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Everything posted by Mango

  1. You can, but it would never be a consumer level product. The NFL, NCAA, a franchise, etc. would have to get a third party app writer to build it for them and go through lots of beta testing. etc. I have done demos with performing knee replacement surgery, repairing parts on oil wells, and properly stacking boxes on a pallet. Industries are definitely using this for training, and the NFL will eventually pick it up I am sure. I do believe there is some stuff out there already for QB's.
  2. VR is being used in terms of prep and practice already. Just not to the scale you are thinking. VR is relatively new at an enterprise level. Oculus/Facebook just entered the channel and all apps at the enterprise level are custom built. Not like your phone or Oculus you use at home with an app store. VR at the business level is just getting going. Johnson and Johnson, Ford Motors, etc. have started using them, but it has been hand in hand with the manufacturers/vendors until relatively recently. Be patient, it will come. You will start to see them in your hotels, departments stores, etc. in the next few years as well.
  3. The Instagram videos seem to show that Allen is taking some zip off of his throws. That and mechanics should go a long way in terms of increasing his productivity and consistency. Hope he can maintain at game speed.
  4. Not hating on our current roster at all, I am happy with where we are. But that era was really set up to have some combination of Schwartz/Roman as HC/OC/DC. I’m pretty confident those Bills would have broken the streak.
  5. I doubt he drives it himself often or ever. It’s not a weather issue, it’s a mobile office. Phillip Rivers has something similar. He uses it to watch tape to and from the stadium. I guess people just like to hate on this because it’s Brady? But the dude has made over $200M in NFL contracts alone. This is a lesser investment for him than season tickets to the Bills. And it allows him to be more efficient with his time.
  6. They can make each other better. But I think a good to great QB can elevate a mediocre receiving Corp higher than a good to great receiving Corp elevates a bad QB.
  7. If we had to make the decision tomorrow, it is a very hard pass. I am not sure there is much disagreement on that. Outside of that, it is wait and see.
  8. Yeah sorry. I messed that up. Disregard.
  9. Have you ever driven an F250? That makes zero logistical sense. I had a 1500 and would swap out for the 250 SD for cross country trips. Oliver and I have near identical heights and wing spans. He is slightly shorter, my wing span is about half an inch shorter. He’s got over 100 lbs on me, so likely my arms are longer but he has wider shoulders. There is no way he is just reaching over to put in the door before getting out. He would need to almost lay down across the seat flat to do that. 250 is about 5.5 feet across. His wing span is about 6’5. He’s a foot short of the cup holder is at shoulder height. But it’s not. It’s about 3 feet lower in the footwell.
  10. It is a non moving violation. He'll get a ticket and it will be expunged by end of year if that is the case. Also, empty cans count as "open container". So even if the beer was in the passenger door or his lap (spit cup if he chews), he still gets popped with open container. I am guessing that the dude was flying through a construction zone, changing lanes and not signaling because of his trailer and no shoulder. Somebody called and complained. Cops see a beer in a cup holder and use it as reason to search the truck and test get his BAC. What he actually gets charged with will be dependent on his BAC. I have a feeling that he'll get some sort of speeding/reckless driving and maybe an open container ticket. No DUI and no gun charge (because no DUI). Honestly though, I don't know. Just sort of trying to piecemeal together a bunch of reports, some of them are different.
  11. There are two conflicting reports. One, that it was between his legs, the other that it was in his passenger side door. If it was in his passenger side door, I would hardly call that a red flag.
  12. Or made it waaaaaay worse....but OK
  13. A bunch of clamoring for 2k to have a swing at it. Ignoring the fact the NBA 2k games have been trash for years now.
  14. All we needed was a woman to get attacked by a Bison? Had I known, I would have vacationed with a couple terrible ex-girlfriends to Yellowstone years ago. Sorry Bills fans, this drought is on me.
