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Rivermont Mike

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Posts posted by Rivermont Mike

  1. how about this. The state donates the land to the new owner given they pay for the cleanup. Seems like a trade off.

    Here's the rundown on the Lackawanna site, including what is in the ground, how some of it has been cleared, etc. It would be interesting to find out what the cost of cleaning up the rest of the 1,100 acres of former steel plant property would be. There has been more done there than I thought, but there's still some nasty stuff in the ground. Link to the Lackawanna site page.

  2. How do you figure? What, you think that they're going to have to double or triple either Woods or Williams? ouches that ball, rarely even scores. Right now Watkins isn't anymore than Spiller until proven otherwise.


    Also until proven otherwise, I don't think that D coordinators have us anywhere near the top of their lists in terms of having nightmares, particularly with Manuel throwing the ball.


    If Manuel can throw for 3,000 yards and 20 TDs this season it'll be a huge step forward despite being below average for the NFL. Even if he does simply that, it won't be cause for nightmares for any of our opponents.


    Maybe next season, but not this one upcoming. People are way overrating the contribution that a rookie WR is going to make, and heading the top of that list is Whaley. Williams is a low-end starter at best. Woods, hopefully, will become an above average starting WR this season, but even that is generous unless Manuel really really improves.




    Manuel was terrible with screens last year.

    Geez, a guy watches a couple minutes of game film and dreams of a little excitement and some YAC and *all* the amateur D coordinators come out of the woodwork and crush my dreams like a grape. ;)

  3. Assuming that an NFL QB progresses some as he enters his second year under center, I am going to assume that EJ will improve his statistics in some statistical categories and we'll see overall improvement. Let's put him on the field for all 16 regular-season games (god I hope so).


    I am interested in your assessment of where he will improve and regress given his development and the personnel around him. Here are some of his stats for 2013: percentage completed 58.8%; yards per completion: 6.4; 11 TD (1.1 TD/gm), 9 INT (.9 int/gm), 28 sacks (2.8 sacks/gm), 159 total yards lost on sacks (15.9 yds/gm).





  4. I hope not. I want to believe the naysayers are really just exhibiting defense mechanisms to protect themselves from the fear of more ineptness at the QB position. How can you claim to be a fan of the Bills and not root for the QB?

    Yeah, but the naysayers are throwing around terms such as "viper coil," "pronate," and "biomechanics," so it must be true that EJ sucks, right? It's just the bunch that wants to hang on to future draft picks like a squirrel stuffing acorns in its cheeks before the winter. They are bitter that the Bills would actually try to support their QB with some weapons.


    F that. He's our QB and that's not going to change for a while. Go Bills!

  5. I met Dominique Davis today.


    I was leaving WalMart in Lynchburg, VA this morning when a young man smiled and said, "Excuse me, sir, but would you happen to be a Bills fan?" (I had my Moulds jersey on.) I told that I was, and asked him the same. He told me he was born and raised in Buffalo and was a lifelong fan.


    Then I learned that he'd just graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Communication Studies, and that he was a defensive lineman for the Flames. He told me about a teammate who'd been drafted by Miami.


    I looked up his stats. He had a good career as a reserve lineman for a D1 program. He earned his degree, and he was headed home.


    Meeting Davisi put the Michael Sam event into context for me. I am thrilled for Sam and his family, and I am glad that his sexual orientation didn't impede his path to the NFL. However, as the OP suggested, Sam's true accomplishment is to be one of fewer than 300 football players to hear his name called.


    Davis, a Lafayette HS grad who also did track and swimming, didn't have his name called. Nor did thousands of other D1 and D2 players who will now go on with their lives. Their orientation didn't keep them out or get them into the NFL. Neither did Sam's.

