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Everything posted by Mango

  1. But if we agree, how can I argue with you?
  2. You are conflating at least two issues here: Infidelity- I personally find it abhorrent. But does it matter professionally in an NFL setting? I do not think so, unless it is effecting your results and roster management. Which to your point. It did not effect either for Bill Cowher. Separate Travel- BB has been known to start watching tape on the flight home from games. Getting a separate charter to start doing that in peace and quiet is drastically different than what is going on with Urban Meyer. Everything for you is happening in these separate buckets. BB might fly separately. Bruce Arian might enjoy the consumption of alcohol in his spare time. BIll Cowher cheated on his wife. The issue here is Urban Meyer abandoned his team, to cheat on his wife and drink beer, while they were on a 4 game skid. He was all 3 of those specific incidents rolled into one. If any other coach did that in year one of their NFL HC career, it would be a major story of not being ready for the pro game. If BB did that at the start of the 2021 regular season after a 0-4 start, every news outlet in the United States would be running the story, "did BB check out?", "Bill Belichicks heart no longer in football", or "Is this Bill Belichicks last year?".
  3. Right, I am with your first half. Basically winning coaches don't do stuff like this. Full stop. Nothing else needs to be said. If Arians did this, skipped the team flight, winless on the season, the whole thing, would it be a big deal? Sure it would, but it is not happening because those guys have some level of decency and respect (for their teams/jobs). In a general sense, is it a huge deal to NFL teams or fans that Urban Meyer likes to dig for mud clams in his spare time? No, not really.
  4. It’s more than noticed vs. unnoticed. Let me know the next time BB, McD, Harbaugh, etc. don’t get off the team plane when they land back home. I agree. He’s not an idiot, he’s just an arse hole. Always has been. He is over the NFL. I hope butthole jokes follow UM like feet jokes follow Rex.
  5. It is pretty unprecedented. I don’t think any HC has ever skipped a team flight after being winless, let alone to go drink beer and finger coeds in the butthole. Could you imagine BB staying in Annapolis after losing to WAS for their 4th loss of the season. Only to be seen later at a college bar trying to stick his fingers through some denim into a young woman’s Hershey highway? No you couldn’t, because it would never happen. Urban is a bum.
  6. “I went to Columbus and all i got was pink eye” -Urban Meyer, probably
  7. Can somebody please photoshop Urban Meyers head on Bill Cosby Jello pudding pop commercials.
  8. I think Josh getting into rhythm isn’t necessarily competing passes. It’s guys making plays. He does a better job when guys are rolling. He doesn’t get hit by hitting a million curl routes with 2 YAC. He’ll get hot if Diggs takes a 5 yard pass for an extra 15. Or Singletary rips off 10 yards.
  9. Teams have been looking for a Cam Newton with a little bit more field general in them for a while. I think the league has been lucky enough to hit on two with Herbert and Allen. Trubisky was supposed to be the same. The athleticism of starting QB’s is pretty remarkable right now. I think the league will be a blast in a few years once guys come into their own a bit more.
  10. He most definitely has a tough time controlling his velocity and trajectory. He’s at times a little late to the read. This is their biggest difference in skill set.
  11. I think Allen is definitely a better runner. I was just talking about as a passer. I agree with you, there are some things they do different. I think largely Herbert came in more polished. And might still be in some ways.
  12. I mean if Herbert regularly misses guys like that 3rd down who are wide open. Yes, yes he does.
  13. I haven’t watched any of the Chargers this year, but Herbert is basically a carbon copy of Allen.
  14. But will you give all the profits to Firebaugh SD? To me that is the kicker here not the actual hoodie. Edit and Add-On: Please don’t reproduce this if you aren’t going to give 100% of the proceeds to Firebaugh SD. Most school districts wouldn’t have the resources to chase you down. Especially a small town in rural CA. It would be a really bad look for you, the city, and the fan base.
