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Everything posted by Mango

  1. What thread do I use to talk about how suddenly full and dark Brees’ hair is?
  2. These guys have an opportunity to really break down the current game and they spend the entire time on literally every other game across the league. Can somebody get the Manning’s on FaceTime? I noticed that too.
  3. Dude, we are week 5 and you don’t know the season luck yet? Dooomed. I have gotten a new Bills flag every year since 2018. Last years jersey was Tre. But then we got smoked by Pitt to start the season. I’m all in on Bruce for 2021.
  4. Bills are a consensus 3/4 in SB odds just about everywhere. A win over KC will put them firmly in 2nd over night. If you think the Bills are going to win the super bowl AND win tonight, your payout stands a good shot at halving in the next 6-7 hours if you don’t put your money down now.
  5. I think the only way McD goes to Miami is via trade. What’s the trade you ask? Dolphins get McD. Bills get the Dolphins first round pick for eternity and a new stadium paid for by Miami.
  6. Boy is he gonna hear about that one in study hall
  7. Is the bengals place kicker still in HS?
  8. Also, I think the plan was to go after NE mid to deep, and Brady lost some grip on the ball due to the rain and his osteoporosis. Meanwhile Mac Jones is just dinking and dunking underneath. I am not as high on Jones as the rest of the country. I mean he’s fine. I just don’t get the hype.
  9. Hoenstly, I think it’s just the BB vs. Brady factor. Those guys know each others tendencies better than anybody else in the league. It’s the unpredictability of the AFCN on steroids.
  10. Guys, after today Brady might have a career year rushing. His 16 game pace is well ahead of his best year.
  11. Meh. Sounds like the Tua saga has a lot of drama around it so I won’t pin it on anybody. Brisset is a vet, he knows how to prep. I’m not gonna put much blame on the back up or the staff for not being markedly better than the starter off the bench in week one. Also JB is hurt. Tampa is in rhythm. I think this game gets out of hand at some point.
  12. Brisset is better than Tua. But not really right of the bench.
  13. Wtf is going on with Romo’s hair. Unsure if he’s wearing a piece or is still recovering from having 5 too many beverages last night.
  14. I have friends who give me a hard time about Brandi Carlile. I don’t get how anybody is not super high on her. I saw one of those NPR tiny desks. Then a few weeks later she did Asbury Hall in Buffalo so I decided to give it a go for $20 bucks. None of her recordings do her justice. I can’t recommend her live enough. She’s remarkable. She’s leaning more country than I would like these days. But her talent is incredible it doesn’t matter. These days I am leaning into The Arkells, The Hip, The Ramones, and Wu-Tang are scratching my itch. That could change tomorrow.
  15. Do you have two monitors? Can you maybe just open one in each? Sounds like a downgrade but that might be a solution.
  16. I am definitely down with Chuck D and NWA. My music spectrum is super broad. Grateful Dead, Moe. Nirvana, Foofighters. Metallica, Johnny Cash, Willy Nelson, Brandi Carlile, Tupac, Snoop, Benny the Butcher… I lack any style. It also means on any given day, depending on mood or algorithm my music streaming is either spot on or off the mark. Haha.
  17. I am just giving you a hard time about pop culture. Everybody take a deep breath. But to your point. No, not a child. But also I am 34 and will listen to Drake.
  18. God, I hope the two of you aren’t too young to be yelling at clouds like a bunch of grumpy old men. Seeing/hearing conversations like this is exactly why I try to download new apps. Throw on pop stations here and there. Not to “be cool” but to at least not let myself age out of society and culture. Kinda like how we laugh at our grandparents trying to use smart phones. Try and avoid that.
  19. So Kanye makes better music. Or at least has been more influential. But he’s a total arse hat. So I’m going Drake, because he’s still great.
  20. A couple things: I agree. Racist commentary was largely acceptable for a period of time, especially in locker rooms. Largely among white people like myself. I in my younger days have partaken, regrettably so. I do not consider myself racist. But I did say racist things. I am more concerned with no longer doing racist things than I am with being considered a racist if that makes sense. Gruden said a racist thing. Does it make him racist? Maybe? But it seems like Gruden and those similar are more concerned with telling you they are not racist, rather than just trying not to be a total dick. In regards to emails. If you are sending emails from or to a company email, you need to be prepared to defend it. Period. No different than mailing me a letter. Once you send it to me, it is mine. It’s 2021, almost 2022, this should be common knowledge and practice. Don’t put anything in writhing anywhere if you can’t or won’t defend it.
  21. This one is a lot. All of us do or say something racist at some point. The good ones own the mistake, apologize, and learn. Sometimes that may cost us a friend, job, opportunity, etc. The statement itself isn’t nearly as bad as his BS’ing afterwards. He’s basically gaslighting everybody. If you say something racist, following it up with “I am not racist” does not make it any better or true. For perspective I believe there were reports that JA17 cried when those tweets surfaced because he thought that people might think he’s racist. Josh coming across as racist to his peers who are largely POC was important to him. No BS. No fluff. It was wrong. Hoping and working for forgiveness. On the other side, you can’t forgive Gruden. Because according to Gruden he didn’t do anything wrong because he told you he isn’t racist. Guys like Gruden aren’t worth any bodies time. They are generally pretty toxic individuals in most situations.
  22. The Bills org keeps trying to break into Toronto and Albany. But maybe the answer is to just keep drafting guys from Firebaugh, CA and Lenox, IA.
  23. Better than the Jags threads: Why is it so important to wash your hands after digging for mud clams? How contagious is pink eye? Keys to dry humping college girls without your wife knowing My top 5 places I like to put my fingers So , does anal count as cheating? Is it quitting if I didn't care when I started?
  24. I am actually kind of cool with the off white. It’s the weird fading from the numbers that bother me.
  25. Anybody think Rus under threw that to Lockett. If it weren’t for the DPI he might not have gotten a hand in it.
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