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Everything posted by Mango

  1. For the 1000th time, none of this matters if they allowed close contacts into the building yesterday.
  2. The Titans are like Africa with Ebola in the 90’s, and the NFL is over here trying to convince us to go on a Safari.
  3. I never thought I would say this, but you know who’s opinion I would love to hear on this...Baker Mayfield. I would imagine it something like “If you’re stupid enough to go out and practice on your own in a pandemic, you’re stupid enough to forfeit a game.”
  4. Just throwing this out there. If they don’t play the game a team like the Bills would get a $7.5M cap break to roll over next year if they didn’t play. Seems like paying them would be net neutral on the cap.
  5. Right. I’m on board with all of that. I’m just following through on what that would mean. -You come in close contact. Whoopsies -You quarantine, not in the facility. OK, got it. -There are 23 people with the virus. OK that’s not good - Could be 40-50+ total people banned from the facility. Woah! Based on the logistics, you can’t field a professional football team/staff. So I guess what I am really asking is, is it reasonable to believe that close contact quarantining is happening and this is a nothing burger? Or is it more reasonable to believe that the NFL/Titans are trying to power through this and any new positive is a red flag.
  6. People were talking the Bills refusing to play earlier in the week. I put that at probably 5% before. I would change that to 20% now. I couldn’t blame them either.
  7. You are the resident covid expert so I will refer to you here. Doesn’t that only work if people in close contact also quarantine. Which for say the patriots with a couple of cases works. But does not work at scale, at least for practicing. There’s probably another 20+ people who came in contact total. And that’s conservative at 1:1 infection to contact ratio. How do you even hold a practice missing 40-50 coaches and staff?
  8. That only works if the expected positives are not at the facility. Which as of now there are 10+ coaches and staff and 10+ Who have tested positive. If they only made contact with 1 person each, that is a total of 40+ people not allowed in the facility. Making practice time irrelevant because there aren’t enough people to field a team for practice or a game. If they did that, they’d have to cancel the game all together, which is what they’ve avoided this whole time.
  9. AFAIK twitter said that. The league never made a statement regarding that.
  10. What did I mess up. Did you mean the NFL? Sounds like we are saying the same thing.
  11. Outside of the complete stupidity to try and put the Titans on the field, the thing that drives me the most crazy here is that they are “waiting for the league to tell the FO the plan” Holy Shirts! This team has been coinstantly testing positive for 2 weeks now. There shouldn’t be a wait for a plan/instruction moment anymore. Hey Titans/Bills. If you test positive again, we are doing x.
  12. Sorry. Typo. I meant to write Friday. I swear I thought I read they were going to try and get in Friday afternoon. Can’t dig it up. I’m probably just an idiot. Ha
  13. They went in a Friday afternoon. I think they got their “two days of practice” in. League will try and play.
  14. Unless he was at the facility the last two days.
  15. It is a shame for the Bills, but in a weird way, the league deserves a mass spread to be shut down so instead of sweeping all the mismanagement under the rug in a few years, it is a permanent and lasting stain in the shield.
  16. But it’s not cancelled yet... Think about that. The NFL is going to try and play this game.
  17. I have been touting incubation for a bit while criticizing NFL rules. But this sounds A LOT like the NFL is going to say that this coach was part of the “close contact” list and play this game on Tuesday. It just took 12 days to find out. Couldn’t be possible that he went to the grocery store. Or got it from a player. Or his kid came home with it from school. Right? The only thing that matters is, was he in the facility the last two days? If the answer is yes, the Titans close ship for a second week in a row.
  18. Time for one of those classic Tuesday night double headers we all love. 😂
  19. Oh, most definitely. I was more talking about playing attitude. Otherwise I totally agree with you. Tannehill was the worst of it with his, get your facts before you come at me. He can go get forked. Hope Oliver, Hughes, and Addison have huge days.
  20. Sweet. We are playing a fired up team with a chip on their shoulder. And here we are, not knowing wtf is going on. This will be closer than a lot of us would like or are expecting. A fired up Josh out of the gate to get this team going will go a long way.
  21. The S&C coach in KC is concerning. He probably has a ton of hands on contact with the team. Hopefully they can get ahead of it.
  22. I would think that the “close contact-positive test” rule is off the table as soon as that player enters the facility, right? At that point it doesn’t matter. If they have 10-12 players with Covid not in the facility. Conservative assume they all had contact with two other players that’s over half the roster. Are we to assume that the “close contacts” will not be be allowed in the facility either. Just a lot of whispers about the rules, decisions, status, but no statements. Doesn’t give me the greatest feeling.
  23. I could be wrong, but I thought it was reported that the Titans are reopening their facilities today. I think the “who tests positive” goes out the window once they walk through the door, right?
  24. I generally agree with you. There are just too many assumptions at the moment. Per your post and league protocol, they just need 2 negative tests within about 72 hours (2 more than 24 hours). Does that then remove the player from whatever Tennessee's version of "quarantine" is? And if it does, why does it not effect the status of the game? This is not a rule breaking punishment like your kid stays out too late, get caught skipping school, or you find your HS with a bottle of booze under their bed. This is, you found out your wife was banging her co-worker on her work trips even though she was video calling you every night to complain about what a ***** husband he is to his wife and is so glad you two have a strong relationship. You have lost the benefit of the doubt moving forward. Another part probably missing from your issue is that we actually still don't know if there were any more practices than 9/29 AND 9/30. Because a 16 year old did not take a picture does not mean it didn't happen. I am generally not one to take such a leap from one step to the next, but this is something that could derail another franchise and/or the entire league.
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