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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I am a big Allen the leader, the person, the playmaker. I have been admittedly hard on Allen the passer. I have said since he first started, he is the most exciting QB in the league for better or for worse. Anything can happen. I rallied that the odds were not in his favor, not that he couldn't do it, just that he would be an exception. But anybody who has watched Josh Allen at any point in his NFL career can't root against him. That said, he had a better year than I thought he ever would last year, so he CAN do it. From here on out it is on Josh to do it regularly. We are locked in on him for a long time now, whether he is great or terrible he is here. We may see some clunker years and games. It is frustrating. The fan base can and should talk about those games. But we are sooo far from calling Allen a mistake or permanently not good.
  2. I will add to this that Allen seems to get in a groove when guys are making plays with the ball in their hand, not just completing catches. So I think it is less about completions, and more about guys making plays. It feels like in the past completing 6 curl routes in a row with a total of 10 YAC between all of them, doesn't get Allen going. Hitting guys on the move does. Totally agree on getting Allen going with his legs. Sometimes it feels like him getting tackled after a big game gets him locked in.
  3. Josh is like a freight train. Sometimes he is tough to get rolling, but once he does you can't slow him down. Some of it is easy completions. But sometimes it is getting him moving around in the pocket or on QB powers. But when guys make plays with the ball in their hands, Josh tends to as well.
  4. Let me just say, I looked forward to these from @Bill from NYC, and I look forward to them from you. You have done a tremendous job in taking the reigns. Thank you! I agree on most things...except for one thing. Then one add on. 1 and 2 Not to take away from AJE, but I saw that Jerry, Star, and Ed Oliver had higher win rates vs. the OL. Which is remarkable given the snap count for some of those guys. AJE may not have shown up on the stat sheet but he had a helluva game. Similarly, AJE made some splash plays, but the rest of the DL was right there with him in terms of productivity. 5. Thunder and Lightning At the risk of beating a dead horse, Singletary does not have very good top end speed. The difference between elite top end speed and Singletary is literally the percentage difference (8.7%) between Tom Brady, a meme of a professional athlete running 40 yards, and Baker Mayfield, somebody who most would consider reasonably athletic QB in the league. For reference, Daniel Jones had an 80 yard carry last year. Nobody would consider him to have good top end speed.
  5. Peyton gave an open invite to Pat at the end. McAfee seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself. I wouldn’t be shocked to see something get done with those two going forward. I hope it does. They’re a perfect match.
  6. I watched most of the game on and off. It didn’t seem like Goff was erratically missing any throws or not finding the open guy. The OL seemed barely good enough in the first half and Goff did a pretty good job of moving in the pocket. GB came out hard in the second half. The OL didn’t stand up, and Goff was just chucking balls up. I get that playing two high was death by a thousand paper cuts for Detroit but once they dropped the safety down they were getting murdered by Rogers.
  7. Eli gave a BS answer that room two plus. MaCafee was physically waiving him off to stop talking. Peyton gave Eli a hard time. Then the producers took Eli off the screen. God, this is the greatest broadcast. MacAfee and Manning are born to call games together. Pat and Peyton are awesome. Eli sucks.
  8. Its unfortunate since Goff seems to be playing OK.
  9. OK Pat McAFee might be the perfect cohost for Peyton. Honestly, I would normally turn this game off but I’m sticking around for Peyton and most definitely Peyton and McAfee.
  10. If we are lining up Knox, Kumerow, and Davis, with some combination of Beasley, Sanders, and Diggs on the sideline, I think you’ve pretty much played your hand. I mean, I guess they could. But as soon as the DC sees the sub and the package, there is no way we are getting cover 2 like we are seeing in this game. Part of a successful screen game is being able to run it out of a lot of different packages. Having to put out the back half of our WR depth chart doesn’t quite do that regularly. Which I think was sort of the point the OP was getting at regarding our guards and the screen game.
  11. I mean they probably are. You just can't afford it.
  12. Anybody have any insight into how schitty the reporters in Chicago were to Fields? I am traditionally not a snarky guy, but when guys start saying how "they thought it would be harder/faster etc." They deserve all the crap. Story time: At my last national championship, before one of my races I was chatting with a few of my competitors. Not uncommon in my sport as you show up to the course in the AM if you compete in individual events. Competitors become your teammates in a weird way. Anyways, this guy was casually telling us that he would probably win that weekend without an issue and how he is looking forward to the World Championships later that year in New Zealand. Long story short he didn't win, I did. He got a firm pat on the back and a "good luck in New Zealand". That was a decade ago and I still think about it a lot. I hope the embarrassment keeps him awake at night. TL;DR I raced a guy like Justin Fields. He shot his mouth off and lost badly to me. People like that deserve to be pooped on.
  13. 2019 was the fastest release of his career. I don't think that release time equals quality of play by any means. Josh will always be on the high side, kind of like guys Wilson. But I think he may need to do a better job of having it in his arsenal. 2018 - 3.22 2019- 2.85 2020- 3.05 You can absolutely tell that Peyton is constantly telling Eli what a POS he is when they get together.
  14. Really hoping Favre gets fired up and the two of them just start talking football. They could literally just film this in Peytons living room with and have guys walk in and out. When Peyton gets fed up with you, he tells you to GTFO and the next guy comes in. A survivor series if you will. I want Eli, just standing outside a bay window staring in silently for a full 3 hours.
  15. I agree with all of this, another poster here more well versed in OL play than me, mentioned that our guards are not terribly mobile, so getting those guys out into space to set up quality screens is tough. I have just been like some old man yelling at clouds that our screen game blows. Ha! Anyways, that made a lot of sense to me, and I am tempted to put the screen game on the guards rather than the QB or WR. We have enough shifty and quick twitch WR's to make plays.
  16. Peyton just said something I never thought of. “when they’re in zone you can’t hold the ball very long” Josh haha traditionally held onto the ball a long time compared to the rest of the league AND struggled against zone coverage.
  17. Relax, this is basically just Peyton getting hyped up watching football while also trying to give his brother a job after football. It is a glorified zoom call. Gronk a dog is barking, he’s showing everybody his dog. It’s hilarious if you just don’t accept it for what it is. It would be even better with a guy with better command of a broadcast. But this needs a football guy not a commentator like Nantz or Al Michael’s. Romo and Peyton would be awesome.
  18. We all have our vices though…. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportressofblogitude.com/2012/09/19/rob-gronkowskis-former-porn-star-friend-uploads-new-photo-of-her-and-gronk-pic/amp/
  19. Rumor has it he has lived off his endorsement money and as saved all of his contract money. I think he’s super responsible with his cash actually
  20. Eli is just speaking to speak. Eli is supposed to be some sort of Al Michael’s. But he sucks at it. He just interrupts Peyton. Like, “OK Eli, the adults are talking, we will get your juice in a minute”
  21. “I think our conversation is bugged, just like the Patriots used to do” -Peyton Manning, live broadcast.
  22. I’m watching the Manning’s. I love Eli for being the anti-Tom Brady, but this could really just be Peyton talking about the game and what he’s saying. But Eli is useless and annoying here.
  23. I don’t hate the Lions in all white. It’s just that the grey is such a good look for them.
  24. I would add, an over reliance on hitting the deep shots. We are just not hitting anything consistently running or passing.
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