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Everything posted by nedboy7

  1. It's just funny what triggers you after all the BS that comes from Congress members. It's quite pathetic I have to explain this to you.
  2. Trump says it was great for Republicans for McCarthy to fail 6 times in a row now. Always a step ahead this guy. 😂 But prior to that declaration.... “Some really good conversations took place last night, and it’s now time for all of our GREAT Republican House members to VOTE FOR KEVIN, CLOSE THE DEAL, TAKE THE VICTORY,” Trump wrote. “REPUBLICANS, DO NOT TURN A GREAT TRIUMPH INTO A GIANT & EMBARRASSING DEFEAT.” I guess you got to roll with the punches and create alternate narratives.
  3. I think that is exactly what everyone wants. Crippling the country to own the other party. Seems like an honorable agenda.
  4. The budget rose by a record 7.8 trillion dollars to 28 trillion under Trump. I don't remember you all melting down over this. So spare me the two thieves BS.
  5. Cincinnati is a much cooler city than KC. Not surprised. At the same time with social media you can always focus on some idiot out there. No need.
  6. What is he celebrating? Taking a clear path to the QBs spine? ***** idiot acting like he actually made a play. He looked over and saw him in pain and still celebrated. F him.
  7. The fact that you make broad sweeping absurd comments on liberals and the left kinda show how owned your consciousness has become by the media. But we all know how you get that the establishment plays the two sides against each other. You get the big picture. 👊
  8. ' You are equating Putin's propaganda machine with twitter? That's brilliant.
  9. Everyday the PPP gets more pathetic and disgusting.
  10. He has come a long way from the first few games he played where he literally looked like he was just learning to run. Singletary is still the heart of the backfield right now though.
  11. Read the GDT from 1st Q and get back to me. No difference really.
  12. Hard to believe some fans still doubt this guy. He is a rock.
  13. 4 mins in "I have a bad feeling about this game! Oh and a load in my diaper!"
  14. don't make excuses for childish "fans" wetting their pants after each play.
  15. There were some good ones today. Heading to a party with at least 6 toddlers. I expect more mature behavior at the party.
  16. Someone delete the 1st Q GDT. I dont want anyone to be exposed as a giant *****.
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