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Everything posted by ThrillIsGone

  1. if theres no grass on the field...
  2. Thats BS... Bottom line is Fitz is playing lights out football this year. I mean he beat the Patriots, a tough Raiders team, tore up the Chiefs and the Skins... If we can get in (The post season) why couldn't we go the distance? I'm pretty sure the Pats are a Superbowl caliber team. I would say our Superbowl chances rely more on the consistency of the defense as they have performed great and horrific at times. Fitz has been, outside of Freddy, our most consistent player this year. Gotta give credit where it's due and Fitz is our second most valuable player. Go Bills! I'm pretty sure that despite a couple losses last year he also shredded two of the NFL's most feared defenses in the Steelers & Ravens... Those losses werent on him.
  3. Whats up with all the Mallet love? This guy couldnt get away from my grandmother let alone an NFL caliber pass rusher. Honestly, this guy has no pocket presence, plays in a simple system, and has just looked terrible at times at the collegate level. If the Bills take mallet at any point in this draft I may just have a heart attack!
  4. I wish our players were on the sauce... Look at the NY Giants for example.. We don't have one player on our defense who resembles anything close to the freaks on the Giants DLine. This really pisses me off. As far as I'm concerned shoot all these players up till they're foaming at the mouth and bursting through a quarterback. The truth of it is most of the enormous freaks you see in this league are all sauced up!! Natural genetics can only take you so far. So next time you see a 6ft MLB, who weighs 260lbs, Runs a 4.5 40, and sheds blockers for fun, don't be jealous. Just know we could have one too... Poz I think it's time to accept the fact that mother nature did you well in college, but a little science will do you better in this league. lol...
  5. Were definately better off w/out Marshawn. Freddy J is a bettter all pourpose back, and this allows CJ more touches. Marshawn didn't want to be here, he'll grow tired in seattle as well. We need players that want to be here and work, not players that come into camp out of shape and use the first couple games of the regular season to get their lungs and legs under them. We need as many draft picks as possible because the problem on this squad isn't the coach or the GM, but it's a lack of on field personell (AKA FOOTBALL PLAYERS)! We need to get big and fast quick and the only way to do that is through the draft. We can no longer try and reach for draft picks (Undersized Overachievers), we need physical players that can come in the game and contribute. Hopefully, Maybin gets the slice, & Lee gets put on the block. God is Love, Love is Pain. Go Buffalo!
  6. Now that we have Kelsay locked up lets trade him to the pack for a couple first round picks...thoughts? This is a joke right?
  7. London Fletcher was a star... maybe not publicly, but statistically, and he still is. Problably the most underrated LB in the league to this day.
  8. Anyone else notice how whenever CJ Spiller is asked about his role on this team he's always talking about winning the Super Bowl. Not performing well on a weekly basis, or scoring 10 TD's, but doing all he can do to help this team win a Super Bowl. I love that about this kid. It seems like for the last decade nobody even has the cayunes to talk about a playoff birth, and here is this explosive rookie already with his eyes on the prize. A true winners mentality in my opinion. Here's to hoping it spreads! Lets Go Buffalo!!!
  9. Call me optimistic, but I really feel the Bills come out guns blazing and beat the Phins in all aspects of the game. The team is walking with a swagger and I'm looking to see positive contributions on all sides of the ball!!! In addition, I can't wait to see some actuall quality playcalling and who knows maybe our playmakers might even actually touch the ball (just a thought)! I feel if we can get some decent linebacker play and hold off Miami's rushing attack (Thus winning the T.O.P.), there's no way we don't walking away from this game holding our hats high. God I Hate The Dolphins!!! LETS GO BUFFALO!!!!
  10. I hate to post negatively but... Maybin would work best bagging groceries at the official Supermarket of the Buffalo Bills, Tops Friendly Markets!!! Seriously tho, Hopefully he'll be productive in a couple years with a little development and age!!! SQUISH THE FISH!!!!!!!
  11. CJ Spiller Scores Lee Evans Grabs One or Two Dolphins hang their heads!!! Lordy I HATE MIAMI!!!
  12. The bottom line this year, is that the fate of the game(s) doesn't live and die in Trents hands. We are going to be a run heavy offense that will rely on Trent to play within a system that he is very capable of. Our success lies within our play calling and gameday adjustments which have been lacking the last few years. I billeve that at the very least we can expect our playmakers on offense (Lee, C.J., Roscoe, Freddy, Beast Mode) to get the ball in their hands a lot, and at tht point the stats should take care of themselves. The new coaching staff has finally given me some optimism. I'm not saying we're going to win the division, but I do think we're gonna smash the dolphins come Sunday and finally gain some respect. Lets Go Buffalo!!!
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