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Everything posted by Mango

  1. He has Davis and McKenzie. He is staring right at them and still didn't throw the ball. I went and renewed my All 22 after the Jets game. It has been a lot of this. I honestly don't know WTF is going on with him, but our offensive execution just seems to be this play over and over and over again. I am frustrated upset. But also so confused. How can a player so good go back to such an early version of himself. There is something going on. Maybe he is all rattled from the GB hit? Maybe he is pressing too much with the pressure to be great? I have one itch that keeps bringing me back to the fact that he said he didn't do anything this offseason. Josh is a guy who made so many improvements so quick, there is a scenario where those corrections are not yet permanent and without constant reinforcement there is risk of taking steps backwards.
  2. I am actually tempted to blame the sequence of events on the 3rd down and failed 4th down conversion for the game unraveling. It was the turning point. I disliked the throw on 4th, was against the call/wanted points, but absolutely hated the fact that we didn't run the ball on 3rd down if we were going to go for it on 4th. Not a single receiver on that 3rd down played the sticks. It was all out TD. I have been critical of Allen for having guys open and choosing to take a shot at a homerun. This was not one of those times. Unsure if this one was on Dorsey or McKenzie. It looks like McKenzie could have (should have?) run his route shallow. There was nobody there, but McK cut it up field to the end zone instead of across. he basically made his cut right in front of the defender. Had he gone shallow it was a clear first down. Allen went to McKenzie who was in a decent position but not ideal, so I am tempted to say play design was good, execution was bad. On 4th it looks like Gabe runs 3 yards and curls back to Allen and waits for a split second. A quick ball and it is a first. No YAC but a first for sure. After he curls, he cuts across the face of the LB towards Diggs to his right who is doing the same, but instead of curling Diggs just cuts across the face of the LB. Both LB's pass of their WR in zone. Allen hesitates again with the throw to Diggs and misses the opportunity. I have to assume that with both Diggs and Davis being covered by LB's and running routes a yard past the sticks, this is the play design. Allen had a narrow window, but I think it was within the initial design of the play. It doesn't get any better than both WR1 and 2 having a chance to make a play in front of the sticks. We've seen this offense execute these type of plays before. Worth noting a quick dump off to Duke is also likely a first. Duke is outside or at the numbers on the 10, turned up field and looking back at Josh while the nearest defender is at the 2. Allen never looks his way. Duke is at the LOS and Josh never looked to his left once. The DB didn't move from the 2 yard line.We didn't need a TD. We needed to get to the 5. A throw there and all Duke needs to do is get 6 feet. That throw to the endzone never had a chance. It was never going to work.
  3. Doood. If you would shut up and ignore the turnovers, points off turnover, and 3 and outs, you will see that it is the defenses fault for not allowing points. I am actually tempted to blame the sequence of events on the 3rd down and failed 4th down conversion. It was the turning point in the entire game. I disliked the throw on 4th, was against the call/wanted points, but absolutely hated the fact that we didn't run the ball on 3rd down if we were going to go for it on 4th. Not a single receiver on that 3rd down played the sticks. It was all out TD. I have been critical of Allen for having guys open and choosing to take a shot at a homerun. This was not one of those times. Unsure if this one was on Dorsey or McKenzie. It looks like McKenzie could have (should have?) run his route shallow. There was nobody there, but McK cut it up field to the end zone instead of across. It would have been an easy 1st. On 4th it looks like Gabe runs 3 yards and curls back to Allen and waits for a split second. A quick ball and it is a first. No YAC but a first. After he curls, he cuts across the face of the LB towards Diggs to his right who is doing the same, but instead of curling Diggs just cuts across the face of the LB. Allen hesitates again with the throw to Diggs and misses the opportunity. I have to assume that with both Diggs and Davis being covered by LB's and running routes a yard past the sticks, this is the play design. But Allen hesitates and leaves the pocket, throws the interception. Allen had a narrow window, but I think it was within the initial design of the play. It doesn't get any better than WR1 and 2 having a chance to make a play in front of the sticks. We've seen this offense execute these type of plays before. Worth noting a quick dump off to Duke is also likely a first. Duke is outside or at the numbers on the 10, turned up field and looking back at Josh while the nearest defender is at the 2. That throw to the endzone never had a chance
  4. I as mad about all the sequence of events there. At scale I don't haaaaate going for it. But I was mad and confused when we stayed on the field and we didn't run the ball on 3rd. So at that moment I was hoping we were trying to just draw them Offside, maybe take the delay of game and kick the FG. I was surprised when we actually snapped the ball. Then to turn it over in the end zone, I was pissed.
