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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Dude, if we didn’t have ACL’s walking would be tough, let alone football.
  2. If you look close, half the time teams don’t play with stitched jerseys.
  3. Part of the issue is I am not confident in Wallace. I think he already gets help a lot, and 39 gets beat a bit.
  4. That was the game after Adrian Wilson sent Trent Edwards back to 1988.
  5. Agreed fully. If our highly paid OL and DL were playing at their pay grade we could easily address DB…but here we are…
  6. Also, didn’t Josh throw one in the playoffs? So maybe a regular season record, but not a record record even if it was.
  7. Two things happening here. 1. I think Dawkins is generally over rated by Buffalo. He is a very good LT. A player we don’t have to worry about. But not great. The Hall of Very Good. 2. Dawkins had a rough go with Covid and is now struggling because of it. While an issue right now, it’s not fair to conflate point one with this year.
  8. First NFL game ever is Thanksgiving. I like Stevenson, big time first game on a big time team. Good luck my man!
  9. At this point it’s about the luck not the look. Aren’t we something crazy like 2-7 in blue pants with any jersey the last two seasons?
  10. I really like the all blue and all whites. I think they’re easily our two best looks. NO in all white is cool. Wish they went all black so we could go out in the whites. It is what it is.
  11. Right!!! Beane is good, he is better than average, almost all the time. But he has compounding mediocre mistakes without any picks where he blew it out of the water. (Outside of Allen of course). For everything we have invested in the OL and/or DL, if either were elite units like we pay/draft them, then we would not be having this conversation at all.
  12. This is McWhaley. But that draft also got us Tre, Milano and Dawkins. Outside of drafting Josh Allen, that is probably the best draft of the McDermott era. We got a franchise CB, LB, and LT in one go. '20 and 21' have an opportunity to surpass it (maybe), but they need some more time/production/return.
  13. Rumours? Like real ones? Or just us posters here? Because unless Morse is retiring, the Bills cannot really afford another hole in the interior.
  14. Jordan Davis aside, given our needs, this might be a good year to trade out of the first to the top of the second if somebody offers and it nets us another 3rd.
  15. I agree with all of this. Two things to add on: 1. Work on better timing passes with Allen. It is not always a protection issue. He has to be better at hitting the top of his drop and letting the ball go with his foot plants. I am not convinced this is all on the OC or OL (sometimes it is though) 2. Use Brieda inside and out, but we need the LB to not just respect the run, but the outside run.
  16. It can be done, but we can't really afford to miss as well. Buffalo has some versatility in Dawkins which I actually think is a plus. If a LT that this staff loves is there at the bottom of the first, I would grab them and move Dawkins inside. Not that Dawkins has done anything wrong (although off year with Covid). But we could, in theory, upgrade both positions with one pick, and that would make him something like the 8th highest paid guard in the league, so not WILD. Not advocating but a possibility. I would probably look for a big bodied DT in the second, then more OL, LB, CB depth in the third if it played that way. Otherwise I probably look for a DT in the first and swap some needs around.
  17. Buffalo has the 7th most expensive OL in the league. That is my giant concern going forward. We aren't just not great in some position groups. We are not great in position groups we have allocated quite a bit of cash and/or draft capital. So now we have to double back fix those groups, and ignore other units, like an DB or LB depth again next year.
  18. We already have one of the most expensive lines in the NFL. Revamping the line will require a lot of draft capital and or eating some of the cap space to spend on another player. This is the same with the DL except worse, because the DL is something like the second most expensive in the league, but not anywhere near the second best unit in the league, and we have already committed tons of draft capital there. It is the combination of both with our $$$ spent on LB's and an impending decision on Edmunds that paints the team in a corner. Something something, cap hell, something something.
  19. Milano and Klein were getting swallowed up. I was trying to keep an eye on them to try and figure out what happened, but basically they got blown out of the play once the ball snapped. It looked like Milano was playing MLB at points, but I will trust somebody else smarter than me as to whether or not that was definitive.
  20. This feels like some hyperbole. I’ve been smacked down for saying this, but most of the best players on this team Beane inherited. Milano, Hyde, Poyer, Hyde, Hughes, etc. I’ve long stood that we could have gotten ourselves out of cap help by being a bit more rational. Like waiting a few months to release Dareus, that would have cut his hit in half. To Beanes credit, he’s long been willing to backtrack on his mistakes like our QB room a few years ago. But this roster seems to be a culmination of mistakes and over allocation of dollars and draft picks to the wrong players. We shall see…
  21. I think the thought is that if it’s important it will come back at the end of the game. Otherwise the board on game day would be 6 version of “this defense sucks” or “can’t believe the refs missed that hold”.
  22. I think the beat version of this team is capable of winning the Super Bowl. Problem is, the 2021 version of this team isn’t regularly the beat version of itself.
  23. Tangential: There has been a dramatic shift here lately with what seems like new-ish posters and what types of posts. I’ve noticed there have been a lot more new threads after kickoff. I don’t mind being critical. But calling people ######s. Personal insults because a player celebrates after making a play (while the game is still winnable), the personal attacks at guys on the roster is not cool even a little. I don’t mind being critical of the roster or players. Being critical is sort of my homeostasis. I don’t mind talking politics on the main page either. But there have been some new ish posters making everything personal and disrespectful. But to your point, threads get locked because the game or half is over. It helps organize information. I’ve been to other boards where threads are 100’s of pages long and it makes having conversations tough. I like it this way personally.
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