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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I am curious of Desmond Trufant still. It has been quietly nagging at me all day. I don't know how much he has left in the tank, but he is at least "young enough" to help fill out our depth better than Norman or Vontae did. Not sure he would upset Levi, but we have depth issues as a whole. I would kick the tires and see what it would cost.
  2. If I had to guess, Bojo came in high, the Bills declined, and found another solution while Bojo tested the market. He overvalued himself and lost out. It happens sometimes. I think if CB came to Beane at $1M he would be a Bill right now. I was a Bojo fan, I felt he took some time to reign in himself in in the NFL, but he was a good punter for us last year.
  3. The Bills have had a tough time selling out late season and or bad weather games even when they were good. We just forget because of the black out rules. 60k is probably a projection on historical capacity for the Ralph in inclement weather and what they anticipate ticket value being with lesser supply during the early parts of the season. I dislike it as a fan but probably a good business decision.
  4. Lets get one thing out of the way, Beasley is a better WR at this stage of his career than Cam is a QB. BUT...they have very similar cap hits if they were to be cut. Maybe don't be shocked if Beasley is cut given McKenzies new vaccination and Stevenson in pre-season? (although I would not put money on it)
  5. Yeah, that is my thought. For those saying "YuO cAn'T bE cUt FoR nOt BeInG vAcCiNaTed". Cam may not have been good last year, but he is better than Hoyer and Stidham, They are rolling with a rookie and Brian Hoyer to start the season.
  6. Let me rephrase, that. I wish that if Josh were endorsing wings, he wouldn't be going with a chain of any kind. An actual wing from Buffalo. I want Josh to have a different national endorsement. Mostly because I am a petty fool.
  7. I saw one on insta where Josh was the first. Also, I am glad he has a national endorsement. But it sucks that the QB of the Buffalo Bills has an endorsement with a crappy wing franchise. I am torn. Go Bills!
  8. That is my thought. I don't get the sense that Houston has tried to take any moral high ground through any of this. Somebody is trying to drive the value down? I have sort of lost track of his whole saga, but skill set aside, I do not see much value in trading for him if I am a team. At any moment he could end up on the commissioners exempt list. For all we know, the guy could end up in jail in 9 months. Why would I give up a haul for that?
  9. Gabe Davis reminds me more of a Robert Woods Lite then he does a Mike Evans. Thats not a knock, Bob Woods is a hell of a football player.
  10. I get what you’re saying, but god do I get this response. This is an internet message board, where average Joe’s voice their opinion on football. You could use this response on literally every post and comment on this board.
  11. I am sure there are agents who see an unvaccinated Davis and Beasley, with a client like McKenzie who can see the writing on the wall. “Get vaxed, be available and don’t be a headache. His paycheck could be yours next year” It is a no brainer.
  12. Curious if anybody else got vaccinated if ECMC sent somebody out. Hoping Milano and Davis.
  13. It’s sort of hyperbole, but there’s probably some truth here. McKenzie gives the room some breathing room. McKenzie and Stevenson can probably fill the room OK. If Gabe Davis gets vaxed it makes Beasley a bit more expendable, pushing Sanders to the slot possibly. Not necessarily saying we should, but it’s a good thought exercise.
  14. Give the current predicament the team could be in in the future, keeping a ton of WR makes some sense, but something has to give at another position group for that to work.
  15. OK, that makes sense. I just assumed franchises in general were like munipalities and NYS home rule law. Where clubs can enact house rules like “no dinner with others while on the road”, so long as it doesn’t violate any league, NFLPA, CBA, etc rules.
  16. I was thinking about this earlier. A lot of chatter today about McD, process, locker room vaccines, etc. and how McD leads this team and locker room while being frustrated with personal beliefs. But on the flip side, how do you manage this locker room when Beasley and McKenzie keep talking about not getting vaccinated and fines. When they sit next to a guy like Dawkins, their brother, who said he wasn’t sure he’d pull through. Or Sweeney who missed an entire year with myocarditis? Or Tre, who I believe lost family and considered holding out. How does McD help keep a locker room together based on respecting ones decisions, when they aren’t respecting the lives of their teammates. I think this might be what is wearing Coach down the most. One can manage politics, opinions, religions, lizard kings, etc. But you can’t manage the blatant disregard for some of your teammates experiences regarding their health. I would assume (could be wrong) Tre, Sweeney, and Dawkins have all lost a considerable amount of respect for those being vocal about vaccines, mandates, or any sort of covid is a hoax talk. I think that’s what is probably eating away at McD big time. How does coach look at Sweeney in the eye and say “I have your back as a man?” And do the same the Beasley. He can’t. (Mods- tried to word this as football related as possible. Complicated subject to explain in text. Feel free to delete)
  17. Weird quote. “we're going to be under the same protocols as last year.” "There's league rules and then there's my rules. We ain't going anywhere. We're the same as last year," I took the “I don’t give a crap if they’re vaccinated or not” in context with the above. Vaccinations don’t get special treatment. Everybody follows the same rules. House rules are 2020 covid protocols not 2021.
  18. Isn’t Tampa instituting their own testing and masking mandates?
  19. The amount of responses missing the point here is astonishing…
  20. My first thought was, “I wish they made Ben R. fatter”
  21. son of a butch. You got the quote before I fixed the auto correct. Ha! I think part of the problem is McD was hoping the locker room would keep this in check. That a guy like Jerry Hughes or Stephon Diggs would tell a guy like Cole to cut the poop and at the very least this would be internal and the team would be at league average for vaccinations. Now he has an entire position group that is in jeopardy and guys like Star who took the year off AND didn’t get vaccinated. It seems like some of the complaints are enforcement of mandates. It’s probably time for the Pegulas to pony up and get these guys testing everyday and everybody masking up indoors.
  22. This. I think today we saw a guy trying to manage the fine line between being a leader at work and managing his personal beliefs. At a bar with his buddies I wouldn’t be shocked if McD’s personal preference isn’t to cut these guys, or hit them in the head with a rubber mallet. But part of what makes McD good at his job is he seems to regularly separate McD the coach and McD the person. Right now he is frustrated at the position he is in. I trust him to figure it out.
  23. I know the comment you’re talking about. I thought so but wasn’t sure. Crazy times man. Ha! Cheers!
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