  5. WTF are you talking about? Below is your quote. It isn't a strawman when it literally happens exactly the way you asked it to. They made one stop. Gave the ball back, all they needed to do was burn 41 seconds. This isn't even a conversation anymore. I don't know what it is, but it isn't based in any sort of reality or actual communication. Also for your reference. Learn the definition of strawman. Nothing is exaggerated or misrepresented. noun noun: strawman 1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. "her familiar procedure of creating a straw man by exaggerating their approach" 2. a person regarded as having no substance or integrity. "a photogenic straw man gets inserted into office and advisers dictate policy"
  6. I am certainly not "OK" with the Singletary TO because all TO are bad. But that doesn't mean some are not worse. Singletary scored 2 TD's. Yes he had a turnover (booo!), but luckily it didn't diminish our lead. Josh threw 1 TD, had 2 INT's and a fumble that resulted in 14 points and ultimately ended the game. I didn't start the "whatabout-isms" on this one. That was Bull. I was just stating why I think Allen deserves so much blame this week. To your point about the INT. Yes, I would prefer to throw the ball away there, even without the benefit of hindsight. I would have been more OK with an INT had we been back a bit farther. We threw that INT from the 7. Part of the decision making in going for it there is that we give them the ball back inside the 10 and making them march down the field 93 yards. Throwing an INT in the end zone is absolutely off the table pre-snap because of field position.
  7. I find this hilarious and also concerning. The offense literally had that very opportunity because of a tremendous goal line stand from the defense. It is absolutely bat poop crazy to me that you used that as a real example. I mean....wow. What you are asking for literally happened, in real life, in the very game you are saying that it didn't happen in but you wish it had. Dude.... I am not ridding anybody of any blame. I am just putting Allen at the top of the totem pole based on his second half performance. I refuse to write off a second half QB performance filled with failed bombs to Diggs ending in 3 and Out , Field goal, Interception, 3 and Out , Fumble/TD , Field Goal. Surely I wish we had more from the defense. But 2 turn overs, a defensive TD, and two 3 and outs aren't the defenses fault. cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance /ˈkäɡnədiv ˈdisənəns/ Learn to pronounce noun PSYCHOLOGY the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change. EDIT: I really cannot get over how absolutely insane and stupid it is that you said that. I am baffled, and impressed. Jesus Christ. Hahaha
  8. If we could somehow get Kanye and Antonio Brown involved that would be awesome!
  9. There is a strong argument to be made that the playing within himself in the first quarter with two rushing TDs in the first half put them in position to win. The Singletary fumble resulted in zero points for Minnesota. I like the way you ignored the two Allen turnovers that resulted in 14 points for Minnesota...How much do the Bills win by without a 14 point swing? I liked Allen's game in the first half. I hated Allen's game in the second half. Constant forcing balls and stalled drives. It isn't a sustainable model. I big part of the momentum swing was going for it on 4th and 2, and not even running on 3rd. I was mad at the staff for that call. I was also mad we took a shot at the end zone when all we needed was 2 yards. But that was Allen's game in the second half. Ignore the sticks and go for broke.
