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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I totally get the whole love of the game thing. But I understand this too. He can make the same money to watch way less film and be home all the time.
  2. 1. Do you guys think Murray looks more or less like a giant toddler running when he is not wearing football pads? I hope more. It makes me laugh, so I might start watching baseball just to watch the Murray waddle. 2. Why do players do this dumb stuff. Even if he quits the NFL. Why telegraph it? It is like de-friending my GF and un-tagging her in all our pictures together before we break up. If he stays it just puts a strain on the relationship going forward.
  3. Edmunds has clearly been put on notice with the Dodson extension.
  4. I thought I put better. Best is a strong word. His pass blocking has been well above average this year.
  5. He is regarded as one of the better pass blocking OG in the league though...
  6. A lot of people taking issue with Spain. These guys are hyper competitive. Of course he took it personally. Taking it personally is how a lot of these guys get better everyday. Spain has also proved this year that he is one of the best guards in the league. Being benched for somebody clearly less talented toes a fine line between motivating and a bad working environment. The staff has also made a few mistakes with OL personnel. The Bills have gifted the AFCN with two of the better interior linemen in the league. The sky isn't falling. I don't want McBeane replaced. But it is a very worthy criticism. We have some holes, all teams do, but when you mess up OG twice in 2 years. It is 2 holes we still have to fill with other needs piling up. The reason we our line isn't more stable with Dawkins, Spain, Morse, Teller, Brown is firmly on the staff. Having to spend on Feliciano, Williams, Bates, draft Moss then Singletary back to back. 3 picks in the first and second round on DE, but also pay Addison and Butler. These things add up. Hoping Kromer can help steady some of that.
  7. Just a tinfoil hat guess. But this might have been a situation where Farwell was going to be gone anyways.
  8. Shhh. Don't let facts get in the way.... He already took the day off from work, the torches are soaking in kerosene and he is half way done sharpening his pitchfork. Just let him tire himself out. He will fall asleep on his own.
  9. Did mom and dad put the parental controls back on?
  10. Fee free to add your own BS commentary and strategy thoughts on sports you know nothing about. I dislike the Canadian guy on their mixed curling team. Not a guy I want to grab a beer with. Feels like that’s should be one of the skills on a curling team. A guy people want to drink with. He also seems controlling. He sweeps for his own throws which seems weird. Gives off a strong ranch on chicken wing vibes.
  11. AJE isn’t bad because of McD. I don’t think Basham is a healthy scratch more often than not because he’s a rookie. Tre was a full one starter his rookie year. Groot is 2 in DE snap counts slightly behind Hughes. Oliver Lead DT in snap counts his rookie year. Edmunds was a full time Starter day 1.
  12. McBeane has struggled to find immediate impact in the draft. Especially in the top 100 picks. This entire board has shown concern for that the last few years. But one article points that out and everybody gets a stick up their butt. Our best pick so far was Brown. By far. Groot was not exciting. Basham couldn’t get on the field. McBeane have to be better here. Have to! Allen is still only taking $16M next year. We can’t afford to have players in the top 100 picks come on just before new contracts (Oliver, Harry)
  13. I agree. I mentioned earlier that I thought Daboll would make sense in NO with the Peyton retirement. I don’t think Winston is total trash like some. Replicating JA17’s environment would be good for him. Also a stable organization. But everybody screamed Dennis Allen…until the Flores law suit…
  14. So let me start by saying Josh is already better than Cam. But they have a lot of similar traits and a similar playing style. The biggest concern is their similarity in how they see defenders as a ball carrier. Josh is a better passer but the physicality in Cams game still had him fall off a cliff. Josh has to learn to protect himself sooner rather than later. That’s my biggest fear. He goes the way of Cam and suddenly blows because of all the hits he has taken.
  15. I think that might be low. When Tre went out I thought Poyer was the second best player on team. I am high on Diggs but I think our depth chart goes: 1. Allen 2. A country mile… 3 a/b. Tre/Poyer- I think the difference between the two is razor thin. 5. Diggs- I am high on Diggs. Not a knock. It’s a credit to the two guys above him more than anything. Poyer helps in the run a lot. He covers for Edmunds/Milano quite a bit.
