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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Listen man, just lift your truck, throw some chains on the tires, and drive 5 mph. - The response to everything in “The Weather Thread”, literally.
  2. I would have much less of an issue with Toronto. EDIT: I just hate moving this to an AFCN stadium to play an AFCN team.
  3. Maybe we play again on Monday? I get moving it and ultimately it’s the right move I think. But I hate having a short week when both our opponents play Saturday/tomorrow.
  4. Some people are saying that when they play the SB there is a 100% chance one of them will be the champion. Not sure I believe it, but those are the whispers coming from my floorboards in Brooklyn.
  5. Listen man. I’m on a roll. Don’t get it my way with all these “facts”.
  6. One thing I didn’t really think of when it comes to moving the game is that both teams have likely game planned around running the ball 40+ times. What a shirt show this could be if suddenly it’s clear skies and teams aren’t prepared.
  7. Fork it. Just flip with KC. Let’s do this thing tomorrow night!!!!! Also, I’m still a huge proponent of sending the game to Toronto instead of Cleveland.
  8. Take that drive, add the 45 mph wind, and start popping the 6 pack in the passenger seat. It’s a recipe for disaster.
  9. There’s some speculation that they maybe issued a state of emergency because of the game. Now that they have pulled that lever the state and start sending in resources to help with traffic/roads
  10. Does anybody have any idea what implications the State of Emergency has on the game? One would assume it is an automatic postponement or relocation, right?
  11. Great for Taron. The amount of Cowboys on this list is unreal. Kudos to Jerry Jones as an all time great marketer because they are always the most over-hyped team in the league.
  12. Davis hurts the run game, and Rapp does play in the box quite a bit. But if we are going to be missing a WR and have a banged up secondary and missing a WR, against Pittsburgh in what looks to be a very windy game is likely the best place to do it.
  13. I skied the Sierras last year for the first time. Driving in was....wild. I have done Colorado a few times, but I never saw anything like the 15 foot snow walls all the way in to Taho.
  14. Quick hot take at the moment. I don’t think the main problem is the weather or even the 10’s of thousands of people on the road in inclement weather. It’s that there’s a bit of a cultural norm in Buffalo that everybody, police included, just ignores that 10’s of thousands of cars on the road have drivers who are likely over the legal limit…in bad weather.
  15. Right, they’re there every year. If anything send it to Toronto/Rogers. What’s the difference between driving 3 hours into the storm coming to/from Cleveland and 2 hours to/from Toronto. (I understand it’s international. Also the field is likely zero percent ready for football)
  16. I have no interest in a short week vs KC, Houston, or Cleveland.
  17. I am not even sure Baltimore game planned for that one. That looked like a classic “start the backups, don’t put anything on film” type game. I mean they basically ran straight ahead over and over and over again, no matter the down and distance. And they still had a shot.
  18. Incoming “I don’t know who the fork they thought I was” run. That was the start of an epic set of games by this offense in 2021-22. I try not to say the quiet part out loud often so I’ll leave this here. But this offseason has “a vibe” to it. I’ll leave it at that.
  19. I don’t disagree. But on the other side of the coin I think we were set up about as well as anybody could be in terms of transition. Daboll > Dorsey > Brady. We’ve done a good job of having an up and comer in the wings. This issue is that Dorsey was supposed to get 3-4 years to bring along Brady not 1.5. That said, I think Dorsey is a good OC in that his game plans seemed to be sound. His playbook had checks and coverage beaters. But he wasn’t a good play caller and lacked flow/feel for the game. If he was a better play caller he’d still be here. All that said, unless we get an older OC committed to the role Brady needs to stick. Otherwise I think we start to spiral at OC.
  20. Glad he’s done drinking I guess. With a couple of recovering alcoholics in my family I think he sounds like a dry drunk. For many booze is only part of the problem.
  21. I think all of our linebackers are fairly undersized. It was part of the criticism coming into the season. They’re still undersized but playing way better than most of us expected. Let’s compromise and agree that Dodson is a girthy fellow that we both prefer to have around.
  22. Per your request to use RAS, his composite grading is below: Size: Poor Speed:Great Explosion: Good Agility: Very Poor I don’t know what you’re arguing with me. Dodson has been a good starter for us this year. I prefer he was playing. 100%. But like I said in my OP, if we’re going to miss an undersized and fast LB I’m glad it’s against Pittsburgh in the rain and wind, rather than in Miami when it’s a perfect 70 degrees. https://ras.football/ras-information/?PlayerID=19786&ovl=Bills
  23. For anybody who didn't or doesn't listen to PM, Rodgers one hour segment was almost entirely dedicated to Aarons thoughts about Covid, Epstein, "The Media", etc. It was much more than the 10 minute clip.
  24. I was screaming we should have had one more shot at the 1 after that.
  25. Yes, he is 6'0 and ran a 4.6. He may play well against the run, but he is still undersized and speedy.
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