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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. You know. We suck. Fire Frazier. Dane is a moron. Already gave up 1st seed. Everything sucks.
  2. heard it can burn for days below ground even. Waiting for a breeze to reignite it.
  3. He would meltdown after all the Edmunds bashing and put it to a vote weather he should sell TBD for billions.
  4. I don't get it. So what's the point of all the investigations the Republicans are planning on?
  5. I was more thinking of the reactions if it was the Bills that barely beat Houston. Imagine the rage?
  6. I thought fans did a good job after they got lectured. At least that was admirable.
  7. Singletary was key on that last drive when Dorsey finally called some run plays. I don’t see Cook carrying linemen 5 yards for tough runs.
  8. or maybe because the right believe everything they read. 😂
  9. Is that true? Or just more fake news. "As an American, the idea of another Trump campaign and all of his lies and divisiveness and his efforts to undermine American democracy is an absolute horror show," Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats, told The New York Times ahead of Trump's announcement. "On the other hand, I got to say that as a politician who wants to see that no Republican is elected to the White House in 2024, from that perspective, his candidacy is probably a good thing." "I think we would all like Donald Trump to run again," Terry McAuliffe, the former Virginia governor and Democratic National Committee chairman, said in a recent interview. here is another liberal MSM article making a mockery of your narrative. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-11-21/skelton-trump-running-2024-weak-candidate?_amp=true And another. LOL https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/07/14/bidenworld-fellow-dems-dreaming-of-a-trump-pre-midterm-announcement-00045969
  10. Have you read Matt Taibbi's 2017 book "Insane Clown President"? Pretty good read. Twitter, like all media, being biased is not really shocking news. To me at least. Matt talks about media across the board being in contact with the feds. He doesn't suggest twitter is corrupt while foxnews is real.
  11. Love Hyde. I wonder if he can call offensive plays from the booth.
  12. Sick of these extreme weather games. Just lowers the quality of the play.
  13. Nope. That is fake news. Taibbi and Weiss did not say this. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/12/twitter-files-explained-elon-musk-taibbi-weiss-hunter-biden-laptop.html
  14. Nah you don't understand why businesses can't discriminate. Frankly I don't care. Did I defend a 34 year old woman who wants an abortion? I think that would be quite horrible unless its some medical situation I guess. Does that happen often? Cause that might happen should we not let a raped teen get one? As for the criminal, I dont care dude. Why do you care if they rot in prison for life instead of get killed? I don't give a ***** either way what happens to a murderer. I just am not flipping out cause they aren't getting executed instead of being in prison for life. I don't mind***** it and go oh see! liberals love murderers.
  15. Yes both leagues. First place in one, 8th in the other heading into playoffs. Won one last year, second place the other. Had first pick in the first league (PPR). Went with Ekeler. Happy with the decision.
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