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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Right, that’s fine. But telling a guy that you would have drafted somebody else if you knew he was going to suck, is really bad people skills. Being a total grass hole to somebody just because they aren’t good at their job isn’t really ok. And 99% of the time doesn’t make them better at their job….which is what Flores was paid to do. Make Tua better at his job.
  2. Flores is probably correct here. Tua isn’t good enough and can be lazy. But it seems like his management of Tua is really bad. I liked Flores. But if all this is true, he shouldn’t be at the top of the totem pole when it comes to managing people.
  3. Steve Redgrave won the Olympics 5 times, at 5 different games, in a high volume sport. He golfed after practice a ton. I think Flores is probably correct that Tua isn’t good enough, and there’s probably truth that Tua has a tendency to be lazy. But also…your expectation that Tua can’t golf on off days because “starting QB” and “top 32 in the world” is totally flawed.
  4. The overall injury rate is measurably less on grass compared to turf. https://nflpa.com/posts/only-natural-grass-can-level-the-nfls-playing-field
  5. The spread feels easy. The Bills are 0-5 in one possession games. If you pick the Bills to win today, you might as well take the points as well and make some more cash.
  6. I parlayed Bills to cover, U44, and Allen with 60+ on the ground today. I feel good about it. Threw a couple bucks on Allen +40, ML, and O44 just to cover incase I lose the O/U
  7. I love a national hype video, but this wasn't it. Either be amped to root for the Bills, or don't. This was a swing and a miss unfortunately.
  8. I mean, sort of? It has been more than 20 years since both teams were relevant at the same time, it is tough to remember what life was like back then. But right now? Still trying to forget the Sabres exist, especially with Eichel back at practice and Tyler Johnson getting pretty quick approval by the Blackhawks for the same exact procedure.
  9. Meh. This is looking like a historically cold game. With the expected windchill it is -16. I think tickets would be super expensive if the forecast was 25 degrees and 36 inches of snow.
  10. 0 with a 10mph wind is a wind chill of -16 degrees. Jesus. We are pushing pretty close to that 2008 NFCCG weather.
  11. It went into OT. Also I am surprised that Coughlin didn't legitimately get frostbite.
  12. No $14M isn't far off of $15M....because it is not. $14 to $18M is a jump, fine. I think I would cringe hard at the $12-15M mark. $15M plus is a hard pass. If we can get this done for the same as Milano's deal I would be OK. And yes Edmunds making $14M to Milano's $10 and change is about a ~35% increase.
  13. Whenever I think of a cold weather game I think of that GB v. NYG NFCCG where it was like -30 with the wind chill. I remember the punter in pregame warm ups saying that after about 5 minutes he couldn't catch the snap anymore. Lucky not much wind, but it is gonna be a cold one!
  14. Partner let’s go half on a sack!
  15. Why people who use this argument also frequent message boards is beyond me. That’s basically the answer to every single commentary from any NFL fan. “Oh, you think you know more about football than player, coach, commentator x.” Dude, it’s an NFL fan board. Literally none of us are qualified to question a single goddamn thing that happens in the NFL. That’s not hyperbole. None of us can question anything based on that logic. So why show up to an internet message board then? You must be a blast a children’s parties.
  16. If it’s too windy to kick the FG from the 40, based on Haacks performance last week, this might be perfect. We could probably pin them deep at like their own…21 yards line if he really gets ahold of it.
  17. I agree, the show blows at the moment. Howard is running on his own past work at this point. The stuff that really makes me angry is editing the old material from replays. That is way more bothersome than the way he is running his swan song. I do think a big part of this last contract is to get the staff right. Guys like Sal were totally unprepared to go out on their own. I believe Howards contract is for the show, his show, not necessarily his pay. I think he signed for his staff. Or at last that is why he thinks he signed. Totally possible he still pays them like crap, but him existing is still a favor.
  18. It is a total garbage situation. I didn't realize it was such a mess in Chicago. There is a part of me, from a business perspective, that would have left Nagy in place one more year, cleared the cap situation, and provided a better situation that would attract more quality candidates. To the bolded, I think this is the exact opposite. The situation is built for failure at the moment. A guy like Frazier, who is in a good situation, and interviews for HC positions a lot, I would take a hard pass if offered the job. This position is best suited for somebody who is looking to get their first (and maybe only) shot at running a franchise I don't think Watson is landing anywhere. And honestly, if I were a HC candidate, if my org is relying on Watson becoming available or playing for me as a solution, I am probably thinking it is not a match. That goes both ways, if I am a franchise and a candidate told me that was their plan, I would not offer them the job. The big plan is to give up assets for a guy that might not be able to play? Not to mention the general principle of it all. Hard pass.
  19. People like to park closer to the stadium but it takes 2-3 business days to get the hell out of there after the game. I generally like to get into one of the further lots. More often than not I am walking faster than traffic moves. Then pulling out I am on the 90 in super short order.
  20. Meh, I hate the "he's evolved" argument. But I do think some of it is evolution. Mostly I think Howard is old and tired. The guy has busted his ass to change how media existed in the USA. He is entitled to ride his career out on his own coattails. I am also entitled to complain about it. The whole production just feels so low-effort and lazy these days. I don't think the issue is what is edgy now, or whether or not Howard has gone soft. Like spending two hours a day for 8 days ripping on Ronnie for moving to LV and retiring should be about 30 minutes....once. But instead it dominated an entire month.
  21. I am relying on some reading on last year. But 5 year $70M is still a $14M valuation, and not that far off from where I listed. I would have a tough time valuing Edmunds at $3-4M per year more than Milano. For a guy making $10-11M per year, another $3-4M is a huge increase.
  22. I can hear it now, "Buffalo, what a depressing city. Robin, could you imagine being from Buffalo? Great you have a football team, Imagine being such a shithole people prefer NJ" followed by another hour of "Howard, this is your mother, your cousin Ishmeal was from Buffalo and he was a very nice man. You shouldn't say those things..." I think that might actually be a better version of the show than what has been put on the air recently.
  23. If Haack could just try to practice kicking this week that would be great. I don't want to throw too many variables at him. Catch ball, drop ball, kick ball. Just nail those three things, then add things like wind and cold.
  24. I honestly don't know what to think of Edmunds. I love him, but he also drives me nuts. I want to keep him, I don't want to lose him. But I have no interest in paying him $15-18M that I have seen. Interesting statement. The comments on Milano are about how instinctual and tough he is (not that Edmunds isn't tough), but the comments on Edmunds are about how big and fast he is. How much space he takes away just by being out there.
  25. Totally agree. I would love to see MT make a successful go of it, but Indy with average QB play is incredibly dangerous.
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