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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I believe both Sherfield and Shakir can play inside and outside. Their versatility is part of their value add.
  2. Not to derail the thread, but given the cost of NFL stadiums and the current trend for the GOV to fit the bill, I think any municipality that gives tax dollars to build one should always get games played in it broadcast for free. The new stadium is using NYS tax dollars, I think every home in NYS should have free access to broadcast. If a cent of federal money goes into it then every home in the country should receive free access to the TV broadcast. If the NFL, Peacock, Youtube, owners etc. don't like it, they are welcome to build their own $1.5B stadium and play gatekeeper to the TV rights.
  3. I actually noticed that there were a lot of weird personnel decisions last night in terms of who was on the field when. My tinfoil hat said that as much as the Bills were trying to win this game, they were also aware that they had a playoff spot locked in. Hoping that stuff comes back in the playoffs.
  4. Another apology from me, I said Miami fans would show up to this one. Super happy to be wrong about that one. A couple of favorites from me:
  5. As somebody with no experience in meteorology but lived in OKC for years, it’s fine. Most of the locals talk about being teenagers, buying a case of beer, and chasing storms. I will say that locals have the same lack of urgency around tornados that we do around snow. But it’s not snow, it’s an effing tornado.
  6. I guess that makes McDermott my favorite terrorist…
  7. Quotes aside, I agree with you. Regarding the Davis block and Shakir, I agree. I actually think we have the right pillars in the offense we just don’t engage them properly. I’m not re-signing Davis for his cost but I do think he’s a grey piece BEHIND a core of Diggs, Kincade, and Cook as features pass catchers. I don’t view Davis as anything more than Shakir. Given his cost I don’t need to. The probem is the expectation for him to be Diggs lite.
  8. Not to beat a dead horse but if Beasley did this instead of being an iron man on a broken leg, things could have been different.
  9. One of the few measured responses from WGR. (paraphrasing) ”Conventionally you throw the ball inside” “Traditionally that’s on the QB” ”Bit we’ve seen this miscommunication between these two a lot. Unsure it’s on Josh or Gabe. But most would say the QB on individual plays” Josh was 90% good tonight which rocks. But the 10% he was off wasn’t missing a 3rd down it was head scratchers. If we win a SB it’s because he’s amazing. If we lose it will be something like him being 34/40 2TD and 2INT in FG range and lose by 3. I love Josh. He’s the best thing to happen to this franchise but he also keeps me up at night.
  10. “They do much better than we did” -Mike McD. There is some hate on this guy. But by all accounts he’s a good dude and a good coach. Whether he works out as a HC or a HC at Miami for eternity is different. But he’s done a good job.
  11. Jokes aside. Gaga is a flat out stud and super talented. With all the hype around (mentally ill) Britney Spears and Taylor Swift, Gaga a way bigger superstar that Steinfeld is. And Gaga is much closer to being committed to what she does in music compared to an NFL QB. (No hate on Taylor Swift)
  12. Tua is a good QB who deservedly so will get a heavy contract. He’s a good player at the most position in sports. But if you swapped Tua and KC, KC would miss the playoffs and Miami would be the one seed. (Cap aside).
  13. The offense has some kinks it’s a plus and a minus. We have seen Sherfield flash as a piece to what this offense can do. Too many turn overser’s. Josh was awesome for like 95%. But the 5% was borderline catastrophic. We should have won by more but theQB also was “OK”. In this season we need to clean it up. In the next 3-5 seasons, we’re at the start of being built like Brady/Welker/Gronk or Mahomes/Kelce/Juju. But we have growing pains. There are some growing pains. But growing pains are tomorrow’s excuses. Today we need to be better at some things. This team gives me early aughts Giants vibes.
  14. It would be hilarious if the Bills brought TKO back for the KC game to make it up to him, only to put him back in the same suite, just this time with Taylor Swift.
  15. This is a big game for reasons outside of the playoffs. The Bills are the big brother/father in the division. Everybody remembers the first time they beat their brother/dad in a race, basketball game, round of golf etc. Smack them down and keep them in their place for not just the playoffs, but the next season as well. I agree with part of this but not all of it. I am not sure Von would be active today had the Jags won today. Von gets one more bite at the apple because we some security.
  16. It’s actually bonkers he’s dressing seeing this. I’d rather have Murray or Joseph over an old with a limp.
  17. Forget being away from people. As soon as they run out onto the field it will be on the scoreboard.
  18. Let me start by saying every team in the league would love Miami or Cincinatti’s weapons. But once you pay your QB and that cap hit starts to come to life you can’t maintain that. That said, I believe that having Diggs, Kincaid, and Cook as your top 3 targets is a very good set up. The rest of the pass catching core should be role players. And honestly, Davis has had a few games now with almost no targets, and that’s a good spot for him. The issue is setting up Diggs, Kincaid, and Cook up for success. All three of those guys need to be featured on a regular and they’re not under either OC.
  19. I have an irrational (tinfoil hat?) fear that Miami is actually trying to bait Josh into attacking Diggs/Ramsey with all the “Jalen is begging to cover Stef” talk. Josh loves a good challenge, for better and for worse. I think there could be extra coverage rolled over and Miami is betting Josh throws a few balls he shouldn’t in that direction. In return I hope the Bills embarrass Eli Apple so bad that he’s questioning every single life decision he has ever made that ultimately lead him to this Sunday night.
  20. None was hyperbole. There are a couple here who understand the film at a fairly high level. But most of us (myself included) are basically schmoes.
  21. You can’t say the lucky thing out loud or it looses its luckiness. It’s the first rule of luck. Like the Cowboys game, they played the song “Happy Hour Hero” by the Buffalo band moe. going into the first commercial break. I knew then the stars had aligned. The Bills would win. But if I said it out loud, or god forbid posted it on the message board before the clock ticked to zero I could have ruined everything. …../s (kinda) Go Bills Baby!
  22. Then there are the posters that insist that all reads are high-low, left-right, etc. when in fact there is a primary read of the play design on paper, but the order of operations changes when you get to the line and see the coverage. Then that order of operations can in fact change again post snap once you read and react. We’ve seen a million former QB’s break down film on a million plays across the league and say “when the QB sees player x do y, the QB should know to immediately look at z”. I am no football/x’s and o’s guru but I’ve made a huge effort to watch all 22 for a few years and wrap my head around the intricacies of the NFL game. It’s certainly fascinating. The more I learn the more I realize none of us on this message board know. The least of which are the posters who parrot “our offensive reads are high-low”. TL;DR Football is complicated.
  23. I’d consider it only because of the known neck and finger issue. Plus there’s the rumor of an injured shoulder as well. A week off could go a long way. The same goes for Diggs. That said, I myself would like some home playoff games. Especially vs KC. Then add in our road record in the pos season. It’s a tough call.
  24. Honestly, I think it depends on if they’re actually preparing to win the game. I think the Ravens win this game if it’s some backups in week 12. But I think they might be treating this like an extended bye and not put much on tape.
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