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Everything posted by Mango

  1. I find it super annoying that you created a topic without the name of the player you wanted us to target in the title or in the body of the post.
  2. A lot of talk of "he is really good, but the play caller, play, QB, etc". But isn't that sort of the point of the people arguing against the Knox contract? Lets say Knox is a top 5 TE. We don' utilize him as a top 5 TE, so why allocated that kind of cash to a really good player in a role that we don't focus on? On the Bills of 10 years ago we would certainly bicker about how to get Knox involved. But right now the offense is humming at an elite level, so why change the offense just to get more value out of your contract? I like Knox. I am hoping he lives up to his valuation. Given the year he has had I am trying not to be too critical, but I also understand other frustrations. I think his valuation will end up being a lot more fair as others renew. Right now Knox (15/148 yards/1 TD) is slightly less productive than McKenzie (17/162 yards/ 3 TD) and slightly more productive than Shakir (6/112 yards/ 1 TD) in the passing game. Knox (273) as taken 101 more snaps than McKenzie (172) and 179 more than Shakir (94)
  3. Hamlin has been a liability at times. Physically he is "fine" but her certainly seems to have issues with diagnosing plays as accurately or quickly as Hyde does. Maybe he will get there? But right now both safety back ups are full step down from their starters. I expect Hamlin to be better down the stretch once he is bracketed by a healthy Poyer, Tre, Dane, and Taron.
  4. I get not buying the jersey because of it, but I think it's hilarious that you are having a tough time with any other jersey. it is weird that the away jersey seems to have it with the boxed 2. The whole thing is pretty odd but I am pretty interested. Also, I have friends that have Kelly as a family friend. He is a grade A wiener head. Go get yourself a Bruce Smith or Thurman Thomas jersey and forget about it.
  5. Really interesting catch. But weird it’s driving you this crazy. My guess is that it has been 30 years since those jerseys were worn and they’re using the current number style across all jerseys both current and old.
  6. I find it odd that you use the terrible behavior of somebody who is legitimately mentally ill as weird proof that somebody else sucks. The issue is AB is a bad human. Full stop.
  7. AB is such a POS. TB advocated for him to have another chance. He took him into his home, let him stay with his family, and now he just trolls him. I know we joke about TB being an a-hole, but this is actually a real scumbag move from AB. It is on brand though....
  8. So am I crazy that I thought that might be a safety? I thought he got his feet down on the other side of the goal line then went out in the end zone.
  9. I couldn’t think of anything quickly and I really like Mangos.
  10. That has been my thought and I think it will be relatively cheap to prove to the league that he is both healthy and productive while chasing a ring. Honestly I don't want anything more long term than that with OBJ. We have 20+ FA next year. I would rather reserve that money for keeping our own. OBJ is just a fail safe for depth and mismatches. Shannon and Skip were talking about living in KC, BUF, CLE etc vs. LA and NYC. I just don't see him signing a long term deal anywhere other than LA this year. I do think KC is on the table, but Buffalo has the inside line on this one. KC would be remiss not to propose to his agent that OBJ and a healthy secondary is worth 4 points against Buffalo.
  11. The Bills have 20+ contracts expiring and are currently over next years estimated cap. I am glad we didn't pull the trigger on this.
  12. Asking how he didn't DOMINATE is different than asking how did he end up having to recruit himself. The answer is he wasn't all that good. I know some posters here always "knew" he was the guy. But you can't "know" that one guy is going to buck every single historical trend to ever exist. That is just homerism. There were people who thought EJ, Trent, JP, etc. were going to "break all the rules" too. Josh didn't dominate college ball because he wasn't good enough. The Bills gambled on his work ethic and measurables in a sport filled with guys with the elitist work ethic and measurables on the planet. It all worked out because all of the stars aligned.
  13. We (city, county, state) just gave ~ a billion dollars to a billionaire. I don't mind the community kicking back for more community resources.
  14. I didn’t think BB would pull the trigger on OBJ. And honestly, I didn’t want to. But that McKenzie performance against KC…woof.
  15. OP is about total yards. Not passing only. I just used the yards OP put down.
  16. To make the math easier, the single season record for YPG for a QB is 347. Josh is on pace to beat it significantly, currently at a clip of 372 yards per game. Remarkable. 352 yards per game would get him to 6000 total yards. A first for the NFL.
  17. Dane Jackson is listed in the bottom 5. We gave up a few untimely 3rd and longs. I would imagine that those are weighed heavily on the defensive side of the ball. A lot is probably the Mahomes factor. The dude is maybe the slipperiest QB of my lifetime. Whatever Josh is to a physical QB, Mahomes is the same to finesse when it comes to athleticism.
  18. One thing that I don't thing is being accounted for is that the Bills likely only sign him to finish out this season. He'd come in for depth and chase a ring. With our current cap situation and the guys we have coming up I would be pissed if they gave OBJ any real money for more than a few months. There is a world where OBJ comes in, puts up some numbers, and ends up back with LAR for 2023. I was with you on the ambivalence until I saw McK lay an egg against KC. I have been pounding the table to get him involved on a more full time basis. Then a clutch drop and the fumble. Ugh. Next please. Right there with you on the contract. Get OBJ in and let him out after the playoffs to go try and get a big pay day. We have Edmunds, Poyer, Oliver, and Davis coming up. I have no interest in taking any money away from those guys for OBJ.
  19. I don't know why, but I have a feeling that Tua goes into protocol again this year. Also, I am not confident NFL doctors are real doctors....or even real humans. Like with Jordan Poyers chest/lung. Most of our doctors wouldn't let us play bar league hockey let alone NFL football. This is my take on most things. Guys want to play through some Schitt's Creek and start walking with a walker at 45 years old? By all means, what do I care. But you don't mess with your brain, and most of the time athletes need protecting from themselves.
  20. 2022 Dane Jackson is better than 2021 Levi Wallace. I won't be shocked if Elam or Benford work their way into the starting line up come playoffs. But right now I think he is a full standard deviation ahead of Elam and Benford.
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