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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I believe I was one of those posters who had some concern about point differential. I think it could still be a concern. We need better production from the defense on a consistent basis. I think the DL will be somewhat improved. Unsure if they will take the leap we hope. I think the back 7 need to do a better job at holding their own. Specifically CB depth and LB's. Winning a lot of games with a poor differential is tough, especially over multiple seasons. EDIT: Mid October last year I had a post on it. Not often do teams make the playoffs with a negative point differential. More often than not, they lose early and lose big in the playoffs. Something to keep an eye on.
  2. Unfortunately, Sept 9, 2007. Opening kickoff vs. the Broncos. I think about Kevin Everett every time the season is about to start and how scary those moments were on the field.
  3. Roost Hs a rotating menu. Sometimes adjusts weekly. Sometimes monthly. Martin C. The head chef was actually the original head chef at Left Bank. He later moved to Toronto and ran a kitchen there forever. Came back when Mike A lost his leg and helped in the kitchen at Tsunami. He opened Martin Cooks for a few years that was an intimate 15 seat Prix Fixed 10-15 course meal. That was phenomenal. He closed that and opened Roost, which is much more approachable. Just some background. New place but not a new chef.
  4. I think Roost is my favorite restaurant in Buffalo. The vibe is upscale casual. Sort of trendy. Not fine dining but not not fine dining if that makes sense. It’s approachable, delicious, but high scale food. Gabes Gate is my favorite wing. I like almost all the Buffalo pizza. I grew up on the WS so La Novas will will always hold a special spot for me. But I also like Picasso’s and Casa Di Pizza. Charlie the Butcher hands down. I grew up on the north side of the arena. South of that might as well be a different country to me outside of a handful of spots.
  5. Also I think Northtown is a large sponsor for the Bills. Don’t be surprised at some Groot commercials this year. I wouldn’t be shocked if a car for his mom was part of the deal. To note, he pulled up in a wrangler.
  6. It sucks to say. But Brady is not only better than Kelly, he’s not even in the same conversation. Love Jim the QB. But come on. I don’t even think JK12 is in the second grouping of HOF QB’s. Jim was integral to our success but he was also at best the third best player on that team behind Thurman and Bruce. Brady . . Everybody else. Hurts to say but it is what it is and it’s not close.
  7. It’s totally possible. There are a lot of players before my time. But perspective, Bruce had something like 12 straight years with double digit sacks )our suppose if 91 where he played a handful of games. Its a bit too early, it he’s in the conversation.
  8. I agree I think it’s a shift. I did work with Journeys End for a bit a while back so my data is out of date. But back then Buffalo was taking in more refugees than NYC. Because of it the population loss was always assumed to greater than reported. Not that those people don’t count. They do. They’re just not the “look at all the people moving here” anybody accounts for. People like to think that population gain is because people are moving from X city to come live here. And a lot of it is people being placed because we are cheap and have more job opportunities than Syracuse.
  9. Downtown is nice. But I am glad it’s not. It’s a huge footprint for a building that barely gets used. I’m pumped for the Buffalo downtown resurgence but it should stay on path the way it is and not take a bunch of great real estate for a stadium. Also Buffalo metro is still losing population. The “resurgence” of Buffalo is largely just the same people leaving the suburbs infilling the city. Which is good in some respects. But also a reshuffling. My better half and I talk about coming back a lot. But ultimately it’s tough. There isn’t a lot of work. You catch on at a handful of large employers and find a fulfilling career path or you don’t. Not a whole lot of options I live in the capital region now. Not a ton of work. BUT! I can manage territories that include Philly, NYC, NJ, Boston. A lot more opportunity. Rooting for the city and very much keeping my eye out to return!