  15. Right, I get it, to a certain extent. But I have also gotten a beef on weck, italian sausage, cheeseburgers, etc. at The Ralph. Could a new stadium provide more room for meal prep? Sure, possibly. But lets not act like we have never gotten better selection at the Ralph before. Or that the best fix is to build a $1.5B stadium. Not that you or Virgil is saying that specifically, but you have both eluded or stated that a new stadium would alleviate this issue, and neither mentioned much of another option or ask to resolve it. Which is exactly why it gives me pause. This is a relatively new or worse problem that wasn't happening like this in years past. As a long time food service worker, and somebody who relies on a lot of logistics everyday at work, I totally get it. It is especially tough out there at the moment for drivers and low wage workers. But I refuse to believe that La Nova's can pump out pizza for 70k fans, but the Bills cannot find a way to get any more food options in the building. La Nova's are the only ones who can prep food for the stadium in 2021? Sorta of mentioned you in the above unintentionally. I think we are on similar pages here. Thanks for your work here!
  16. Great write up per usual. Re: Stadium experience, a few things: -I am unsure how a different open stadium would help Allen in the rain? - Why would different cement and rebar effect where Labatt Blue is sold and the stadium having more than just delivered pizza? This is relatively new and firmly falls on the Pegula's and/or Delaware North. The stadium is having some structural issues and needs to be replaced. But lets not confuse poor hospitality management with new construction. That one falls firmly on the organization no matter what building they are in. I am rarely a conspiracy theorist, but I think this is on purpose from the Pegula's. My tinfoil hat says that they are trying to downgrade the gameday experience to garner more support for a new stadium and/or get more money from the state/county.
  17. Star has exceeded my expectations this year. The Bills were also 13-3 last year without him. Glad he is back.
  18. Also, if you take the comment "I only get booed in Buffalo" and apply it to real life, it makes literal zero sense. Apparently the stadium erupts in boo's when Beasley runs out on the field, catches a first down, scores a touchdown. But the stadium is totally silent when he drops a pass? GTFO of here my man. (not you good sir!)
  19. There is one thing you don't do to Buffalo, and that is take them for a bunch of idiots. I think the Pegula's thought they would rally the city to push for state funding with their thinly veiled, "pay for it or we will move" statement/not statement. And I think Beasley thinks he can try and get fans to unite behind him in a similar way by treating them like idiots and hope they rally behind him. This is sort of the moment he officially jumps the shark in Buffalo.
  20. What are his expectations when he tweets "I thought Bills fans were the best in the world? Where did they go?". Like, I cannot see that ending any way other than people being resentful. Also, fans have been screaming "BEEEEAAAAASSSSS" Since he showed up in Buffalo, well before COVID or vaccines were an issue. Convenient he hears it as booing now. This is not going to end well for him.
  21. This. Beas belongs in the Hall of pretty good plus a couple of very good years. He has been a great safety valve, but I don't think he is irreplaceable. I think McKenzie is more dangerous with the ball in his hands. And I think moving Diggs, Sanders, and Davis around is just as good as committing Beasley to the slot. Also, if he is looking to get out of Buffalo, he is doing a good job. He cannot reasonably expect to stick around here and go on twitter with stuff like "I thought Buffalo had the best fans in the word" BS and expect the fanbase not to start to actually turn on him.
  22. Just 2 pages in, and this is wild. There are people out there, who care about the Bills enough to register and post and a Buffalo Bills message board, but have never heard the fans react to Cole Beasley making a catch or walking out onto the field. And not only are they just not hearing the reaction now, but they think it is booing. And not only booing, but only booing during positive moments, like catching a first down or a touchdown. And not booing during when he jumps off sides, drops the ball, slips on a route, etc. What a wild time to be alive.
  23. WTF are you talking about? There is a Tim Hortons at every other intersection. When was the last time you were in Buffalo?
  24. I have no idea what Philly's commitment to him is, but I have watched a little bit. The Philly offense as a whole is a mess. Hurts is talented, but is also making a bunch of mistakes that make a bad offense a lot worse. Kind of a Daniel Jones like situation. That said, I think a team giving up any first round pick let alone multiple for a QB who might not be allowed to play in the NFL going forward is absurd. So I am really pulling for an AFCE team to pull the trigger.
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