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Everything posted by Mango

  1. All this talk of injuries heading into Miami. These team is blowing people out in blue pants. This game won't be fair with buffalo in white. Mark it down fellas!
  2. I didn’t cut anybody. There was almost nobody there. I was shocked: I must have just missed the rush.
  3. Triggered much? He’s probably just some engineer, or mailman, or salesperson who also coaches his kids team. Basically no different than anybody here.
  4. Did you hear it in a high level business meeting?
  5. I agree. I’m not a huge fan of her must, but she’s clearly hyper talented. Don’t get me wrong, I like her bops. Don’t love it for the SB for the same reasons I didn’t like The Who or Coldplay, etc. I like the halftime show to be a tamed down hype video or entrance song. Last years halftime show was incredible!
  6. And a video screen dedicated to Terry’s flight pattern.
  7. I think there is a good chance that this was made by a family member of mine just figuring out how to use message boards.
  8. Ok, but did you hear about the stadium renderings?
  9. Oliver being listed as out isn’t helpful. And really has me thinking through some things. Ultimately a week 3 Dolphins game is relatively meaningless to me. We have bigger fish to fry (no pun intended). I’d rather these guys be as close to 100% in January than limp through a season and hobble through the playoffs.
  10. Jesus. I went through Gate 5 and it was super smooth. Maybe around 6:15? Waited 5 minutes. Standard operating procedure though. Empty pockets. Through the metal detectors. Scan ticket.
  11. Ugh, it is like I post one thing, and it's like "what about this", I post another and it is "what about that". You are quoting my response to a poster who claimed I didn't address scheme properly in my previous post. Holistically, both scheme and personnel matter. That is a given. Clearly we have a deficiency in the backfield. Also a given. The Dolphins are a bit of an issue with match ups at the moment, obviously. But to answer your question, I trust Josh to be able to put up 40 against Miami if he absolutely has to. So I start there and work back. In a game where Buffalo puts up say, 35 points, do I think Miami matches? No, that would involve a high volume, stretch the field passing attack. And in that scenario I trust our front 7 to allow less than 35 points. Daquan Jones and Von Miller are both 10th and 2nd in the league in pass rush win rate. If the Dolphins want to air it out, I think the DL cover a lot of deficiencies. If they want to dink and dunk, they won't be able to keep up on the scoreboard.
  12. Help from the front 7 will be key. I am curious to see how Miami comes out this game. Will they try and stretch the field because of their 4th quarter outing. Our will they stick to what they do and keep it to the short game. I trust Allen and Co. to get it done in a shoot out with Tua.
  13. On one hand we have a beat up secondary so if I am Miami I am certainly going to attack it. But at the same time, the absolute last thing I want to do is to try and get into a shoot out vs Allen and Co right now.
  14. They scored 28 points on offense in the first 7 quarters of football.
  15. Thanks for pointing out that football is about match ups. That is clearly the case. Not every internet post covers every point. I still like the Bills in this because of the same thing you said. It is also reasonable for a Miami fan to assume that with 3/4 starting DB's out, this is their best shot. Since Miami offense scored 28 points their first 7 quarters on the season I am tempted to agree with you that our defense will be a bigger problem for them than the reverse. But it is a reasonable concern/take from that poster who basically said that if their DL can get home vs Allen they stand a shot given or backfield.
  16. I don't mind because I think it makes the place loud, rather to be loud people stand. Think about your kids sporting event, watching the game at home, etc. Even hockey, if a guy is Offside, there is a cross check, you generally stand, yell, point, etc. If you go to yell your natural reaction is to stand. You rarely scream at anything seated. If you are screaming every 30 seconds once the opposing QB gets behind center, you aren't going to sit down between plays. The same with a high powered offense. Big play? Stand, clap, yell! In 2022, the visual product for the NFL is much better at home. Stadiums are for the experience. To have fun. To be apart of the game.
  17. In other years I’d worry about it more. But I have more trust in this Bills offense to win a shoot out than I do any other Bills team in the last 30+ years. Also the DL is no joke. Before last weeks 28 point 4th quarter the Miami offense scored 28 points total in the previous 7 quarters. If the DL can get home that should cover up some deficiencies on the back end.
  18. I don’t think those are wild takes. With a beat up secondary, we’ll need a big showing from our DL to help give our DB’s some slack against a good WR pair. The not as much talent on the 53 seems absurd. But he is right saying that whatever their talent level is is contingent on Tua keeping up pace from last weeks Q4.
  19. I thought he was decent in a bad situation. He wasn’t the problem in Chicago.
  20. I understood what you were saying. The difference between 2k and 4k is most noticeable when they have to zoom in on a replay or the like. Standard viewing is marginal. Fox put a different lens on their 4k cameras to trick viewers that the resolution was somehow different or better.
  21. You barely notice the 4k resolution until they go back and zoom in on replays. Time to break out my tube TV.
  22. MT having some JA17-Lite moments. I’ve always liked Mitch. Hope his career rebounds in the NFC.
  23. I wish we would get him more involved. Great dude.
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