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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Dude left the entire presser. He could have just moved on instead of getting into an eggplant measuring contest. The reporter was admittedly snarky. But it was also a totally wild ask given his reason. Dude wants to be called Coach because he views himself as a GOAT coach after an inaugural season of 4-3. Had he just said, call me "coach". Everybody would have moved on with their day. Also, his assertion that nobody calls Saban "Nick" is false. And if it wasn't, I would call Saban stupid too. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2021/07/20/deion-sanders-mad-at-being-called-deion-falsely-says-reporters-dont-call-nick-saban-nick/
  2. Still a few days left of silly season. Unsure if this is narcissism or insecurity. I feel like our media sometimes calls McD Sean. I have heard NE reporters call BB Bill. I am not sure I have ever heard of a coach demanding the press to call them "Coach". What an poop hole. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/31851065/jackson-state-tigers-coach-deion-sanders-takes-issue-reporter-being-referred-first-name-twice
  3. I am so confused here. What is going on with Cody Ford?
  4. Mark Cuban nails the response. Hell, Pfizer is trading at about $41 a share. Give her two shares, ones on me. Just get the shot and STFU Cole.
  5. “Woah, I didn’t realize he’s this big and thick” -Chris Simms, 1:32 mark
  6. ***** that John Allen. You took a page right out of my playing guide!
  7. I thought the defense was better in the second half of the year with Milano healthy (obviously) but also when they played 3 LB sets, with Klein playing the line/downhill. It seemed like we got away from that down the stretch. If I recall correctly we saw a lot vs. Baltimore, then not much again vs lIndy and KC. (I have zero data to back this up.)
  8. This looks like a roster from the Dick Jauron years.
  9. I get it. It’s crowded, there are 64 of them. But I thought there were games where Poyer was our 2nd best player on the team. There’s a strong argument to be made he was our defensive MVP. Ahead of Tre and Edmunds who are both on the list.
  10. I don’t have insider. Did Poyer get disrespected that he didn’t make a top10 list for safety?! That would be criminal. I assume WR is a crowded room so no Diggs, even though he probably belongs.
  11. Right? Even right now, everybody, I mean everybody, is raising pricing just because of the chip shortage. I spoke to one manufacturer today who said to expect a minimum of 2 price increases by 2022. A lot of people are talking about how they wish could do Sunday Ticket a la carte. As much as I would like that. It will end up being way more expensive. They'll come in low. Get everybody transacting, then one day we will wake up and all Bills games are $50 a pop just to watch on my own couch.
  12. People say this, but I don't think we actually want it. ST is expensive, I get it. But a pay per view game is probably not going to be $8 bucks. If I had to guess, right around $40. That is what they are charging to watch a new release moving at home via Disney+. The NFL has us bent over a barrel at the moment. I find it annoying that Sunday ticket doesn't just carry 100% of NFL games at their cost.
  13. Kind of. It is a stand alone in some areas. I live in the capitol region, and I tried getting it as a stand alone and it is a no go. I used to coach for a long time, so I have a former athlete in med school. So I get it through her.
  14. If it makes you feel any better, I had an ADA in NYS tell me driving with an open container is a non moving violation and simple ticket/fine without any insurance issues. The problem is the breathalyzer you’ll have to take and inevitable moving violation that will come along with it. (Also drinking and driving is dangerous and irresponsible)
  15. No, not obviously. Also not an omission. Edmunds may make the list someday because his still like 12, or whatever. But based on 2020 I wouldn’t take him over Warner or Smith. Oliver is a guy I really want to like but he’s not better than Simmons or Williams. Gabe Davis, as good as he was as a rookie for us, has no business being talked about in the same conversation as DK, AJB, or JJ.
  16. Just for perspective. This is more for the group and the collective than it is to you directly. You or I might introduce our wives to our coworkers or post about getting married, and people go, oh that’s nice. Post, “I’m gay” or “this is my BF”. The internet/people get their collective pitch forks and go “keep it to yourself”, or, “they are just looking for attention”. Is it lynching? No. Is it a harmless response? No.
  17. I think you’re combining two instances with FC. Like 90 days ago, he was pulled over for not having front plates on his car. The cop saw a rifle sticking out of a bag and was arrested. This is a VERY similar incident where he had a “vehicle code violation” and they found an uzi. Unsure what the vehicle code violation is, but based on my own experience with something similar, once you get popped once, you start to get popped a bunch more. Getting popped the first time for a license plate with guns is probably why he was pulled over again honestly. You or I drive down the street in a lambo with tints that are too dark, or neon lights, or whatever, you probably don’t get pulled over. But cop pulls up behind you and sees you’ve been cited before, haven’t had it fixed, AND the last time you got pulled over for it you had illegal weapons. The sirens are most definitely going on.
  18. His last gun charge came about because he didn't have a front license plate. CA requires front and back. Cops pulled him over for that and he had a rifle and pistol in the back seat. I wouldn't be shocked if he never put the plate on the front. Anecdotally when I was younger I had a car I bought that came with tints on the windows that were too dark. It looked good so I kept them on. I drove for a long time with them and had zero issues. After I got pulled over once, I payed the ticket but kept them on because I had gotten one ticket in like 2 years. No big deal. After that, I got pulled over 3 times over the course of a few days for the same thing. I wouldn't be shocked that the cops run his plates in traffic and see the license plate, guns, etc. and pop him again based on history. I am always amazed that people doing dumb shyte never cross t's and dot i's. Like if you are going to have illegal weapons in your car, make sure you have both effing license plates. I will refuse to drive to/from a Bills game with an expired inspection. Hell, if I go out to dinner with my SO and we share a bottle of wine, we take the other car in that situation for the same reason. Why risk getting pulled over even if you are going to blow .03.
  19. Not to mention, the gun charge was only a charge because of the "under the influence charge". Once the blood test proved he had not been drinking, there was no weapons charge to move forward with.
  20. Fair point. He is a bigger guy width wize, But he is only 6'3. He can absolutely be driving a McLaren
  21. Lamar can circle the drain and eventually wash out of the league and I do not think Harbaugh is going anywhere in Baltimore. The Ravens have been remarkably stable and a huge portion of that is because of JH. If they miss on the next guy after LJ, maybe. But not for LJ
  22. It is wild to me that in 2021 we have 1 active openly gay NFL player and 1 active openly gay NFL coach (Katie Sowers). What an antiquated league/sport/community. I keep reading, "why is it news" or "why is he talking about it". It isn't news, it is just honesty. The big news is that for the first time a gay man is being honest with the NFL. For years there have been thousands of men who have gone in and out of NFL locker rooms and never shared that their SO was another man. Never brought a date to a team dinner. Every story that I, you, we tell at work about our wife, girlfriend, date, one night stand, somebody we find attractive on social media etc. is an experience that no gay man has ever honestly talked about in an NFL locker room from September to January until now. The weight of that, even as a straight male feels very heavy. For how far we like to think we have come, this is a good reminder that we have a VERY long way to go.
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