  16. Your death penalty example is bad. There is a real talking point around who gets the death penalty and when. It’s been some time since I have done work on it. But something wild like 80% or 90% of defendants in murder cases with white victims get the death penalty compared to 30% of minority. Or around there. There is also a very serious issue of sentencing duration, probation and incarceration rates between white and minority offenders for the same crimes. There may be some overlap between the two points. But I’m not aware of any of that data. You or others you have spoken to on the other side of the issue may be conflating both problems.
  17. Rowing runs into a very similar problem with women. The last 20 years of world championship and olympic rowing has been dominated by the US Womens 8+.Not one female was interviewed for the new High Performance Director position for the National Governing Body. The Junior National Team only had 2 female coaches out of 8. Yas Farooq won NCAA’s in 2019, and was the last female HC to do so since 2009, where she was the prior female HC to win a national championship. Before that it was 2003 and Liz O’Leary. Rowing is one of the cornerstone Title IX sports. It is on the next commemorative stamp for Christ’s sake. They have seen unprecedented international success at the worlds highest stage. Men’s collegiate rowing comparatively is trash. It might as well be The Buffalo Blizzards vs. Man United. Or the Redbull Junior racing team vs. Haas’ actual F1 team. There are like 6 well supported men’s teams and the rest is trash. To your points, these things happen at an institutional level. It isn’t OK to just shrug your shoulders and go “well maybe white people/men just have better experiences”.
  18. BIPOC is a more inclusionary acronym for minorities. But I think you already knew that before you belittled it. 50% of NCAA is black (excluding mixed race and other minorities) and 65% are BIPOC. If participation isn’t part of the mainstay in becoming a HC at the NFL level, can you explain to me the experiences that would lend itself to rule out those candidates at such astonishingly high levels when compared to the participation rates. Where are white coaches gaining significantly more experience/skill sets compared to their minority counterparts that make them more qualified to be HC at the NFL or NCAA level? Why is 25% of the league having a much more meaningful experience, developing a skill set that 65% are not. And why at such a high rate? 25% of participants are making up 80%+ of the hires?
  19. It is not a great post because it is being comparable to the general population. But 65% of the sport are BIPOC. The threshold level is far too low. Even 7 HC begs a lot of questions.
  20. The league is at a real risk of having 8 head coaching vacancies, 2 BIPOC fired, and no BIPOC replaced. I don't mean that as a need to fulfill a quota. The league just cannot explain that away. Including players who identify as multi-racial (black and...) ~65% of the NFL is BIPOC and has been that way for over a generation. Sure it is statistically possible to flip a count 32 times and have it land on heads on 3 times. Also possible to roll a dice 32 times and never role 1,2,3, or 4. But it is HIGHLY improbable. The tinfoil hat voice in the back of my head thinks maybe the league agrees to let Deshaun play to make that job more enticing for a candidate. As a business, the issue with the Browns and Dolphins, Flores law suit, no black head coaches is far too much to risk with their antitrust exemption on the line. I haven't caught up on what I missed in this thread, but the last few pages are now sort of questioning the blackness or lack there of with Flores by mentioning whether or not he is latino. Something some people may want to pay attention to. It is subtle but also really important.
  21. I get different places have different styles. But it is wild to me entire cities can get it wrong. I am in Saratoga now and the pizza game here SUCKS. We have found a certain pizza here or there. But overall the corner pizza shop is terrible. (The food scene here blows overall. But that’s a different thread)
  22. Not a huge golf guy but pay some attention. I think they factor in the amateur handicap. QB1 is a 9, which is pretty good. But he’s not a scratch golfer. Ray Romano and Bill Murray are 16’s which is wild. Those guys play a TON. I thought they’d be better. Alfonso Ribiero is a 2? With a handicap that low I figured I see him golfing WAY more. Granted different tee’s but having a 2 means he could basically be the Pro to say Josh Allen’s Am.
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