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Everything posted by Mango

  1. BB playing 17D Pictionary on this one. He KNEW the Bills would bring in Fuller, so he signed nothing but TE. We don't have anybody to cover them. Bills go 14-2 on the season, but lose by a combined 83 points in both meetings against the Pats.
  2. Thanks for following me on TBD Lyndsey. A little credit next time, please.
  3. Maybe the grab Mack, Fuller, AND Ertz...The Gang Goes to Buffalo...My money is on Ertz to break the Boggs record before touching down in Buffalo.
  4. Dude, everybody is interested in a player like Mack. Everybody. Literally every team in the league has some interest in acquiring him. Don't get me wrong. I would be thrilled to have him here. I just don't think that is why they are there. It is far more likely that the Bills are in town to see the tight end they have been rumored to be the favorites in a trade for. Not the All-Pro stud, who just restructured his contract, and has about zero rumors (other than for Russ) linked to being traded. He already saved Chicago $20M this year. I know we all want him. But the odds of this are terrible. Especially when you consider that Ertz' wife lives in Chicago most of the year and there has been HUGE speculation of that move for the last few days. But sure, it is Mack....
  5. Sure, why not. It is like a 90 minute flight from Buffalo to Chicago. Maybe Ertz is on the fence and needs a quick sit down. Maybe he wants to see the facilities, and it is Covid/recruiting, so they send out the private jet. I don't know, but it feels like if you own a private jet, a 90 minute flight isn't an "is it worth it" moment. It is literally why you own the plane, so you have that thought much less than the average person. I know that does make WAAAAAAAY more sense than grabbing Mack randomly.
  6. Actually possibly/probably. His wife plays pro soccer for the MLS team there. I know everybody is getting rock hard over Mack, but this is actually a good catch and feels like it is most likely at the moment.
  7. Beane fleeced em’ for a 2022 7th. Didn’t you hear, he’s a wizard.
  8. Those are Moorman numbers! Didn’t BM running something stupid like a 4.45? I think he won NCAA’s for D3 in the 400 hurdles? Also, our punter is faster than Singletary...
  9. Eagles could drop about 1/3 of that by dropping/trading Ertz. The dude counts $12M against the cap this year.
  10. I don’t know a ton about his play at TN, but OTC has his value at about $2M. That can’t be right, right?
  11. Things seem to be quite regarding the last of the unsigned. I know we didn’t tender Wallace and gave him an offer. Doesn’t sound like there is too much noise around those guys. Granted, there was no noise about Nsekhe until he signed with Dallas. So we shall see. If I am a lower tier guy, I probably try and sign pretty quick if I can, or take my home club offer. Weird year for spending, seems like spending will absolutely plummet after teams start to sign guys.
  12. A couple of things here: -Eagles may be taking their time to deal (or not deal) Ertz for what they see as proper compensation. BUT to get the value they want, whatever team trades for him will probably want a longer term deal and help their cap situation in order to give up what Philly is looking for. -Ertz may not need an extension for a trade, but whatever team gives up picks probably does. Given the cap situation this year and Ertz contract, I can’t see Ertz moving and/or Philly getting enough value back, without an extension/restructure.
  13. I was thinking that this AM. Overall they were pedestrian. Not absolutely terrible by league standards. This is a very different roster this year. Hoping Cam still sucks.
  14. I hope the NFL releases a “Fitz Bundle” for jerseys. Take all my money.
  15. Sort of where I am at. Wallace needs to be upgraded. But he’s also pretty cheap at the moment. 2 years $5M isn’t a terribly expensive safety net. We spend way more than that on back ups all over the field. I would have tendered.
  16. Not just wants to. It’s the responsible choice. For the sake of this conversation, Over the cap has Wallace valued at something like $2.3M. Taking $1.9M because Buffalo, he wants to be here. I get this concept for higher paid players. But for a guy coming off an UDFA money, that extra $1.2M over the course of a 3 year deal, is the difference between you needing to go work for Geico to help yourself kids through college and being able to provide for your family until you die. For a dude like Wallace; that money gets stretched a lot further than say Watt signing somewhere for $3M less per year
  17. Eh, yes and no. The Pats did what worked for Welker. But if I recall correctly, Welker came off a pretty decent year for like a WR4 with MIA the year before. NE didn’t transition him to WR either, Miami did.
  18. It actually sounds like @Sherlock Holmesis pretty loose these days.
  19. I vaguely remember some sort of loan or insurance for salaries before the season started. Do you have a link for the $26-30M you are talking about? I can’t dig anything up. From the article you linked, it only mentions paying back anything borrowed over $180M agreed upon floor. By this article, the NFLPA will proportionately eat a couple of bucks.
  20. I couple vague memories when I was super young and going to peoples houses with my parents and everybody ignoring me. But as I came of age, one of the first games ever actually sitting through with my dad, I was about 7. I couldn’t tell you who we were playing but it was definitely December. I asked why 78 wasn’t wearing long sleeves when it was cold and snowing. My dad said “that’s Bruce Smith, he’s so tough he doesn’t get cold”. I said I want to be like Bruce Smith and my dad went outside with me and let me run around in shorts, T-shirt, and boots, in the snow in the yard. Bruce Smith has been my favorite Bill since then. Although Josh and Tre are catching up quickly now that I am 34. Tre is a national treasure.
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