been to Carolina since Beane and McD left. Obviously this guy was a Buffalo OG, but still...
  7. I just noticed, the two screens on the far end by the doors, are actually just mirrors of the ones on his desk facing the big board. They also aren't monitors, they are actual TV's (you can tell because the images are bigger, where a larger monitor just gives you more space) They aren't for another person. My guess is so he can either watch the TV or look at his board without having to look away. Also that way he can stand up and adjust his board and still see what is on his screens at the center desk. I assume the back desk/table is for an IT guy to make sure nothing goes down.
  8. Some people just like to watch the world burn. I will just lurk while this inevitably escalates
  9. I thought the same thing too. A couple of adapters for a docking station and he could have 6 monitors no problem. I work from home normally and have 4 (3+ I keep my laptop open as another screen)
  10. Serious question, well thrown ball, dropped it right in the bucket, who was that? My guess is either Darnold, Burrow, or even Palmer himself, since they are all part of the same "QB camp"
  11. I mean I can go on and on about the data on the city of Buffalo not showing any signs of upward trend, that wasn't the point here, and Pegula is not responsible for the cities woe's or economic stagnancy. The Harborcenter though, he shouldn't be losing money on that, other than his own ineptitude. He gets a 10 year property tax break on the property, at which point he will start to claim it as a decreasing in value on his taxes yearly (as big businesses do, but you can't do that with your house). And if they city doesn't allow it, he will sell it, and somebody else will buy it and the city will have to hand them more tax credits. In the grand scheme of his worth, it is probably a bit of a rounding error. But getting in the black should be easy.
  12. I think it’s silly that sometimes a field goal is worth one point, and sometimes it’s worth 3 points.
  13. That’s actually a reasonable concern. It seems he is well under not just his normal, but under what might even be considered an acceptable weight to be an NFL TE. The internet claims he only lost 23 lbs, but on 6’6 frame I would think would look less drastic. I used to compete nationally/internationally at a weight specific sport and I would allow myself to float about 20 lbs during the holidays. I’m 6’2 and it was not nearly that drastic. Hell, I am about 185 lbs now, 8.5% of my body weight would put me to about 170 and people would barely notice.
  14. Don't get me started on the Buffalo Renaissance not being a real thing. It is just something people keep regurgitating until everybody believes it is true. Buffalo has not grown by almost any measure. Increasing level of kids in poverty every year. House house income is stagnant. Household income in comparison to the national average is actually getting worse. And as a result everybody that is screaming RENAISSANCE is actually causing one of the largest spikes in the country in terms of % increase in cost of living. But to your point. The city gave TPegs a huge tax abatement and drastically undervalued the property that the Harbor Center is on when they sold it. From a former Erie County Budget Director, "The city will NEVER make that money back" It is absolutely wild...This is not the thread for that though.
  15. You are correct. He dipped out of the OG industry nearly a decade ago. I am sure he has some investments, but he cashed out to the tune of nearly 5 BILLION dollars. He is currently over leveraged his worth because he has done a bad job of managing his investments in sports and hospitality. I would not be surprised if he were relatively cash poor (or as cash poor as a billionaire can be). The whole thing is a bit wild, kind of like a mega millions winner who declares bankrupts after blowing through 200M. The Bills will be fine, but if he does not figure it out, I would not be surprised to see him move on from the harborcenter, the sabres, PSE management group, etc. https://www.forbes.com/profile/terrence-pegula/#12385c013cc7
  16. This is a weird slide and obviously never should have been included in any presentation at any level. If one of the Pegula's presented or signed off on them, shame on them. It sort of reads "Win Games---Turn the business over to my kids/Generational wealth---Don't make me sell my yacht". I am honestly not sure how else you read it. The title of the effing slide is "Pegula Family Goals (PSE)". Based on the content, it definitely does not read as "PSE is a family". This is tone deaf to say the least...
  17. Sure it does, it is no different than a start up reaching out to a VC already involved in oil and gas for money in exchange for equity.
  18. I fully agree with all of this. And Terry was absolutely thinking that way when it came to natural gas. Probably in part because he was so strong at the science side, he was aware of his short comings on the business side. However, if I were to guess, this is Terry's play toy of sorts, an attempt to venture out on his own. Sort of similar to Jerry Jones, but with less meddling. It is his opportunity to create a major family venture within hospitality, entertainment, sports, etc. that his immediate family can be apart of.
  19. I could not tell you how much the family is worth. I can tell you they have at least 3 homes and a full time staff for a yacht on the east coast. I would guess worth much less than Terry, but was absolutely a business partner in the venture, not an employee. He would not have purchased this Bills because he most likely does not have a billion liquid. The joke was that he was working with Terry and always had the inside line in knowing the Bills were not going anywhere.
  20. I’ve posted this here before, but it is important to remember. Pegula is NOT a business man, he is a geologist. Pegula made his fortune by finding and digging natural gas. He did not do it by running a successful business. He had a partner (a Buffalo family) who did all of the negotiating, hiring, firing, financing, etc. so that Terry could be silo’d as finding natural gas. I have had some people role their eyes on here at this, but I promise you this is this case. I’m actually very good family friends with the family in question. I have known them since I was a kid (1980’s)well before the Pegula’s purchased any teams in Buffalo. I should note, said family has zero involvement with the current Pegula’s PSE ventures. This is Terry’s pet project. We used to joke as Ralph got older, and his death was becoming more of a when not if that “The Bills won’t leave Buffalo, xxx’s dad would never let that happen”...but it wasn’t really a joke.
  21. I mean I would rather do Kim, but to each his own.
  22. Agreed. More than anything I’m just curious what he has left in the tank, if anything at all. For all the criticism that followed him around, fitness, work ethic, and drive were never part of that conversation. If he thinks he has the ability to still contribute in this league, I’m tempted to trust him. Signing though...that’s a different conversation.
  23. I think Star and Murphy’s are paid too much for their impact. Once those come off the books, it seems they will be spending around average. I haven’t seen the FA pick ups wear a Bills jersey, so I’ll reserve judgement until then. We don’t seem to have a “star” on the DL, but we do have a lot of above average to very good players on above average contracts. It’s not a bad place to be.
  24. Can you imagine this place if we trade that pick with Mahomes and Watson still on the board, and don’t re-sign the guy (Tre) we traded down to select instead. Hahaha
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