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  1. Aaron Rodgers is a jerk. Jim Kelly is (was) a grade a piece of crap. Notorious locally for abusing women. Jordan is the GOAT basketball player and nowhere near the GOAT human. I am not sure what you’re arguing here. But the only, and I mean ONLY person responsible for us having this conversation as to whether or not Richie Incognito is a POS is Richie Incognito. So much defense of a guy who has done so much bad. Sheesh. Unsure if you’re serious, or if this is an Eric Wood burner, or I don’t know; but it’s weird. But Incognitos bad behavior and mental state is fairly well documented. He stinks, I wouldn’t allow him or anybody similar into my home, or to a wedding, or to work on my team, or to do basically anything else other than pass protect and run block. Not to exactly a resounding endorsement of a human. But hey, Eric Wood likes him, so that’s a feather in somebody’s cap I guess….
  2. This is bonkers. His actions? His words? His intent? He is literally saying somebody else is responsible for all of this, when all we are debating here is the things he literally said and did. It might be one thing if he went the Michael Vick route. Opened up a facility to rehabilitate those with TBI's or mental illness. If he spent a bunch of time working within communities dominated by POC. But he doesn't. He is whining that somebody else is responsible for the world finding out about the stuff he did. And frankly, shame on Eric Wood for cosigning it. The only thing I find more frustrating in all of this than Incognito passing on the blame is other people doing the same. I just can't wrap my head around reading the 144 pages of the Wells report and all his arrests and going "Oh yeah that Richie Incognito, real good dude without any malice, Jonathan Martin ruined that mans reputation". It just feels so gaslighting.
  3. Cut the guy some slack, it's not like he's Einst.....never mind. As you were.
  4. Antonio Brown is mentally ill and is a bad person. Kanye West is mentally ill and is a bad person. Richie Incognito who calls black people the n-word, Asian people the c-word, throws weights at people, threatens to shoot people. This feels like splitting hairs. On Incognitos best day he is a dangerous humanbeing. And for me, if you are dangerous you cannot be good. The fact that after all the evidence was released about Incognito,(the text messages, the voicemails, the first hand accounts)that after 12 years he (and Eric Wood) thinks that somebody else ruined his reputation doesn't give me any faith that he (Incognito) is some sort of reformed individual. It is actually an insane premise. Incognito ruined Incognito. The fact that he not only said all those terrible things, but also thinks somebody else is to blame for all the terrible things he said, means he stinks as a human.
  5. No we don’t have to just “acknowledge” that some people talk that way. lol. The guys calls people Chinamen, *****, and a stinky Pakistani. All mentally ill people aren’t bad or dangerous people. But Richie Incognito is. I didn’t realize that there was anybody out there debating this. Ha.
  6. Imagine texting a somebody “wassup you half n-word piece of shirt” and writing it off as “over the top locker room talk”. That wasn’t a lie. It’s a message he sent, along with a whole bunch of other racial slurs to employees in the building. I agree with your first paragraph. But in regards to your second, hard pass. Incognito is a bad human. Full stop. There’s a bunch of bad humans in NFL locker rooms that teammates support. But the general public shouldn’t. Richie stinks. Should Incognito have been suspended for what showed up in the Wells report?
  7. Imagine thinking that somebody else could be responsible for ruining your "brothers" reputation when your brother sends text messages like this. I don't doubt that Martins family lead the charge on this in order to save their kid life changing money. But lets nor pretend that the whole entire thing was made up, that Incognito wasn't using racial slurs towards others in the building, and that he was some good dude before Jonathan Martin came along. Incognito is a bad human with overly scrambled eggs.
  8. Aye, they were just talking about this on NFL radio.
  9. Oh no, time for Slick Rick to hunker down!
  10. Franchise tag for an RB is $12M right now. It has gone up, but a couple of big contracts have skewed that recently. Outside of Cook himself, I am not sure who would reset the market in a major way to jump that number to 15, 16, or 17M. I have zero issue with Cook playing out his contract and one year with a tag. That is very much in the Bills favor. (Which is why RB's have gotten so aggressive about extensions)
  11. This is a good breakdown of my thought. I think Cooks actual fair value (compared to other backs in the league) is about $8-$10M. But I understand that these players like to reset the market every year. So my stretch number is $12M. I would go to $15M on a player I thought whose base value was $12M. But going to $15M on a players whose base value I think could be under $10M is a stretch. Especially when you are paying the QB. That said, I do agree @Kirby Jackson in principal. I am like 87% of the way there. But I am having trouble getting myself across the finish line. I think paying him $15M AAV long term is a move that either gets this roster across the finish line, or becomes a bullet point in cost that holds other position groups back. Paralysis by analysis.
  12. Bills: "Would you like $11.5M per year?" Cook: "$20 mil or bust" Bills: "Enjoy Cleveland" Don't get me wrong. I prefer Cook stays. But if he is in some hold out stage for $15M+, it would be tough not use him in a trade for somebody like Myles Garret. Would you rather make $30M, play with Josh Allen, and maybe win a SB? Or would you rather make $39M and play for the Cleveland Browns.
  13. That game was nowhere near a worse QB performance. Mahomes turned the ball over 3 times. Brady lost by 3 and was in the game for all 4 quarters and held the lead twice. Not scoring enough points is always better than giving away points.
  14. I am no longer in Buffalo, I am in no-mans-land in the capital region. I have heard a lot of chatter that this game changed a lot of the narrative around Mahomes being the heir apparent to Brady. But now that that is out there, I am sure that Mahomes will have a phenomenal 2025.
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