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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I really want them to throw out of the punt formation. Or kick of of shotgun.
  2. This was one of my hot takes for the pre season. Howard has looked like a dud. Might as well bring along Morris since Howard won’t be around forever. What I’m likely wrong about at this point is Crowder. I thought he’d be gone. But I don’t think he’s taken a snap tonight. But we don’t need to talk about that….
  3. That was my dream. So much opportunity there. Your QB is your punter and it’s 4th and 5. At least make it interesting guys.
  4. It’s less about his yards and more about the types of balls he’s catching. He’s wrapping up everything. Regardless if coverage.
  5. Just sort of thinking. Imagine if Josh learned to punt at a high level. The chaos of 4th and 1 would be incredible.
  6. Somebody posted an article in the thread. The US is notorious for under investigating rapes. There’s an estimated 200,000 unprocessed rape kits. https://www.theatlantic.com/newsletters/archive/2019/07/nationwide-epidemic-of-untested-rape-kits-atlantic-daily/594046/
  7. I generally agree here. The league and NFL teams employ all sorts former LEO, private investigators, federal agents, etc to scrub their player profiles. For 20 years players have been talking about how they have been caught off guard in pre draft interviews about how much personal information teams had. Stuff almost nobody knew. I don’t buy that the Bills just heard about this whole thing 6 weeks ago. Not even a little. They took a calculated risk. They spoke to the attorney and assumed Araiza would settle to keep his name out of it. SDSU has done their part to keep this quiet. But it’s all blown up in their face. The team is just putting on their best shocked face.
  8. If the ST’s are warming up, important to ay attention to who is holding.
  9. Judging by where the mods/creators at the tippy top of the totem pole seem to jump in and give their opinions, you wouldn’t like who is and isn’t shown the door.
  10. Interesting thought. Medical records of the accused will probably put some of this together as well. If all these people have chlamydia….
  11. I am not fine with that for a bunch of reasons. But from a pure football perspective, that means we keep 3 kickers. We have 100 pages on ST'ers vs. Hodgins, Blackshear, etc. Now we are going to lose one so we can keep an extra punter because our guy may or may not have been involved in raping a girl. Eff that. Cut bait and move on.
  12. I believe the are required by league rules to dress a punter. If they can help it he won't punt. I am guessing Barkley/Keenum will be holding as well.
  13. His attorney is an idiot. Like a real life idiot. The twitter attorney is right, he needs to find somebody more competent. ""I don't know. I don't think it was before the draft," Armstrong said. "I'm almost certain it was after. Apparently I said that, so that was a mistake. But he was forthcoming with the Bills, but I don't think it was until after he was drafted because he didn't know that this was ever gonna go anywhere until the LA Times article came out, I think around, whatever it was, five or six weeks ago." "Armstrong said it was his understanding that Araiza did not bring up the allegation to the Bills until the article was published. "I don't know how quickly after that," Armstrong said. "But it was after that.""
  14. I was actually looking for that earlier, wondering the same thing. This thread will likely go on as long as Araiza is on the roster.
  15. I think they spoke to Araiza and the victims attorney and really thought that he would settle to get out of the civil suit, and had some assurance from SDSU/SDPD that Araiza would receive some protection. That all unraveled when Araiza's camp didn't accept the settlement. I think the org is currently unprepaired because they thought they had this all tied up and under wraps. Even if Araiza is a choir boy, his unwillingness/inability to keep the org clean is worth cutting him.
  16. My sister was raped, the police regularly slut shamed and insulted her at every corner, and refused to help her. It took months for them to even speak to the guy. The way LEO treats victims of sexual assault is sickening at times.
  17. Can you repost. Having difficulty finding a copy of the actual entry.
  18. So she wasn't well and had to go lie down? Matt Araiza had sex with a girl who was not well. See what I am getting at here. He can't have it both ways. He cannot be a good Samaritan taking care of her, because that means she wasn't able to give proper consent.
  19. Weird story. But I am fairly confident I was roofied a long time ago. I was at a bar on Thanksgiving with a female friend, and there was a weird guy who kept trying to talk to her. I had only had 3 beers that evening. We both noted that we had actually accidently swapped beers playing darts, but liked what each other were drinking so just kept each others drinks. After about 30 minutes from that time, things become a bit hazy. Then there is a total blank spot where I don't remember getting home. I don't remember the rest of the night in the bar. Not a single conversation. Another round of darts. People I met. I don't remember waking up naked in the spare bedroom next to her. We had been friends for decades, so we sort of had a little bit of a laugh about it. But I have been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning in the past. Was a college athlete and a bit of a recluse/lush in my younger years. I have never ever blacked out in my life. Ever. That is the only time. It was a bar I was a regular at, so next time I was there I told them what happened. And apparently I was the second person to come to them from that night to report something similar. Really scary stuff. But I am glad that we accidently swapped drinks. That situation ended about as well as it could have.
  20. OK. Lets go down that path. Nobody was in the room. Why would he bring her up to an empty room and lay her in a bed alone and then leave to go about his night?
  21. My axe to grind is that there are zero people who are disputing whether this girl was gang raped for 90 minutes and a player on the Bills is involved at any level. At the baseline of facts that everybody agrees on, Matt Araiza had sex with a girl that was so drunk he needed to go help her lay down. My axe to grind is that there are 121 pages of old men who don't believe (respect) women. There is no agenda. And your insinuation that such a stance of believing women and not wanting that trash in my town or on my football team is disgusting.
  22. I agree. I think at the very best Araiza is a dirt bag and I don't want him on the roster. Even if he wasn't in that room, and he brought her up their not knowing anybody else would sleep with her. He still had sex with a girl who was so drunk she couldn't actually consent and he knew it by bringing her someplace to sleep it off after the fact. I had another post above this where I thought the police's attempts to protect SDSU are the biggest reason we are in this predicament and you summarized that perfectly.
  23. The civil suit is to push the DA to make a decision on charges. There seems to be zero people involved who say that a rape did not happen. The girl was 100% raped. The police have 100% stalled efforts to protect SDSU football. Whether Araiza is involved in being in the room is currently debatable. If the police had not stalled, I don't think that the Bills are dealing with Araiza in a civil suit at the moment. That has nothing to do with his guilt or innocence.
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