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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I really like Stafford, but.... At this point in his career, $40-45M? He just isn't that guy. The list of guys in the NFL today worth $45M per based on a $208M salary cap is very short. Allen, Mahomes, Rodgers. Those are the only guys I don't hesitate with. I have Herbert and Burrow as a coin flip as to whether you gambled that kind money this early.
  2. I LOVE going to games. The Ralph is my church, but…. At this point the product is better on TV. I see much more football. I have been getting really annoyed networks are showing less and less replays of penalties. But our AV team at home games sucks at that too.
  3. Bills get the Ramsey and Donald. Our new home will be “Los Angeles Field at St Louis Rams Stadium” League doesn’t have to pay back the city of STL. Source: Kim Pegula’s MS Paint presentation on MySpace. Something, something. Ground up and in the freezer.
  4. Really going out of your way to poop on a stranger. Did you used to go to Blizzards games to tell them what pieces of poo there were too?
  5. This is the type of deal I’d make in Madden. 2 years. Relatively cheap. Then that keeps Knox’s production low, which makes his long term extension SUPER cheap. Trade Gronk in year two. Beane is a wizard!
  6. Tell ya what, the "Rosen One" wouldn't be acting this way. AZ will rue the day!
  7. In terms of immediate impact, that’s fair.
  8. I will never understand the Jim Kelly infatuation outside of football. The guy treated this town like trash unless he needed something. Even through the late 90’s and early aughts I knew people who were screamed and sworn at gas stations asking for autographs with their 8 year olds.
  9. My thing with the whole incident was WTF would he have done to her if there weren’t a bunch a people around trying to hold him back. The dude breaks tackles for a living and has 5 or 6 guys struggling to keep him from getting to her. He got her to see stars with a bunch of people trying to stop it. Less concerned about what didn’t happen, and really of afraid of what didn’t. Pass on this guy. I think Tyreek is a garbage human and I am glad he is not on my team. I don’t need choir boys but you can’t be a POS. This.
  10. No data to actually back this up, but I don't think we are a very good man defense. But I also don't think man is the answer, but it is part of it. We just don't have a lot of "thumpers" anywhere on the field. I think man defenses generally play more physical. So I get where the thought was going. Our LB's style are far too reliant on our DL. And our DL belongs in the hall of "meh". We could solve the defense by shifting philosophies in different position groups. But ultimately I don't see us changing our coverage style.
  11. The issue isn’t that we “waited”. It’s that the first two picks haven’t been remarkable in year 1,2, or sometimes 3. Pick who ever wherever. The problem isn’t that we’ve been heavy on defense. It’s that we’ve been heavy on defense and those guys have just been “OK-ish”. Then they spend MORE resources because there hasn’t been enough impact. It isn’t the side of the ball, it’s the players they’ve picked in the top 100.
  12. Why? In theory a city like LA or Austin wouldn’t be able to help with the increased building costs due to cost of land acquisition, labor, or materials in those cities. I am not sure the Rams move without a brand new, free stadium to play in. I am not sure the free market favors the private sector fully funding 60-80k seat buildings in big, dense, expensive cities.
  13. Morse should retire sooner rather than later for his own health. He has a year left on his contract. I would try to get his replacement on the roster developing this year and hopefully have a guy ready to step in admirably for in 2023.
  14. That is where I am at as well. Stranger things have happened. I was hoping that maybe replacing Babich could really help Edmunds....maybe? But hard to imagine if his replacement is in house AND his son. I find that hard to believe.
  15. He makes $1M per year without a ton of responsibility and a decent amount of job security. The best paid QB coach in the NCAA makes $700k. Why make less money to most likely be home way less with your family. Don't forget the offseason for the players is also waaaay different than the offseason for the coaching staff. Webb can watch film from anywhere. Hit the gym anywhere. Get his kids to school. Go to middle school basketball games. Pick up and go on a two week vacation to St. Thomas anytime he wants. Coaches are still in the facility daily. So I can't imagine why anybody would want to drop 3rd string QB money to go be an assistant to an assistant coach.
  16. Grammar is your friend. Clean this up and I will take a gander....maybe. But the short answer is no. McD is not scaring players away from a top 5 team in the NFL.
  17. The way you phrase seems so nice. But there’s a huge difference between noping the hell out of there entirely, and showing concern while you let professionals do their job. He turned around like he opened a portapotty on a couple of teenagers having sex, not like a woman who broke her spine.
  18. I actually commented on that thread that I thought it might have been a mercy move since he was going to be fired anyways.
  19. I knew this take would be red hot if the Bengals won, which is exactly why I was pulling for Stafford and the Rams. Sure it would be nice if a nationally televised show would double down on our guy, rather than always leap frogging him with the next flavor of the month. But honestly, at least do it with guys that make sense or are part of the conversation. Mahomes, Rodgers, Allen. That is the premier tier. End of list. Burrow, Herbert, Dak,etc. might get there. But right now they all just seem like different flavors of Derek Carr in better situations.
  20. This is one of those things I have a hard time wrapping my head around when it comes to coaches. McKenzie flashes in replacement for Beasley, but puts the ball on the ground once in a regular season game, and rides the pine forever as a backup. But your STC botches his main responsibility, which is effectively communicating with his positional group, in the most important moment of his career and the most important kick off in franchise history since January of 2000.... ....and he is still around? I am not calling for McD's head, or anything like that. But you would think this would also stick out in the mind of a guy like McK. There are just some guys like Ford that keep getting chances, but then Yeldon, McK, Breida, can't sniff the field. If you are going to make your living on preaching process it is really important that you stay consistent. Ah poop. I did a quick wiki search and it wasn't updated. I thought that was the case.
  21. If the Bills beat the Rams you will wonder what could have been no matter when they play. Because the Rams won the SB, the narrative nationally is absolutely going to be "This could have been the SB." and "The Bills have to be thinking about making amends for the KC game heading into LA". That isn't changing in week 1 or 4. Unless of course the Rams absolutely suck next year and we play them week 15. (Which is unlikely) If the Bills beat the Jets, you will be happy the next day.
  22. When the opponents were finalized that was my thought as well. That is the longest road trip of the year. Lets get it week 1 so it doesn't interfere with prep, and a long week after the trip back. Every other flight is 3 hours or less. Also after that KC game, it would be nice to absolutely destroy LAR to start the season. I think even KC fans would be behind us on this one.
  23. Meh. It is more than salary, and they are more than employees. They are the product. Sometimes I think that guys get paid too much to throw, catch, tackle, not get tackled etc. Which I guess is true to an extent. But then I remember I am wrong and it is overly simplistic. They aren't the same as the people who build the Lenovo I am typing on. They are the ThinkPad. In terms of total revenue to the NFL I would get behind the players asking for an even bigger piece of the pie and a bigger salary cap. That said, I could also be convinced to also have max contracts in that world, and use the increased salary cap on larger rosters, higher vet minimums, and health care/pensions for anybody who played in the NFL.
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