  15. EJ left the field against the pats with just a few minutes left on the clock with the league. I think part of my frustration with the “Allen is almost there” crowd is a little bit of shaken baby syndrome with my past self with EJ. Sure he largely didn’t play well enough, but he left the field with the lead. What a terrible 100 seconds against the Jags in London, but we still almost won the game. He was 2-2 when he was benched. Yada yada yada. EJ reference aside. JA has shown more improvement from year 1 to 2 than EJ did. And has much better intangibles. The book isn’t written on him yet, but as a passer he hasn’t been good enough to date. He still may. Stats are on his side at the moment, but I am holding out hope. Go Bills!
  16. I was just responding to your post that he: -Was driving deep- They weren’t. They went 20 yards. - Thrives in the red zone- he doesn’t as a passer/ He’s actually a poor passer in the red zone. Completing less than 50% of their passes. And over half his rushing TD’s are from the 3 or closer. I added his rushing TD’s. Which I credited as his secret sauce. But mentioned that over half came at the 3 yard line or closer. I want him to keep running but only enough to keep defenses honest. I also added that the Bills had one of the worst total number of red zone attempts in the league and a below average TD% even when they do get there. I’ll add now, that the Bills are 24th in yards per drive. All while being 11th in average starting field position. The drive you mentioned was actually actually VERY close to their average in terms of yardage and starting failed position. I feel like I read your point as “he probably does it” and I responded with, based on everything you laid out, probability is actually not in his favor outside of in game context. Not only that, it was very run of the mill for a Buffalo offense. Started at the 30, went under 30 yards. Punt. In game context he had just thrown a pick and went 3 and out. So not a ton of momentum.
  17. Sure there was a better chance than with Barkley. But Allen and Co. had one of the least red zone trips in the NFL. So you may feel like he was “leading a deep drive” (they gained 25 yards after a 30 yard return). But the reality is, they were in the area of the field they struggled the most to get past. The Bills has one of the fewest red zone trips in the entire league and were just below average in TD% even when they did get there. Allens secret sauce in the red zone has been rushing inside the 3 yard line (5 of 9 RTD) He completed 48% of his passes in the RZ. Again, the real uphill battle for the offense is just getting their, not just finishing the drive.
  18. Just to provide some color, the Bills were 26th in Red Zone Trips and 17th in red zone TD% in 2019. Josh himself was 23rd in Red Zone passing TD's completing only 48% of his passes. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2019/redzone-passing.htm https://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2019/#all_team_scoring Edit: Josh did rush for 9 RZ TD's which is impressive. 4 were from the 1 yard line and another 1 from the 3 yard line. I am actually hoping those go down a little. We lacked any sort of short yardage bruiser. I would like to see a RB make those plays more often, and run Allen down there enough to keep the defense honest.
  19. I will bow out of this after this one, it is talking in circles. This whole back and forth started because I thought the NFL did not do enough interms of identifying in season and out of season testing and banned substances. I understand it is their rules, I just happen to disagree with them and so does WADA, especially on the Adderall and (previously) pot issues. Yes there are obviously performance benefits to Adderall. That is not up for debate. But they are absolutely temporary, which is why it is banned IN competion (for the same reasons that caffeine at certain levels is banned IN competition) and NOT OUT of competition. I could snort a line of Adderall in front of a WADA or USADA rep in December, pee in a cup the next day, and as long as I test clean at the world championships in August, there is no problem. There are no long term positive effects from taking Adderall while training out of season, that will effect in season performance from a physiological perspective. It is not like timing your cycle properly with steroids, HGH, beta blockers, etc. Think of it this way, somebody who has AHDH takes adderall, they use it to maintain focus and control. If they stop taking adderall, they don't magically become more focused. You are also overvaluing the NFL offseason and undervaluing most other professional athletes (not baseball haha). If you are a track athlete, you might compete a hand full of times during the year. If you row, you might only go to one race, and that is the world championship. Yet these guys are ON 48-50 weeks per year. I know for myself, I was at about 20 hours of sport specific work per week. That is actual time moving. So if you are doing 4 x 10 minute sets, with 8 minutes rest, that is 40 minutes of work. Then there was lifting, cross training, stretching, cool down, warm up, watching film, etc. on top of that. It is a full time gig at every sport. Football players aren't in some special world in terms of work and time put in. Their bodies just take a wild beating for 4 months with the physicality of the game. I am guessing he was . But not necessarily because he was drunk. I posted earlier in the thread, I used to drive trailers as part of my job (40 foot trailer/60 foot load on it), and construction zones with no shoulder are a total B-Word. At night or light traffic I would change lanes all the time through them. A lot of people call and report trailers driving. I have had 3 calls for me just being in the left lane going 80+ and passing. My company didn't have contact info on the pick up, just branding. So people would google me while driving, to call the office, just to say I was in the left lane.