  10. The Bills are not a public service like the post office or libraries. It isn’t a public good like the zoo or museums that are owned by the city. It’s not a public equity, it’s going to cost the county about $10M to knock it down, after it sits there for 20 years rotting away and costing money during that time too. It’s not a county owned rec center. I went to the rec center after school as a kid. My cousins play softball 3 days a week at a rec center. Hosting the Monsignor Martin Championship game between St Joe’s and Canisius once a year does not constitute a rec center. Are we going to start running T-Ball tournaments in the summer at the stadium? Maybe a “lock in” for the middle schoolers one weekend. You know rec center stuff. Maybe we can donate an old fooz ball table for kids to play with in their after school programs. Zoo’s, museums, libraries, orchestras, etc. are constantly fundraising to keep the lights on. The Bills provide a value to Buffalo that isn’t measurable. That is fine. I don’t mind public funding. But let’s stop calling this a public good, community equity, or anything similar regarding the postal service, animal conservation, or a science museum. Because it’s not. The Pegula can’t charge league average pricing because Buffalo is poor. 70k seats at $300 for the 300’s isn’t sustainable here. You can’t sell that many tickets that often in this town at that price. That’s the only reason. Not because they’re cutting us a break. And it’s not because of county money from the 1970’s to build the place. The Ralph has cost the county about $500M to build and upgrade in 2021 dollars. (Just based on going through past upgrades and costs) If a $1.4B stadium doesn’t make fiscal sense for the price point of ticket sales for private investment. Maybe we don’t build a $1.4B stadium…where is the extra $1B in costs coming from. Pegula can come to the table with a stadium that makes sense for him and what he would be able to afford himself and still profit. The county/state are welcome to chip in at that point. A good investment is always a good investment regardless of public subsidy. You and I are having a conversation about the county chipping in $1B to keep ticket prices to an NFL game affordable for people in Buffalo. Maybe that means it’s not a great investment in the first place. And that is my biggest deterrent here. If it’s a good investment, the Pegula’s don’t need our help. They can cover what’s profitable. But hey, I love the Bills. Let’s get the county/state to chip and we can get some minor access for HS football games and like 2 concerts a year. But when we talk about covering the whole bill, or most of the Bill. And doing it to subsidize ticket costs? We are talking about throwing a whole lot of public money at a terrible investment.
  11. I just don’t think I can whine about OJ on the list, off the list, at 100, whatever. I think it’s pretty well understood that the top 3 pass rushers of all time are LT, White, and Bruce. All in different orders between who you talk to. To have LT and White so far ahead of Bruce is wild. I still think Thurman deserves a place on the list. I am not sure where yet. When I am not on my phone I’ll take a deeper dive at the list. But Bruce and Thurman were hands down the two best players on those Bills rosters, and as far as I am concerned it’s not close. Lofton, Kelly, and Reed were not on that level. A full standard deviation back. And those guys had HOF careers. That’s how good Thurman was.
  12. Yeah, I couldn’t swallow that sentence while he was with NE. Out of conference, it is easier to say. He’s hands down the best player in NFL history and it’s not close. Everything about Brady is a good Buffalo story…if he played here. On and off starter in college. 6th round pick. Tells the owner on day one he’s going to be the best decision he ever made. Unseats Bledsoe. Wins a Super Bowl. Takes team friendly deals on the regular. Buffalo hates Brady because he tortured us for a decade. But the boogyman is gone now guys. We don’t have to be scarred.
  13. You can’t actually believe some of the points your making right? The post office…compared to an NFL franchise? There are people around this country who would never receive mail if it weren’t a public service. It’s a necessity. A bunch of non-profits dedicated to science and advocacy…compared to a family who sat in front of their employees and said one of their main tenants was to maintain family life style. You have to pay for a stamp so what’s the difference between that and Paying Kim and Terry? Gotta pay to see the Pandas so we can keep feeding them. So we might as well pay Kim and Terry. I would rather give the Buffalo Zoo and the Science Museum $1.4B than give it to the Pegula’s. I would rather invest it in schools. Hell, I would rather insulate sleeping bags full of dollar bills and give those sleeping bags to the homeless than give $1.4B to Terry and Kim. I think it might actually be more bang for your buck. NFL stadiums have too many bells and whistles. They don’t need need 10 LED walls scattered around. They cost too much. And at scale should not be publicly funded. That goes for any city. I get they provide some immeasurable value to our lives. I actually don’t hate that the state/county helps out. But having public funds brochure anywhere near $1B is absurd. For value received back I think a 70/30 (Private/Public) split is super fair. And the Pegula’s came in at 100%. Ha!
