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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I actually think "the change" is JA17. Cole came in to the team to try and bring along a young QB. The QB has now arrived, Cole lost a step, became a distraction, and his role was JAG. Instead of "teaching Josh (or McKenzie)' he started having to taking direction. That's the change. But we are all just a bunch of sheep who can't see through the league, or the world, or whatever Kanye-esque conspiracy theory CB wants to rant about.
  2. This only goes one of two ways. Really good or really bad.
  3. I can't imagine it is actually that hard to get medical clearance for a visor; kind of like getting a medical card , right?
  4. Which is fine. Good for him and his family. But it doesn't really change anything. He should have been kicked out of the league.
  5. I absolutely loathe Ben. The fact that he remained in the league for so long infuriates me. I had a soft spot for the Steelers as a fellow rust belt down, and now I can’t stand them.
  6. My favorite part about this would be Watson playing in $1M and suspended on $50M in cap hits.
  7. They actually can. All agents are certified. All teams who negotiate with an uncertified agent are fined 30k. I believe in situations like Lamar, there is a $30k fine for negotiating with a non-accredited agent. Source: https://nflpa.com/agents/how-to-become-an-agent
  8. There were reports that earlier in practice JP had made contact with Keenum and Josh pulled him aside and told him to back off. More than anything I think this is a tough roster to make at the moment, so low end guys like Phillips show up with much more stress than usual.
  9. I haven't thought that far yet, bare with me. They would probably need to create some sort of certification for membership kind of thing first if it doesn't exist.
  10. I can maybe get behind not including the player. But there should be a very major fine for agents who participate in these conversations as well.
  11. I wasn't sure if they would. I thought they should. Watson is a scum bag and 6 games is a terrible look. But I wasn't sure Goodell wanted this incident to be the first time he pulls this tool out of his tool box. I think they might now... Some of the criticism has been that the league protects their own and is lenient on owners. A full year suspension and losing a first is a lot.
  12. That is my thought. Granted he didn't sign. But there seems to be "numerous" conversations between the parties spanning a couple of years. At what point is he culpable.
  13. I don't think it was a huge over reaction. You can't touch the QB. Josh spoke to him earlier in practice that he needs to pull back. Then JP gives him a little pop after the whistle. It is not particularly egregious but it certainly disrespectful and subversive. You don't touch the QB in the red jersey in practice. Before the whistle. Touching him after the whistle is sacrilege. You become hyper protective if he is a top 5 QB. When said top 5 QB pulls you aside to tell you you need to pull back a bit. You stay away and mouth off about how you coulda gotten him if it weren't for the jersey. The fact that JP did that post whistle after Josh had already talked to him is absolutely wild to me.
  14. I am being a bit more critical because he left the board in a bit of a huff. Not that I am taking sides. I miss the guy. But when you leave a Bills message board over content, at least get the names right. Somebody pointed out that he is probably using voice to text, which makes a ton of sense. Total oversight on my part.
  15. Jesus Astro. At least spell the dudes name correctly. And again….
  16. I was in Cleveland a few weeks ago and am back today. I always get comments on my Bills hat re:Watson. I don’t know if everybody feels that way. But somebody last night mentioned my hat and hating the Browns at the moment and again this AM at my appointment.
  17. This gets parroted a lot and I don't get it. You don't need to be charged with a crime for your employer to fire or suspend you.
  18. I’m so glad I you quoted this. OP deleted it. Easily one of the dumbest posts ever on TSW. Players staging a scuffle on the 5th day of camp is right up there with “ground up and in the freezer”, “high level business meetings”, and the guy who gambled his savings away. If only the post lasted long enough to catch fire.
  19. I think he’s probably right. But also, it seems like Josh may have been less upset about a little shoulder pop, and more upset that it came just after the whistle. It looked bang bang. But I thought it was a touch late, especially for training camp and your QB.
  20. As somebody who competed on stress stress fracture in my ribs until one actually outright broke, stress fractures are a couple weeks off then work back. Not a huge deal. A full on break is like 8 months to heal. At a certain point it is about pain management while it is healing. I don't think he has a full on break, and I would assume he is back practicing in relatively short order. The issue is that blood flow sucks around your ribs.
  21. PK looks swoon over QB1 this entire interview.
  22. This was my guess for the alternate. But since the Giants went back to their matching 90's Bills uniform I doubt it. I am guessing Buffalo goes with the red/white with red helmet or the 90's away, white jersey/blue pants, red helmet. This Bills era have had an affinity to go all white. Maybe all white 90's throw back with the red helmet?
  23. Feels like the league is just floating the ~8 games out there to desensitize everybody to it.
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