  20. I am fully aware of Adderall's effects in sports. I was registered with WADA and USADA, living at the Olympic training center for a number of years. It is a stupid ban in the offseason. It has no performance enhancing effects outside of game day, much like high levels of caffeine or cocaine. That means using a bunch of Adderall in May/June, does not make you any better in September/October. Once the Adderall works out of the system, there are no more positive gains. If you are using Adderall to cut weight you will need to take it for weigh ins, which means you would be, testing positive IN competition. Which again, you can't do. Taking it 6 months out for a weigh in then stopping serves zero benefit. The NFL isn't ahead of the curve on this, they are behind it. It is an effort to say, "Look at Ed Oliver on Adderall, lets get him into the substance abuse program because we care and we are a clean game" But then you turn on the TV in September and see that HGH and steroids are in heavy usage and it goes totally ignored. And here we are in May talking about what an "advantage" it is to be using Adderall in the offseason, when its not, and no national or international anti-doping agency would agree. They are banned in competition only for that reason. What you are saying does not have the support of the international sport science community. What has become popular over the last generation or two is Adderall as a recreational drug, not for performance/focus. Feels do not equal reals.
  21. Yeah, and most of it is dumb. Until a few weeks/months ago, if you tested for pot you entered the program. It is all an optics play, not for PED's. Some 22 year old enters the leagues substance abuse program for effing adderall when it has zero use outside of game day. The NFL should give more leeway to off season usage and do more in season testing. The rest of the world, and even the UFC, just adopt USADA and WADA rules and regulations. The NFL gets off way too easy in season, and they make up for it with stupid rules in the offseason. He had it in between his legs when talking to the officer, then reached over and put it in the drivers side door after the officer already saw it? That doesn't make any sense.
  22. This one is weird. The whole thing is weird. One report had the beer between his legs. Another report has it in his passenger side door. Normally with these DUI's I am quick to just shake my head cause the guy is an idiot. But this seems inconsistent. https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/court-records-buffalo-bills-ed-oliver-admitted-to-drinking-taking-adderall-prior-to-houston-dwi-arrest/285-df7cfad6-f1d3-422b-bab3-9e99dbe845c5
  23. Correct. Maybe I should have said thorough process and delineate between when things are banned. But I guess that assumes the NFL actually cares about PED's and would rather just have the optics that they do.
  24. The NFL does not go far enough with most of its testing, then hands out sometimes super high suspensions if you are one of the ones that do get caught. I think it would be in their best interest to have a thorough list. From the perspective of international sport, there is in competition and out of competition bans. So pot, cocaine, adderall, or certain amounts of caffeine for example has no real performance enhancing benefit outside of competition day, so literally USADA could show up for a random test at your house in the off season and you could pee while ripping on a bong, and nothing would happen. But, you test positive at a World Championship and you are toast. I would like to see the NFL become a bit more sophisticated with its testing. I would remove pot all together for the NFL. Agree to 300 random offseason tests. Players can go and rip lines for all I care, but really they are testing for steroids, HGH, etc. and 300 random in season tests. Test positive in season for PED's, you are toast for the rest of the year. Every single national team athlete in every sport in the US is letting USADA and WADA know their whereabouts everyday, it is not that hard.
  25. This thread is a good example of why the Rooney rule exists. Everybody is all up in arms about interviewing two minorities. An interview! ??‍♂️
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