  14. Your math doesn’t check out here in a number of ways. $2000 per ticket holder, and 70k ticket holders, only gets you to $140M. $50 per ticket holder doesn’t get you to $2000 or anywhere close to it. To your overall mapping of affordability. It’s almost as if the League and NFL franchises want to the public to help cover costs to build a stadium that doesn’t make any economic sense. Like at all. Teams and the league are asking for structures that don’t actually fit their business model or local economics. In any other industry, something like this would never be considered. Also roads, libraries, parks etc. provide a service. The NFL does not. I can’t go have a picnic at the 50 yard line today, or any other day for that matter. But I can walk down the sidewalks I can go get a book. I pay taxes, I get a service. With a stadium, I pay taxes, I can buy a ticket? I don’t even get free parking.
  15. I know it’s sacrilege but I think mine would go: 1. Brady 2. Rice 3.Brown 4. LT
  16. Came across this today because I saw a tweet about Reggie White being the no. 5 player all time and thought, “oh cool, Brice must be right around there”. I was wrong. Bruce (20) and OJ (41)are the only Bills on the list. If Reggie is 5, Bruce deserves to be in the ball park. Or at least closer than 15 spots. I think OJ is under rated here. But he’s also a murderer so I don’t have a complaint. I think Thurman not making the list at all is disrespectful. The top 4 aren’t listed yet. Off the top of my head and just scrolling through, I think it’s down to Brady, LT, Jim Brown, and Jerry Rice. https://theathletic.com/2685622/2021/09/04/the-nfl-100-the-athletics-pursuit-of-the-best-players-in-football-history/?source=user_shared_article
  17. Beasley and Star are stupid. Like I think they’re legitimately unintelligent. Star has to be the only player who opted out AND didn’t get vaccinated right? Beasley can’t figure out how to keep his mouth shut. He isn’t any sort of activist or martyr. I agree with you, those guys will most likely be replaced without some major change. I think Beasleys replacement is on the roster already between Stevenson, McKenzie, and possibly Sanders moving to the slot, and move Davis outside. I do have some concern about Milano and Davis as two young guys.
  18. The Buffalo helmet is interesting. Buffalo could be the first movers in the NFL with it. The NBA does a bunch of city specific uniforms.
  19. My first real response here Gold, Silver, Bronze medals or Buffalos for HOF, All Star and Vets. We are about to basically be in back to back to back Olympic years. The Josh Allen Buffalo drawing for one of the lower ranks.
  20. Shut up! I NEED MY FAKE INTERNET POINTS!!!!! Its an internet message board about football. Relax.
  21. I double checked this. I thought you might be right. It’s Ko Simpson. Short for Yukota. He’s worth millions, he can spell his name however he wants.
  22. I like the idea of Ko Simpson being the probation icon.
  23. I get it Davis is better than Hodgins. Just saying that the receiving Corp could be even better than they are now with a healthy Hodgins. There is a chance We have Davis and his twin on this roster at some point. Also, Davis wasn’t flying under the radar. He wasn’t some secret weapon. He was was super hyped at camp. Reporters were allowed and we heard all about him. Got this on the first page of Google. Davis is the no. 1 take away from training camp. With terms like “if you haven’t heard if Gabe Davis yet and you’re a Bills fan you have been living under a rock”. And “Davis is this years training camp darling”. https://www.google.com/amp/s/13wham.com/amp/buffalo-plus/bills-latest-news/top-five-takeaways-from-bills-training-camp On this board last August we had guys talking about betting on Davis for ROY and comparing him to Moulds. And this thread about JB talking about Davis and Hodgins teaching him the playbook.
  24. The hype for Hodgins at camp last year was just as high or higher than Davis was. I’m anxious to get him healthy. It’s been an unfortunate path for him. They are both about the same size and speed. Hodgins is about an inch taller and 0.05 slower over 40 yards. But is much more explosive in the 3 cone and 20’yard shuffle.
  25. I think the mods are wrong on this one. This isn’t a misleading title at all. In fact, it might be the most perfect title in TBD history.
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