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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Probably standing 69. I’m just not the athlete I used to be.
  2. I don’t know how anybody watches and hears that and thinks “dude is trying to rip somebody off”. The guy clearly got his eggs scrambled for a minute there.
  3. Right, this is it. Watson doesn’t have a kink. In a big city like Houston I am sure there are a host of professional eroticists who are proficient in “finishing” a massage and not part of any Asian sex trafficking ring. And if there aren’t enough in Houston he can fly them in from NYC, LA etc. like he did a host of other IG models. This was never about getting off sexually. Or at least his kink isn’t happy endings or even orgasms. It’s power and assault. I do think he gets suspended though. The NBA has banned lists. MLB has suspended people for a full season a couple times now. The poster child for suspensions based on conduct in the NFL is Vick. Every other major suspension has basically been suspended for pot and gambling. (Ray Rice initially got two games. Then moved to indefinite which was overturned)
  4. Tangentially since Bauer gets brought up. Basically the MLB basically never suspended anybody for domestic violence until 2016. There were two incidents before then. In 1997 Will Cordero beat the crap out of his wife and resulted in a restraining order. 10 games Julio Mateo beat she short out of his wife and sent her to the hospital. 8 games. I think the move by the MLB to start cracking down on it forces the league to be pretty severe here. In the past they could just say “Hey, yeah 5 games isn’t a ton, but have you seen baseball? They haven’t suspended anybody….ever!” Can somebody smarter than fill me in on whether or not a criminal case can or is likely to be reopened? Everything I have read was that a grand jury decided not to pursue like 10 cases. And a couple other one offs in other counties were declined by DA’s. But that’s not 24 incidents that we’re seeing in civil court?
  5. I love Fitz. He might deserve a statue. Or a section in the stadium. Or maybe some driveway/road. But I don’t think he’s wall worthy.
  6. I don’t think there is much argument there. But I think there’s a world where the level of improvement for the entire roster is better with Williams > Rousseau or Lynch > Singletary.
  7. So I’m on the fence on Moulds. He’s on my list. But he made the playoffs his first 3 years. But was apart of the first 6 of the drought. If Moulds is allowed I probably go Marshawn Lynch Mario Williams Eric Moulds Otherwise probably Peters or motivated Dareus.
  8. Right, I get it, $19M is a lot. But also Baker is the face of a $2.6B franchise, and has one of the important jobs in one of, if not the most profitable sports league on the planet. For that reason I have no problem with how much NFL players make and when you break it down that way, that Mahomes, Brady, Allen, etc. are the most important pieces of a business that generates $20B in revenue per year with a net worth of nearly $100B, they probably don't make enough.
  9. Right, it also definitely sucks for Baker as well. Don't get me wrong. But I would rather get it out of the way now rather than be stuck in a shirt storm on a long term deal. Part of my assumption is that the Browns don't tag him for eternity.
  10. Only like 25% of his college catches came from the slot. Because of his size and hands, he can certainly work inside and that is most certainly a value add. But I don't think he is a slot receiver in the traditional sense that a guy like Beasley was. He isn't a guy that will line up 85% of the time inside. IMO he is the perfect guy to be your 3rd or 4th outside WR and also be able to kick inside in certain packages and situations. I am being sort of sarcastic about Hodgins in general because he did have one great camp before he caught the injury bug. But also I really don't love our depth on the outside and would love somebody to be better than Kumerow. Also we will have to get pretty good at developing WR in the draft with the Allen and Diggs contracts.
  11. Honestly, if I am Baker Mayfield, I am glad this is happening now. He has most certainly flashed outside of an injury last season. His org is a total disaster. Every situation can't be Josh and The Bills. Better to have a few good years, cut ties and pick your next landing spot rather than be stuck with that org for a decade or more. If they didn't blow this with Watson they would have botched it with different bad trades, signings, drafts. Mistakes like this by Cleveland are systemic. If I am a QB needy team I would not hesitate to scoop him up.
  12. I am still holding out hope for the 2020 Isaiah Hogins to get healthy and make the roster
  13. There is most certainly some recency bias but McK looks to me to be a better receiver in Buffalo than Tavon Austin ever was. I don't really get this one. I think it is a camp body. If anything we could use depth outside. Otherwise I am fine with Crowder and McK inside.
  14. Something like 20% of women are the victims of rap and only about 1/3 are reported. The data around false accusations implies it is minimal. Think about that next time you are in a room full of women, especially ones that you care about. The idea that under most circumstances at least one has been raped or experienced an attempted rape. Then literally go look at yourself in the mirror and audibly say, "I bet she is lying". and see how that fits.
  15. Some of the generalized views of women on this thread are really concerning.It is really gross and even scary in some cases. So much vitriol towards an entire gender. We get “warning points” for talking politics out of turn around kneeling or shootings. But providing a safe space to talk about how women are some deceptive subclass of human who have been strategically manipulating men for millennia is peak misogyny and privilege. I have a really bad taste in my mouth about the character of a number of people on this thread. I really hope the women in my life are not involved with them at all.
  16. I thought he "Pat is in his head", because he was carrying the team.
  17. He has gone full Gronk.
  18. How about 3 plays from your own 5 yard line. Most yards win. Defensive TD's give the teams offense an Extra go of it. Safeties let the other offense start at the 10.
  19. Am I the only one that reads this as "Dead and Company" everytime they log in?
  20. I am in NYC a couple times per month. So a couple of weeks ago my better half and I made a long weekend out of it. Mostly because we think the food in the capital region sucks overall. Anyways we’re just so of wandering after brunch and we’re at the Empire State Building sort of by accident and thought we’d give it a go since we hadn’t gone up since we’re were kids. It was like $80 bucks. We noped the hell out of that one, big time.
  21. This is a good take. I am not sure he wants top 5 money. But I do think he wants some consistency in being paid to his performance. He’s been underpaid every day he’s worn a Bills jersey, and he’s been a top 10 paid safety just twice. 2020 when he signed his extension and this current year. If he gets something similar to Mathieu, I think he stays honestly. Comparatively Poyer has made $30M career to date compared to Honey Badgers $73M. They aren’t the same guy, but I am sure Poyer looks at his peers and things “man, where’d I miss out?” Outside of Josh on a rookie deal, Poyer has probably been the most financially under valued player on the team. In that respect I’d love to see him finally get his pay day and retire a Bill. But football is a business...
  22. Don’t move the goal posts. Your take was based on Poyer being over paid and some outrage from people in 2017. I’ll save you the leg work. I’ll put the link to his FA signing thread below so you can refresh. Most of the thread is about him being a good athlete and most likely a backup signing. Not a single response saying his contract is too high. NOT.ONE. There are quite literally two comments about his contract. The thread is archived so I can’t directly quote but they are: ”$3.25M isn’t starter money…” - @JM57 “Looks like a decent contract” - @wppete Poyer has outplayed his contract with Buffalo and you fabricated some history. Full stop. You quite literally made something up. Take the L and go work on penning your apology letter to the board.
  23. You literally just made this up. Like there should be a message board rule where if you take such a hard stance on things that most certainly did not happen then you have to reach out to everybody who positively engaged with your post and say: I think only time can heal this wound.... Here are Poyers career cap numbers, ranking among his peers, and his money compared to the highest paid S in the league. https://overthecap.com/position/safety/2021/
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