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Everything posted by appoo

  1. Not a penalty. Watson, the refs, and the oline lost this game
  2. My impression is that offense is like this almost by intention. A couple of thoughts to that: Allen doesn't have the deep accuracy, and the Bills don't have the WRs, to fully unleash a spread attack, incorporating the full field. Allen, probably over the last 6-8 weeks, has only just proven to be a reliable intermediate/short range passer Allen still struggles pretty badly under pressure We have good RBs, but not great RBs. There's no gamebreakers in there, there's no one who's a threat to bust the top off a defense out of the backfield So you take that, and I think Daboll and McDermott realize that with Allen's arm, you can open up the offense and maybe get some great things out of it, but it's possibly more likely you're going to end up with a higher frequencies of your two worst offensive outcomes. Turnovers and 3 and outs. So it looks like to me, McDermott has an offense designed to get first downs, and minimize the risk of turnovers and 3 and outs. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=2&offensiveStatisticCategory=OFFENSIVE_LINE&role=TM&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&d-447263-s=RUSHING_TOTAL_AVERAGE_YDS The Bills are 14th for Negative Run rate at 8.53%, and 16th for QB Hits, and 5th on 1st down rushes. I don't think the offense will improve per se, becasue I think McDermott wants to win by putting his defense in good positions, by limiting 3 and outs and turnovers. To him, this probably looks like a good offense for this football.
  3. You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding
  4. I'm so effing happy right now
  5. Thanks for all the awesome replies!! Glad I have friends in my Pro-Bills/Anti-Steeler fandom We immigrated to Buffalo from India. My Dad had an opportunity for a PHD at SUNY Buffalo, and think it was 1980 when we moved there. The Bills were huge in our integration to America.
  6. I'm 40 years old. I've been a Bills fans for as long as I can remember, having immigrated to Buffalo when I was 2 years old. My first memories are of the bickering bills. Jim Kelly playing the Jets as a youngin. Ronnie Harmon dropping that TD in Cleveland, the Bills stadium playing Hootie and the Blowfish after making the Dolphins cry...basically I'm a lifer. And I love/hate it, probably like many of you. This is going to be my first post/thread. Why? A little bit more about my background. As I said above, I immigrated to Buffalo when I was just 2, and my family lived in upstate NY until I was about in 4th or 5th grade, and then we moved to PA. In fact the first Bills SB happened when we moved to good ol Scranton, Pennsylvania (note, not coincidentally the first time I ever cried because of a sporting event also happened in 4th or 5th grade). This, then, is where the story of my hatred of the Pittsburgh Steelers begins. Back in those days, you couldn't watch your team unless they were on national TV, or you lived locally to them. Yet I remember watching the Bills every Sunday with the rest of my family, and it was because my Dad purchased a satellite dish for the sole purpose of getting the Binghampton CBS. Why? Because apparently all of PA is a suburb of Pittsburgh. So actually this wasn't bad in the present, I only retroactively added to my hate for the Steelers wen I realized my Dad had to spend money and go out of his way or for us to be forced to watch the freakin Steelers or paid programming on Sunday afternoons. That hatred only TRULY began when I got to Penn State. Boy. Tell that group you from PA who's not a fan of the Steelers and they look at you like you're an alien. Then tell them you're a Bills fan, they'll turn into the most arrogant aholes you'll meet, acting like they invented football. To this day I tell people that Pittsburgh would be a wonderful city if you just got rid of all Steeler fans. Worst of all, this is where I encountered the awfulness that is the NFL Blackout/locality rules. If your local team wasn't sold out, or it wasn't in the 1pm/4pm time slot, you were watching paid programming. This was when I realized how lucky I was growing up with a satellite dish. This was awful. Now my Sunday football choices was the Eagles, those ugly ass Yellow and Black uniforms, or paid programming? Yea, FU Pittsburgh. (sidenote, I'm kinda/sorta a 2nd hand eagles fan) What's worse, even when the Bills showed the rare signs of life, who was there to stomp on it? Yep, you guessed it. The Villains of PA. There was the Willis McGahee led Bills, running through the AFC, trying to work their way back into the playoffs - only to be turned back by the 2nd string Pittsburgh steelers in the final game of the season. Fitzmagic! Win 3 straight games, start getting some momentum going. Along come the Steelers. We got this. We get to OT. Fitz throws an absolute BEAUTY of a bomb in the back corner of the end zone, that thing must have gone 50 yards and dropped on an absolute dime of a target area. It hits Stevie Johnson right in the hands, I'm screaming my head off, the announcers are yelling in celebration, it's happening! We beat the Steelers.....but no. Even when they DON'T involve the Bills! They're easy to hate. Do we all remember Super Bowl XL? I lived in Seattle between 2011 - 2017, and let me tell you, they will always remember that one. You know what city has a different narrative than the rest of America? You guess it. Ask someone from Pittsburgh about the horrible officiating from SB XL and they'll cite some random missed hold on the Hawks; remind them of phantom touchdowns for the Steelers, phantom OPI that took away a TD, a steeler Offside that caused a hold that negated a TD...and you get blank stares as if none of that ever happened. Because in their minds it was Jerome Bettis Week, and the bus DESERVED to win a title in his hometown, and of course there was no bad officiating, yinze are just jealous. I'm a Bills/Knicks/Mets/Syracuse/Penn State fan. Despair and failure runs thick. The only championship I've "experienced" as an adult was the Melo led Orange in 2003. And of course along the way I've developed some sporting hates. The Yankees, Ohio State - but NOTHING will ever match my personal dislike of the Pittsburgh effing Steelers and that arrogant, smug as crap fanbase. So yea, to HELL with the Pittsburgh Steelers, and lets effing go Buffalo. Pound these guys to nothing.
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