  10. I am really perplexed. I’m currently putting a lot of responsibility on him, but I’m not “down on him”. In my mind “down” is sort of “moving on” or thinking “he doesn’t have it”. So in that sense, I am very much high on Allen. But to your point. I don’t get it. We’ve seen him matriculate the ball this season. Get everybody and their mothers involved. 7 players caught the ball against LAR. Including 6 receptions from Moss. 11 players were targeted against TEN. Including Gilliam and Morris. But now, we’ve just woken up and suddenly we’re throwing balls right to defenders multiple games in a row. The second half today he targeted Diggs 9 or 10 times and didn’t target anybody else more than once or twice (That’s a quick scan of the play by play. Somebody will have to check that)
  11. I had frustrations with Daboll the play caller. I didn’t have the same gut feeling. But here we are. Haha.
  12. I assume you mean call a run play with Allen behind center since you said “shotgun or” You do realize that there would still have to be a direct exchange in that scenario, right?
  13. So we are running them. He’s just not throwing them. Like you said, constantly looking for the home run throw. He is clearly a talented dude. But he’s got to start playing within himself and within the team again.
  14. This is so weird to me and where the conversation goes off the rails. Allen sucked today. He might also be the best player in team history. Of course you pick Allen number one to restart the Bills franchise. All of those things are true at the exact same time. And not one of them affects the fact that he wasn’t good today or last Sunday. And not being good two or three weeks in a row doesn’t change his historical status with the franchise.
  15. I think Allen makes himself the system at times. Miami, he carried a battered team. Today and last week were rife with bad decisions. He’s not a dud. He is the franchise. I agree with that. But he’s gotta calm down. I was psyched after the first half. I thought we were on pace for a great team win against a great team. I thought he’d be like 23/30, 220 yards, 2TD. Nothing spectacular. But he’s tossing the ball to everybody. No turn overs. Playing within himself. But that didn’t happen…
  16. You can name me. Allen is why we lost today, and he’s why we lost last week. His decision making has been flawed all the way back to the GB game. I have been going through the all-22 and he’s staring guys down, not even moving his head, looking past guys underneath to try and hit the home run over and over. If all the above hits regularly, you’ll win 50-14 every week. But we can’t hang our hat every week on hero ball. We are attempting too many low percentage throws. It’s catching up to us at the moment. Your reaction is so thin skinned like I called his mom fat or kicked his dog. He is stringing together bad games. It happens. He’s a bigger, faster, stronger Brett Favre. He’ll be fine. But there are going to be really high peaks and some valleys as well. As a fan base we will certainly ride the wave. I haven’t seen much of anything anymore “disrespectful” than what I just posted, and I think it’s reasonable.
  17. Oh I agree. I’m saying the most dangerous thing to happen in shotgun is 3 incompletions and we burn 10ish seconds.
  18. He has one hand on the ball the hand on top is Justin Jefferson. Cam Lewis hand is behind it. Well done…
  19. Fumble occurred with 41 seconds. Rolling Allen out and two incomplete passes. Likely at least erases 6 seconds off the clock. At which point you can either try and pass for the first and lose another 3 seconds, run the ball, or run out of the end zone so we are kicking off/punting with less than 30 seconds on the clock.
  20. It’s kinda like when you get out of a bad relationship and your new partner does something similar to your ex and you loose your Schitts Creek because you’re really arguing with the old person even though the new one is in front of you. I am not quite healed yet from the draught years. The last three weeks have me triggered.
  21. You’ll never go broke making a profit. Just play the sticks and give yourself three more chances. You can’t rely on picking up low percentage plays as your bread and butter. Eventually you’ll stutter even if your are better at it than everybody else.
  22. The defense held up better than I thought they would today. Jefferson was a cheat code. With 6 starters out the defense needed the offense more than ever to keep them fresh. Defensive woes didn’t start until the offense sputtered.
  23. Buffalo beating KC twice is not a valid argument for Allen being better than Mahomes. Because QB’s are not wrestlers, or runners or CBvWR battles. They don’t actually play against each other.
  24. THIS ISN’T HOW THIS WORKS. There is no way you don’t know that.
  25. Another stellar topic from somebody I’ve never seen before.
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