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Everything posted by Mango

  1. The issue is we are over extended and have kept over extending in a few groups that haven’t panned out and also need fixing. The defensive unit as a whole is great (not today) but the DL alone is meh. But one of the most expensive in the league. We keep 10 DT’s, so the only way to fix it is to pull some away, and replace with something better through draft our FA. But we are a little tight against the cap next year. The same thing with the OL. Except we haven’t invested much through the draft. Just in cash. Both units will roll over to how we address the secondary and LB. If the 5th most expensive OL and 2nd most expensive DL played like the 5th and 2nd best units in the league, we wouldn’t be talking about this at all. And the idea of drafting an Edmunds replacement because of cash wouldn’t hurt so bad. Or we could think about taking a corner high to replace Wallace. But that would be a terrible idea because we need a lot of help at OG and a Vita Vea type player on already expensive units. Beane talked a lot about cap hell, but Beane has sort of put us in cap purgatory.
  2. I really think a lot of our woes (excluding today’s defensive performance) has been about Daboll and Allen. Over thinking and execution. Beating my drum here again. We are WAAAAY over invested in a very mediocre OL and DL. Beanes decisions the last few years with the issues between OC/QB are compounding. Beane has to dig us out of this in the off-season.
  3. Still a ton of really aggressive negativity here today. I’m off put by it. I get the “player x blows”, “eff or d line”, “McBeane messed up a good thing” but the, “we should be booing the team off the field” or “what a loser, celebrating”. Some of us really are the worst.
  4. A lot of new posters here today screaming for Beane and McD’s head over and over. All day. It is weird. I thought we weeded through all the BBMB trash already….
  5. That’s what I was checking on to see if anything came out. Otherwise, I can’t imagine if I sneak bourbon in my coffee at work and kill a kid in a crosswalk on my way home, that my company is liable. Didn’t realize about the car/plates. That clearly changes everything. Thanks for the info!
  6. Maybe because it’s been nearly a year I am forgetting something. Why would the Chiefs be on the hook for anything? He wasn’t doing any official business. He wasn’t in a work vehicle? Unless they supplied him with booze or were knowledgeable that he was drinking and let him drive home, wouldn’t they be free of any culpability here? Not a lawyer. I honestly just don’t understand. I would agree that the family deserves all the possible medical bills/care plus much more.
  7. I guess maybe this belongs here. Has anybody seen Gabe Davis’ mom? https://www.instagram.com/p/CWZhnhVlHRM/?utm_medium=copy_link (Also if anybody could show me how to shrink a picture photo on my iPhone to paste it here that’d be great)
  8. I am actually a big fan of the solid colors for the Bills, either all blue or all whites. I also subscribe to the fact that the blue pants are unlucky. So this will do. The all whites are growing on me though. I wouldn't mind if we just officially made them the permanent home jersey, which basically makes them our permanent all around jerseys.
  9. Glenn only played two years outside of Buffalo. Peter’s and Dawkins have spent the same amount of time In Buffalo. I’m not even claiming Glenn should be an all-timer, but he was better, which pushes DD down. Let’s not forget that McD threatened to move him inside or to RT because he wasn’t playing well in 2018. His 19 season got him a raise. Covid isn’t helping at the moment. I won’t hold it against him and won’t count it for him. But two above average after being threatened to change positions should not get you sniffing a list for all time great. I actually think with the Bills OL woes, if they love a LT in the draft they shouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger and move Dawkins inside. His contract levels out as a high end guard anyways and the league is light on quality guards.
  10. Right, just sort of making the point that there isn’t a general consensus on him even being great now let alone all time. That should be a prerequisite for being on an all time list. Also London Fletcher. (So we don’t hijack this into an Edmunds thread, I agree with you)
  11. Debating deleting my response and just leaving this. You nailed it.
  12. Derek Henry is taller, heavier, and faster than Milano. The way he hits people when he has the football is terrifying. Couldn’t imagine if roles were reversed. Imagine this defense with Henry as sort of a tweener in the nickel.
  13. Unsure if you were kicking around here those days but “getting Spiller in space” was basically a weekly thread season after season.
  14. I’m gonna take a hard pass on almost all of this. Your top tier is mostly fine if you go 3 deep I guess. But I’d have to spend some more time with the DB’s. Dawkins maybe as a team guy, but he’s not an all time talent. He’s not better than Jason Peters and peak Cordy Glenn is better than anything Dawkins has done. And that is just in the last 20 years. Dawkins is way more than a year or two away from being in the conversation of best LT in Bills history. Beasley has no business as an all time great. Any all time Bills line up at WR probably has Moulds outside and Andre in the slot (not WR3, but slot)There’s a strong argument to put Diggs as the second outside threat. I’m not sure Beasley is the best slot receiver on this team (Emmanuel Sanders). Also Bob Woods, James Lofton, and TO all played in Buffalo and all ahead of Beasley in general WR rankings. Diggs might have the best shot at cracking a starting line up behind Josh as WR2. Edmunds? All time team? From a pure optics perspective the board isn’t sure if we should have given him the 5th year option and you want to put him on track to be a Bills legend? Milano is in a much better spot to get there. But he needs way more time. The Bills have had some talented LB’s. Bass has that feeling but we need more time. The rest of your tier 3’s are totally absurd to even be thinking about as all time Bills greats.
  15. This is what drives me nuts about this situation specifically. There is NO WAY the league didn’t know about Rodgers. NO WAY GB didn’t know. They just didn’t want a star like Rodgers making noise about being an anti-vaxer so they let him do what he wanted and hoped nothing would happen. Then still fined the team.
  16. Poyer has been criminally underrated for a few seasons now. It doesn’t shock me that he’s never on any lists, winning any awards, or getting any pro bowl or all pro nods I hate it, it makes me throw things. But it’s not surprising.
  17. Normally I only get that from the misses after a few pops on my birthday…
  18. I agree, but I also think McKenzie brings his own pluses to the offense. I think he is much more explosive, but less shifty than Beasley. Last year I thought McKenzie might be in the longer term plans after the Miami game last year, but for whatever reason the dude has never been used in any meaningful way again. I don't know if it is a sign of anything, or if it is the same as Brieda, Yeldon, Basham, AJE, etc. being healthy scratches even though they are productive when given the opportunity.
  19. This is something I have mentioned with Josh and EJ. Both had some mechanics and timing issues coming into the league, but both of their OC kept putting them in shotgun, which makes footwork more difficult. In Josh's case, even as he has progressed, we have almost never passed when he is behind center. It is almost always a run. I am glad he played well under center.
  20. I like Edmunds, I am also frustrated by him more than I would like. I would like him to stay, but really don't think his value is what I have seen predicted. Klein did well today, so it is some food for thought. I will wait until we start Klein this year against a team that isn't the Jets.
  21. I think this needs more data behind it. Just saying Team X lost to Team Y in week 42 by 17 point and Team Y was trash, doesn't tell much. I think there can even be more than one on year, lost to work team (record), and worse single loss (differential). Good teams lose to bad teams every year. Sometimes by a lot. My biggest issue is it seems like every other week we go, "we played like poop against a bad team like Pittsburgh, Miami, Jacksonville. This team will be furious and we are about to go on a tear of playing lights out.".
  22. Gesicki doesn’t even care anymore after that throw 40 yards behind him. T-Rex armed the next throw.
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