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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Right. But you get the point. The current steps from the girl and the family certainly fit well within the timeline of a legitimate rape being stalled by a mid major football program and NFL team. Also it would be well worth the arrest for disorderly conduct, harassments etc. My daughter tells me a guy being called a "god" by national pundits on TV raped my daughter. All bets are off and I am not concerned with "disorderly conduct" or "harassments" charges.
  2. This also happened to a girl I knew at UB when I was there. She got drunk and had consensual sex with one person in his room. But was super drunk, and he let another 8 or 10 guys on the team then come in to have sex with her. UB football made it go away. She was a student athlete on another team. She ended up quitting her sport and transferring to another school over it. It was really sad.
  3. I believe that if the police had done the right thing at the front end this wouldn't be much of a discussion. The young woman doesn't even have the results to her own medical procedure/testing/rape kit. If not for SDSU trying to protect their football team I honestly don't think we see this civil suit. At least not right now. If this were my HS daughter and the wheels of justice were actively stalling, and somebody involved were all over national news daily being referred to as a "god", I would certainly turn to the civil courts and the franchise to make this right. I would be at training camp every single day with a sign that said "Matt Araiza raped my daughter" or "Matt Araiza was at my daughters gang rape". I would scream at Sean McDermott from the sidelines in Rochester about what his punter did to my daughter. I cannot imagine that any fathers on this board would "sit back and let this play out"
  4. Meh. I guess. It isn't greaseball lawyer specific. The SOP for NFL franchises for stuff like this is: 1. Pay to make this go away before it reaches the public. 2. Make sure local police provide reasonable protection. Araiza didn't pay to make it go away. Police haven't released results of the victims rape kit to the victim. They are certainly doing their part. There is no special "process" or "culture" in Buffalo. The Bills are an NFL franchise doing NFL things. Same stink, different poop.
  5. Total speculation here. I think the Bills thought 2 things: 1. Araiza would have settled to not be named in the civil suit. 2. They had assurance from SDPD that they would be protecting Araiza (10 months without the results of a rape kit? Come on). The Bills aren't caught off guard from the events. They're caught off guard that this Araiza's camp didn't make this go away. None of this has anything to do with the franchises belief that Araiza was guilty or innocent. And everything to do with this never coming a distraction.
  6. I mean this in the absolute worst way possible. You are a terrifying human being.
  7. One of the most chilling thing about this is how cold my better half is about it. In that it is so believable. I had her look at this thread a bit and she just sort of shrugged and said "that is what it is like to be a woman". Reporting gang rape and hordes of strangers saying you are liar is so common place that she just continues to poor a new cup of coffee. Her casualness just sort of rocked me. I just find it so gross and bone chilling. The older I get the more I admire the resiliency and strength it takes to just exist as a woman. By comparison I am a total bum and all women are super hero's as far as I am concerned. I recommend to everybody on this board with important females in their lives to start doing a lot more listening to what it is like.
  8. What are not the facts? Was she not bruised and bleeding. Did she not go to the hospital?
  9. More often than not your bolded is not remotely true in cases of sexual assault. I’m not concerned with the statutory case. The concern is that he is listed as the one who gave her a roofied drink, dropped her off in the room, and may have been part of a brutal gang rape. I am even concerned that he had the wherewithal to bring her to the room if he was “”doing the right thing”. He just banged her in the yard. She’s too drunk to give consent. The least of my concerns are the floating possibility of a statutory charge. He also knowingly gave her chlamydia. Get this guy out of my city and off my football team.
  10. The first one doesn’t mean much to me. Innocent. Guilty. Get your own attorney. But the second one…that seems to paint the picture that Araiza has been hiding something and that the Bills may be playing catch up because of it. But now that the Bills attorney is involved, things are different.
  11. Oh please. Get the facts right. A young woman was beaten and bloodied by 3-5 men on the football team. The next day went to the hospital. In understand some people want to whitewash this because it’s the Bills. But your boiling down of the situation is disrespectful.
  12. He can’t admit that. If she was so drunk that he felt this strange girl needed to go upstairs and sleep off whatever was going on in safety; she was too drunk to have given consent to basically bend her over the garbage cans outside of the house.
  13. I think the board is largely focusing on her age. But there are two other serious allegations that are my biggest concerns. 1. She is claiming to be roofied. And that happened after drinking the beer Araiza gave her. She went to the hospital “a day later” I don’t know if that’s the next day or the day after? If she was roofied it can work it’s way out of her system in 12 hours depending on the drug used. A negative tox screen doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. 2. He brought her to the room in which she was raped for 90 minutes by 3-5 of his friends (and possibly him?). I believe his attorney said in the TV interview that it wasn’t a huge ranger. Rather more of a gathering with some beers. If that’s the case, how did he not know WTF was going on upstairs when his buddies and the girl who just blew him were missing for over an hour. I don’t know that Araiza will get convicted or even charged with anything. It is often so hard to even get to trial. I know in my sisters case it took well over a year and the police said all sorts of terrible things to her. But I do firmly believe that he’s trash.
  14. I applaud the work you and @SDS do and the community you guys have created and manage. But…. Man, when these things happen it is really kick in the nuts as to how trash we (posters) can be as humans. I am still unsettled by the poster who reacted with the 🤮to somebody posting “you can revoke consent at any time”
  15. This is kinda sorta where I am. Unsure if he’ll get convicted of anything. But that’s a much different thing than being a piece of garbage. I’m fairly certain that at best Ariaza is a trash human. And I don’t want him, or the distraction he brings associated with my team or hometown. I’d much prefer he leave even if not convicted of a crime.
  16. Both of which should still protect her from being raped.
  17. Actually yeah. I had been to college parties in HS. I both told people I was in HS and was introduced to people as in HS. I was also pretty good at my sport in HS and went on a bunch of official visits. It was a different time, but the standard practice used to be “get the recruits as drunk as possible”. I even went home with a girl at one. Maybe you were being serious. But to answer your question. This wasn’t uncommon and I had tons of friends who did the same.
  18. I find it really disturbing that @Gene1973 reacted to this with a vomit emoji. Just so incredibly gross. Ugh. How terrible. How can anybody think it’s gross that somebody can withdraw consent to sex at any moment. Jesus Christ.
  19. That is solved by pharmacy or health center records.
  20. Tell me you haven’t read anything about this case without telling me you’ve put forth zero effort.
  21. What you want and what is legal are two different things. The example you gave likely rarely happens. But when it comes to a teen pregnancy. Possible future child support. Or in instances like this, actions in the lead up to violent sexual assault, the letter of the law is more strictly followed.
  22. I have a friend in HS who got pregnant after going home with a guy on Chippewa. She told him she was 21. Her parents went to the police and they told her they would press charges if she wanted. She declined. I am not a lawyer. But I’m not sure that her saying she was 18 helps at all.
  23. 53 man rosters officially deemed unconstitutional! Being on the Buffalo Bills would fulfill my pursuit of happiness. I guess I have an inalienable right. Look for me on the 8th, I’ll be wearing the number 69.
  24. The accusation in the law suit is that Araiza dropped a girl off to a gang rape. So I guess I agree with you. I hope I never make that mistake….The world is full of whoopsies. Having consensual sex with her and her age are actually the least of the moral concerns. There isn’t 50+ pages of “can you believe a college kid had sex with a high school kid at a party. Get him off my team!”.
  25. Let me start by saying that I am not a lawyer. Times have changed in many ways for the better. I have a lot of contacts in college athletics and academics. The predominant verbiage I hear is “you can’t give consent when you are drunk”
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