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Everything posted by Mango

  1. "I didn't say that" is no different than his pedantics around "inoculated". Rodgers is basically a kid pointing in your face going "I'm not touching you".
  2. I think if there’s a positive spin on some of these injuries it’s that we won and get to play Pittsburgh in what looks to be a wet, cold, windy game. We can get by without a couple people in the secondary and an undersized, speedy LB in a game against a flawed QB in bad weather. This would be tough to overcome in Miami.
  3. I think often times when OC's succeed or fail it is because they don't have the right mix of x's and o's skill and feel for play calling. That is one thing that the Shanahan tree has been really good at. They aren't just smart and prepared with good vision, they have a good feel for the game and what to call when. Dorsey could maybe use some time working with guys in that tree. He seems to be a smart dude who can draft and design plays. Put together a good game plan, but struggles to execute the proper order of operations on game day.
  4. I don't know if anybody else has noticed this, but it feels like Allen has gotten more folksy as he has aged, which is weird. Like he left Laramie and Firebaugh to live in Buffalo and Orange County, California only to sound like he has been breaking records on the family cantaloupe farm. I caught that too though. I think he is just trying to tell Tua that they have a good team, and see you here means on "the field" not "this field".
  5. "I am concerned that some fans have concerns that the Bills could possibly lose a playoff game" - OP, basically. I don't know man. We have proven we can beat any team and lose to any team on any given Sunday. A windy and wet day has the potential to increase the odds of the lesser team winning. ie. Pittsburgh. It seems reasonably to talk about "if the Bills don't do x, then y might happen".
  6. I don't know what you are arguing with me about. Ben Johnson v. Harbaugh? I even pointed out in my response that I did not go through every possibility for the Chargers and Harbaugh was a better option. Now it is "would you hire Frazier?" Dude. I am not saying any of those things, you are showing up to be combative about a topic I am not even standing behind. I was just pointing out some pro's of making a conservative hire for a franchise that is flailing with a could be franchise QB in the wings. I even started my entire post with "I don't think he will get the job". That was my thought. You were a bit more succinct. I also think the Chargers could fit that mold. Thank you. I think Gailey and Nix were both respected as a quality offensive coach and player evaluator. I totally agree they weren't good, but getting real life football people in the door was a necessary intermediate step. The Sabres will likely have to take a similar interim step. The Kevyn Adams hire smells a lot like Russ Brandon as GM of the Bills.
  7. Sorry I didn't break down all the options for you/LAC. Christ I was just talking about some of the benefits of a Frazier hire compared to a trendy OC hire and the risk/reward. Certainly Harbaugh is likely a safe option as well.
  8. First, I don't think he gets this job. But I do think there is some credence to a Fraizer-esque hire. The org needs some stability and they need to start stringing together some 10 plus win seasons. With Herbert they will want to make a trendy and booming hire. I get it. But Herbert is about to enter the 5th year of his career. but if Ben Johnson flops like some of their other hires they are toast. 3 x 10-7 seasons from a Fraizer-like hire, and then promote/get somebody else to get them over the top isn't the worst idea ever. I am a huge proponent that Gailey/Nix/Whaley were big parts of getting this team back on track. The Levy/Russ Brandon GM era's were an embarrassment. The big question around some of the conservative/defensive hires will revolve around who their plan is at OC.
  9. They beat us on 12/2 in Miami. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/bills-record-vs-dolphins-last-6-years
  10. The first few minutes are from after getting whooped by Baltimore. I think McDaniel is a good coach and good dude. I think he is a pretty thoughtful, genuine, quirky, overthinker. Maybe he isn't some revolutionary, but I am not sure how much more juice another coach could squeeze out of that team with Tua. Like are they a 14 win team under McVay, McD, Vrabel, Cambpell, Harbaugh? I just don't see it.
  11. I actually came away with the opposite. It is crazy to me that he didn't respond to anybody in the building. Not a coach or a teammate. Certainly there are bigger things going on, but to me it just sort of cosigns how I view him/how he is. A million people checking up on him and he doesn't respond to one person on the team, not a coach, not another WR, not his QB. Nobody. Sports and football in particular tend to be pretty familial, but Tyreek isn't interested in being a good brother the same way he isn't interested in being a good father or good partner.
  12. Is nobody going to talk about Jerome Bakers outfit. We are living in the Zoolander Universe.
  13. I think there could be a scenario where Bill still finishes his career in NE with a real heir apparent already on staff. In that world BB only leaves when it is time to retire.
  14. This is all fine until you lean into the bolded. Von really was not any more impactful on Sunday than he was 4-6 weeks ago. There would be next to zero noise about Miller if he has any linear progression. Hell forget linear....just any notable improvement in production. At best Von was meh on Sunday...which is the exact same summary of his game ion October, and then again in November, and then again in December.....and then again in January. Maybe Von comes back improved for 2024, but right now he isn't getting better and he isn't progressing. Full stop.
  15. I pay closer attention to recent historical match ups. Ie. McDaniel v. McDermott. Allen vs *Insert defensive coordinator/player* But I don't put a lot of weight in stuff like the Chargers v. Bills lifetime record. I get there are some weird stuff out there. I don't have a lot of good reason for it. I just expect that good teams overcome those quirks.
  16. Wait, is that true? What is even crazier is that out of 101 games started, including playoffs, he only has 16 games without a TO.
  17. This one seems crazier than most. Which is odd, this isn't the first time we have hosted a wild card game. In fact, it is the 4th year in a row. Maybe because Pittsburgh is a short drive and about as easy as visiting travel gets? There won't be a situation like Buffalo in Miami, but anymore than 10% of the fans being black/gold and I will be pissed.
  18. I like that Spencer Brown is the Rob Ray of the offense.
  19. Since the beginning of the season that it’s a struggle to win post to post. When you’re the favorite or even a favorite the pass/fail line is set super high. You need to be great every week or you failed. It takes a special team/coach/QB to consistently be expected to win a SB and hold to those expectations for 21 games. I have kinda sorta preferred to go down the route of using the season as a tune up to figure out how to play well in all three phases. Then get hot and put it all together at the right time. The early aught Giants come to mind. I won’t say the quiet part out loud but this team has that vibe.
  20. I actually don’t think this matters for players as much as fans/talking heads say it does. To start, most teams practice indoors most of the time. Even in wintery cities it’s great football weather through October and often pretty decent these days all the way up to Thanksgiving. Then it’s 5 weeks, half of which are on the road. There’s maybe 3 games that MIGHT be bad weather, snowy, wintery weather. And when the season wraps up just about every player in the league takes off to California or Florida for 6 months, only to return to their teams when the weather is really nice. I think some players are better in inclimate weather, but it has nothing to do with the city they play for.
  21. I thought this would be our spot if we won. Buffalo v Pitt is probably the least compelling matchup on the slate. On the flip side if we won I thought we’d going back to Miami for the Monday night game which I would have absolutely hated.
  22. It’s been some time, so I don’t have the data in front of me but this isn’t true. Brady and Bill had a higher win percentage vs the rest of the NFL than they did the AFCE.
  23. Daboll is a blowhard. I think he’s a good football guy to have in the building, but as he moves up the ladder and has more control the worse that personality becomes for an organization. He’s likely best as some sort of OC, positional coach, or passing game coordinator kind of role. A position where he can be him and all the positives that come with it, but there’s some guard rails that prevent him from being the pulse and keep him in his lane. It’s certainly not a get out of jail free card for McD. Just my $0.02 on him.
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