  6. We all WANT this, some of us are just looking at this more rationally, you can call it being negative or you can open your eyes and properly evaluate this trade and scratch your head. The GM said there wasn't much difference between Watkins and the next best WR, so why give up a #1 ? Do you really think EJ has proven that he's a franchise QB and we should roll dice to give him that last piece ? I applauded the move a few years back when Atlanta traded up to grab Julio --- but Atlanta had a solid O Line, a HoF TE, an All-Pro WR and a stud RB and they were a piece or two away --- that's the difference between BOLD and RECKLESS. Think back to the late 80's when Polian went after Cornelius Bennett, because he WAS the last piece to a near dynasty -- we had our core players --- BOLD vs. RECKLESS. It's not that reckless can't work, it's just that it usually doesn't. I'm trying to think about this rationally and can't understand why they would do it, other than what others have posted, panicked about their jobs.


    So, you and others who profess to be looking at this "rationally" believe that Whaley and Brandon did this to protect their jobs?! That's about as far from rational thought as I can imagine. And then you're proclaiming the move as "reckless" because we're not a piece or two away? Reckless is passing on a player who is regarded as the top playmaker in the draft and that you know you need for your second-year QB and your offense's production.


    Yeah, Biscuit was the last missing piece, but what if he'd been a bust like so many other draft picks? That's just 20-20 hindsight, and you cannot apply *that* to the situation with Watkins. It's a totally different league now. And what if Watkins is the last piece of the puzzle that starts a new Bills multi-year run to the Super Bowl? That's no more or less rational than suggesting that two career NFL guys would make a reckless move and risk their reputations just to save their jobs.

  7. Wahhhhhhhh. We're going to be 6-10 and now we've given up a silver-bullet "savior" first round for next year, and we've lost 1000 points and there's no value and blah blah blah blah blah....


    Wahhhhhhhh. I'm not convinced that EJ is a good quarterback and we should have done our usual inconsequential drafting because next the QB pool is going to be awesome and his knees are going to crash and burn and blah blah blah....


    Wahhhhhhhh. The FO guys are a bunch of jerks who know nothing about football and I know better and I would have drafted _______ and we'd have our high first round pick next year and then we'd be awesome...


    Sheesh. We just drafted *the* playmaker of the 2014 Draft and instead of enjoying it, we're trying to save draft picks like a Depression-era grammy tucking dollar bills away in a sugar bowl on the top shelf "just in case."


    Not this guy. I want EJ to be on the phone with Watkins today and throwing footballs to him as soon as possible. I want it to be September so I can drive up to the Lazy Parrot in Charlottesville, grab a Blue, and watch the games. #&%^ this negative nonsense. GO BILLS! Wildcard this year!

  8. The Fort Myers columnist equates the Bills being moved for $$ to the NFL acting like a "money-sucking pimp."


    "Commissioner Roger Goodell, the fate of the Buffalo Bills will determine your legacy. Do you want to be remembered as a leader? Or as a pimp?"


    Two questions:

    1. Do you think that the NFL "club of 32" really cares about a team being part of a community's identity?
    2. Does moving the Bills franchise diminish the NFL's popularity in other markets, or is this a big "who cares?"

  9. Well crap most of us already have way more invested than that, emotionally and financially, and not much

    return to date. But that is why we are Bills Fans!



    We have a central management committee, elected or appointed. Whoever we put our trust in, we do exactly

    that and let them make those decisions. We run this thing like a Corporation.


    I don't know if I could get you 200,000 people, but I could find 55,000 who would put up $10,000 for a transferable PSL--especially if you offered the option to pay over four years. I'd buy one right now. There's $550,000,000--over half the cost. Throw in 100 suite owners at $500,000 each--there's another $50,000,000. You're going to derive revenue annually from the team/teams, and if it is designed right, you can have conference space and retail space (think Patriots* Place) that generates revenue. Some state and federal economic development money, and a few deep-pocketed investors and you're there. NO taxpayer funding at all. I'd put it in Niagara Falls to keep our Rochester and Toronto fans happy. Suite owners and major investors share revenues from concessions, events. PSL owners have the appreciating value of the PSL and the fun of attending Bills games.


    Man, that's good. Revitalizes the Falls, too. That settles it...I am moving back to NYS and running for governor.


    Oh yeah, and we cut a deal that requires the county and the taxpayers to contribute for maintenance and upkeep on a sliding scale based on revenue generated and economic development created by the facility.

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