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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Right. But I still think that misses the mark. Just scrolling though comments on FB, Reddit, Insta, I think the Pegula’s missed on the temperature of the community. Just from the eye test, most comments are “Fine, GTFO”. Pegula’s bet that Buffalo would ferociously go to Albany to keep the team here now that they are competitive. But it turns out people feel slighted at the threat
  2. I wasn’t pooping on McBeane. I was saying the hire by Pegula is like a clock being right twice a day. Not that those two in particular are bad at their jobs.
  3. The Pegula’s are a tweet away from dispelling all of this. There’s no way they don’t know about it at this point. From people who were partners with TP well before he bought the Sabres, your second sentence isn’t necessarily correct. But it’s not wrong. Terry is an engineer first. I’ll leave it at that.
  4. Again, I think this is a stupid bluff that I’m upset they made. But you had mentioned something along the lines of, “you’d have to be stupid”. And I basically responded with, they can be very stupid owners.
  5. The Pegulas are not great owners. They extended Whaley, fired Whaley the next year, hired Rex, literally every move with the Sabres. I view McBeane as a broken clock being right twice a day.
  6. Whatever. They proactively hired somebody to speak on their behalf. It doesn’t really matter. Right. We are on the same page.
  7. Nobody thinks they’re going anywhere. People are offended by empty threat with an absurd asking price in the middle of an ongoing pandemic/pandemic recovery. I agree they’re not going anywhere. And if I am the state or the county, I am not returning any phone calls until the Pegula’s come to the table with something reasonable.
  8. I am not against public spending on sports. I just look at it the same as stuff like the Albright Knox or the Philharmonic. They provided value but cost money. But if the Albright Knox was clearing $70M per year after expenses. (That is what GB cleared circa 2019) and told the city, county, and state, that unless they gave them an additional $1.5B (pandemic or not), they would pack up and go. We’d line the streets and wave them good bye and laughing as they jumped on the 90.
  9. The developer class has very silently been its own special socio-economic group. It’s not nee. They just don’t try to hide it anymore. Can’t wait for the state to just give free money again to Savarino, Sinatra, Montante, Paladino, Ciminelli, etc.
  10. Right. Which is why I lead with, “do I think they’re leaving? No”. And “if they call their bluff wrong? See ya later”. As in I don’t think they’re going anywhere. It’s a terrible ask. But if the ask happens to be real, I’ll help them load the trucks. But yes, TP isn’t leaving.
  11. Just wait for the next power point? Who is the guy running the junior football camps? Bean should watch his back. The Bills are looking for the next Kevyn Adam’s.
  12. I don’t think most of the posts (my own included) think the Bills are leaving. Most are offended by the gravity of the ask and the meaningless threat from Pegula. Do I think they’re going to leave? No. I think the state and the county should call their bluff. It is an absurd and disrespectful ask. And if they call their bluff wrong? See ya later.
  13. If getting $1.5B in tax payer dollars after a pandemic where people lost their entire livelihoods, family, friends, children, etc. is important enough to the Pegulas to pick up an take the Bills out of Buffalo. They’re welcome to leave. I understand this is the start of a negotiation. But I can’t get behind billionaires asking for billions in a billion dollar industry so that they can keep making billions, while still in the thwarts of a pandemic. Meanwhile some are still struggling to get by and ultimately he’s asking for their tax dollars to keep money in his pocket.
  14. It’s not my man. I think Ertz is living off of name recognition at this point. I could be wrong, but I don’t think he’s worth the $ to find out.
  15. At this point I don’t want Ertz here. Camps started. I think we have enough bigger bodies between Hodgins, Kumerow, Hollister, and Duke. I just don’t know what Ertz upgrades for us at that cost at this point.
  16. The NFLPA: “We practice too much.” Also the NFLPA: “OK guys. There is no practice. Everybody go pay out of pocket for a private coach” I am glad some are working on fundamentals. I’m glad Baker has his WR group together. The secret sauce is doing both. I have no idea why the CBA has balked at no pads, no contact, in house practice with film review. Only to basically require that every NFL player to pay for another coach out of pocket.
  17. This is going to sound stupid, but the wing industry has been incredibly volatile the last few years. Not that long ago the shortage was so bad you could only order wings at MP the pricing was so up and down. Wing prices are skyrocketing at the moment again. Depending on suppliers, access to product, and decision by ownership, wing stock has been super variable from establishment to establishment. I have noticed it again recently even with my favorite places.
  18. Inversely, people really don't like Anchor Bar given the head start.
  19. I am shocked Duff's is so far ahead at no. 1. I do think they sometimes get a bad rap and tossed in with Anchor bar. Probably my 3rd favorite behind Gabes Gate and Bar Bill.
  20. Plot twist, a hotdog is an American taco. Change my mind.
  21. A lot of pressers they do call him coach prime. Sometimes he refers to himself as that. It’s weird. But I don’t hate that part, it’s always been part of his brand.
  22. I didn’t like the way he managed the situation. But I am glad he is making light of it now. It’s a silly thing to get as upset about as he did in the way he did. This feels light hearted and funny. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmBdFBjpaP/?utm_medium=copy_link
  23. Right, this x100. Deion wants to be called coach, cool. Who cares, not a huge issue. But he made up a situation about the character of the GOAT college football coach of all time, and asked to be treated the same way with the threat of being "cussed out". And literally none of it was true.... Kinda like when he said his stuff was stolen and the school was like "ummm, did you check your locker"... I hope somebody gives him an honorary doctorate. Doctor Reverend Coach Primetime has a nice ring to it.
  24. Pedantic, it was a question after a presser/media day. Whatever. He, didn't just ask to be called coach. He demanded to be called coach based on the totally baseless premise that Nick Saban requires the same treatment, and if Nick Saban doesn't get that treatment, he will MF you up and down. Neither of which are true. None the less, Deion was just as petulant as he fabricated Saban to be. It is unnecessarily combative from a guy tasked with leadership as a profession. This seems like some dumb stuff Greg Williams would try and pull. We can see how well that has worked out for him... Also, anybody who doesn't refer to me here as Middle Management Mango moving forward is getting blocked. I am middle management btw.... You my sir can eat poop and lay to rest.🤣
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