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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Lamar Jackson puts the team on his back every week. I don’t care if it’s prototypical. He’s a talent and an exciting player to watch.
  2. I added it to this post but I’ll repost here. Hopefully you don’t use your personal phone as a work phone because it’s not yours anymore. Once you give access to IT to add you to the exchange server, you waived your privacy. They have full access. If you quit they can wipe your entire device. They can read every text you send. I know somebody who runs HR at a very prominent Buffalo company. She says they get access to private social media posts all the time.
  3. Fun fact, most good HR dept’s already scope out your social media without you knowing. Add on: If you use your personal phone for your employer be careful what you send and do on it. Once you set up the exchange server your phone is basically your companies, and you have basically agreed to give them access to it. Also, if you think your work phone is private, it might be. But it might not be. I’ve worked with people who have had their texts read by senior leadership.
  4. Lamar gets a bad rap. It feels like it’s cool now to just say “oh Lamar can’t pass”. He’s a better passer than 2019 Josh Allen, and guys here were head over heels. Lamar is an elite runner. One of the most exciting players in the league and he touches the ball every snap. Lamar Jackson would be an upgrade for most teams in the league.
  5. I mean, so we know that Goodell isn’t just a bundle of sticks? Have you ever seen Goodell and a bundle of sticks in the same place? Gruden doesn’t want a happy practice environment. He wasn’t a place where people come to work, where they are locked in. Don’t you show up all gay and merry to his facility. We know the above is true, because Gruden does not have rubbery lips. Jon “Not rubber lipped” Gruden. That’s what they called him growing up.
  6. I had to turn the game off after the first. Seems like Lamar is plying well enough, just myself basically, and the defense can’t get off the field. Am I missing anything?
  7. This was Grudens third HC gig. He also worked for different networks. So what second chance are you referring to? Another HC gig would be his 4th chance, and another network gig would be at least his third…
  8. I don’t think it was absurd. Many, myself included, thought Gruden’s “rubbery lips” answer was BS, and that this was who Gruden was. The releasing of the rest of Grudens emails only goes to prove that he was being a total POS and is a toxic individual on his best day.
  9. I don't even work in football and if HR caught an email from me calling Goodell a f*****, ripping on females in sports, talking about black peoples lips, and being upset about gay people being in the work place, I might also get fired.
  10. And that’s why he called Goodell a f*****t? Not getting where this one is going.
  11. Right. I agree with this. Everybody should be much more open and not worried about being politically correct so that we know who to not engage with. But like, that also means if you run around calling people a f*gg*t, people might not want to engage with you. Kind of like what happened here. Had Gruden been more open about being a total shirt head, he might never have gotten back into the league. And that would have been much more preferable and deserving.
  12. BS. Get caught putting it in writing that you think your boss’ boss is a f——t, while also being the direct boss of somebody who is openly gay. Then tell HR it didn’t effect your work so they should just ignore it. If you could get a video of your HR director laughing at you while they walk you off the property, and post it here, that’d be awesome.
  13. This is…not good. Jon Gruden is a POS. In other news, did anybody knowJP Losman lived in the Elmwood Village?
  14. He did a whole Rocky, nobody thinks Pittsburgh is good enough montage this week.
  15. I love the hype from a professional hype man. But it’s lost its shine, it’s like every week he’s doing another team and super hype video.
  16. This Baltimore jersey combo is one of the worst in the league.
  17. Not impressed by anything yet. It’s week 5. So nothing is really definitive for anybody. The Ravens are a top 3 team in the AFC. If the Bills want the 1 seed, there is a strong rooting interest for the Colts tonight. Since we don’t play head to head, we have to pull for the Colts. Take the lead/tie breaker any time you can.
  18. How does one know the favorite band of our back up TE, who was also on IR the entire year last year.
  19. There was a time in the NFL that this picture would set off an immediate drug test.
  20. Still can't beat a winning team. We suck....
  21. We have two options this week: WIN: Titans fall to 3-3. That means the Bills will be 5-1, and still not played a team with a winning record. LOSE: Titans move to 4-2, and the Bills will be 0-1, losing to the only winning team on their schedule. Sounds like a great weekend for another W to me!
  22. I hate to break it to you, but the AFC Central hasn’t been around for 20 years.
  23. If we beat the Titans and the fall to 3-3 we will still not have beaten a team with a winning record. If we lose To the Titans we will be 0-1 against winning teams this season. Paper tigers. So…if they do that and beat Tampa, they will be the 3rd team ever to win 16 consecutive regular season games.
  24. Collinsworth was like some weird Simpsons character all night. I think pressure is going to come from the left…. No blitz… Spags is going to bring the house here. This is his bread and butter…rushes 4… Things just have never clicked for Josh Allen....Throw of the day to Sanders in the end zone.
  25. IF there is an issue, which I would not be shocked at either way, it is not going to just be playing time/snaps. It will include targets. It is not a super far leap that a guy like Beasley who gets off on the "everybody is out to get me" (which is fine, a lot of athletes do this) sees two games in a row where he is targeted just twice in each and he thinks there is a problem. For reference, Beasley has never been held to 2 or less targets, and/or 2 or less catches in back to back games in his career. Factually Beasly's snap count is fine. His role to the offense as a whole is also fine. But that might not be how Beasley interprets it. I think the conversation is worth while given how loud Cole has been this year in general. Deleting twitter is a sudden change. So is his lack of involvement. It may or may not have any teeth.
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